

  • Whatever you decide to do, make sure you plan it. If I don't plan what I'm going to eat when I eat out, it's always a disaster. I try to research the menu of where I'm going and either use their calorie info, or take my best guess at the best option. Drink a pint of water about an hour before you go out and it'll help you…
  • This sounds AMAZING... trying it! Also, it's a great cream-substitute for puddings (desserts). For example, treacle tart or sticky toffee pudding (or any other super-sweet dessert) is gorgeous with some Greek yoghurt on the side because it adds much-needed sharpness.
  • I asked my husband about this once - he said he does notice if a woman loses weight, but he never says anything cos he doesn't want to sound like he's coming on to her. He says the only thing he'll say is 'You're looking very snazzy' because it's the only thing he can think of that doesn't sound like a come on :D With me,…
  • I just did the 2nd day of work out 2 and I'm 7 pounds down so far. I don't do it every day because it makes me feel like I'm gonna die. I do it two days in a row then take a day off - I did level one eight times before moving on to level 2. My husband and friends have just started commenting that I'm looking thinner,…
  • I eat them and love every flippin' calorie. I'm losing weight slowly, but consistently (about half a pound a week) and barely feel like I'm on a diet. I highly recommend it :)
  • Always stands out?? More than one person has said that?? Sheesh... Oh, and when I was at my heaviest it was the ever popular 'You have a really pretty face'. In the silence that followed I could always hear the echo, 'but you have a HUGE *kitten*.'. Brilliant...
  • My life wouldn't be completely without the occasions I-can't-be-arsed pizza or Indian take-away. I know it's bad for me, but it would be worse for me if I never ate it at all. I'd cave like a spelunker... It's hard to believe that anyone could think fast food is healthy (other than the occasional diamond in the grease, I…
  • I've done both and found that one cheat day a week actually make me lose weight more easily. I don't go crazy, I just try and have a 'normal' day instead of a low cal one...
  • I used to feel this way, too... But then I completely de-railed and gained half my weight back because I was restricting myself. I'm a lot easier on myself now as long as it's within reason (I do similar things like have maintenance days.) Enjoy it! As long as your healthy and happy, all will be well :)
  • One of the things that upsets me more is the people who started being NICE to me only after I lost weight. Now that I'm a little skinnier, it's like they think I'm a better person, too (this is down from my heaviest weight which is about 50 pounds up from where I am now). Those people can take a long walk off a short…
  • Without the glorious tinned chickpea... I may not be here today.
    in Hunger! Comment by emiliabeth April 2011
  • UK health care is free at the point of service - so for people that can't pay taxes it is :)
  • If I'm having a really hungry day, I don't count any veggies and eat as much of them as I want. If I'm still hungry, I'll have an apple that I won't count - that never fails to curb my hunger (yet)... Otherwise, I don't count: - mustard - coffee - tea - spices - any drinks make with sweeteners instead of sugar (mainly Diet…
  • I'm in a similar situation (vegetarian, living in the UK) and I'm also battling with hunger a lot of the time (my calorie intake is supposed to be around 1200/1300 daily - so if I don't work out, I feel like I can hardly eat) I've come to the conclusion that being a little hungry is normal. Only if my stomach is actually…
    in Hunger! Comment by emiliabeth April 2011
  • This is almost exactly what I'm aiming for, too :tongue:
  • K, this week I'm down to 142.2 - that's .2 pounds down. Talk about a slow process!! But I'm keeping to the calories pretty well and exercising like a fiend, so I don't mind if it takes awhile to lose the weight I guess...
  • Ok, I remembered to weigh this week - 142.4. I also measured my bust, waist, hips and thighs and lost in my bust and hips, but gained in my wait and thigh. WTF??? Mel - I hope everything is ok! :flowerforyou:
  • I second that! I definitely spend way less money now that I'm a vegetarian, you can argue with numbers...
  • Economically smarter?? It's cheaper, healthier (generally) better for the environment (MUCH smaller carbon footprint) if you're a veggie! Veggies unite!!
  • Whoops! I forgot to answers the Q's Goal weight loss in lbs - 20lbs total # of Kids (or do you want kids)- None at the mo', maybe one day... How long have you been a vegetarian or vegan? - 8 years Age- 27 Anything else you want to share - I wish professional chefs in the UK would consider making main dishes around…
  • Wa-HEY!! I didn't know there was a veggie group! Awesome!! I've been veggie for about 8 years and I'm veryveryvery pleased to meet you all! :happy:
  • Restaurants are a HUGE Achilles heel of mine. It really bugs me when restaurants don't have a list of nutritional info online or in-store because it's so important for so many people. Diabetics, healthy-eaters, people with high-cholesterol or high blood-pressure - it's a really serious issue. I know a lot of restaurant…
  • I think this will help? http://www.everydayhealth.com/Calories-Burned-Pilates.htm Don't you hate how few calories pilates seems to burn? It totally whoops my butt and I feel like it should be way more. I guess if you add some kind of cardio it'll help... What pilates do you do? Is it a video? I'm looking for something…
    in Pilates Comment by emiliabeth June 2009
  • Yeah, my ears pop when I work out, usually only when I'm doing cardio stuff. Another thing is that my stomach makes REALLY loud gurgling sounds when I do ab work - it's crazy, it sounds like something is trying to bust outta my stomach... WTF??
  • Whoops! Didn't weigh this morning, I'll weigh tomorrow morning and see how it goes. Had a shambles of a weekend, so I'm not expecting much :sad:
  • The only thing I can think of is to brush your teeth right before you go, and then make sure you have sugar-free mints or gum with you? But if it feels too much like torture, cut yourself a small piece to eat when you get home, then at least you can't have seconds :wink:
  • So yesterday I was just STARVING all day... it was like nothing could stop the beast within, y'know? I had drank all my water and was continuing to sip just in case it was thirst disguised as hunger, but no dice. I ended up going about 200 calories over just so I didn't feel starving - and today I feel totally normal,…
  • I've definitely noticed that I weigh more after exercising - and if it's a really hard-core workout I still weigh more the next day. But I'm always back to where I started the day after. Thanks for this, I've never heard this idea backed up before, I've only ever noticed it for me personally!
  • DOH! I didn't realise I was supposed to post here :blushing: My starting weight was 146. I'm pretty much brand new here, but I'm loving it so far! I had a really good first week except for one day when I went to an event with my husband. I pretty much derailed and had booze and nibbles (dangerous because they're hard to…