feeling guilty ..

last few weekends I have ate out but counted cals and allowed myself to go up to just 320 cals over to maintain my weight. However even though I have been maintaining and looking for healthier options I still Feel guilty for eating out as if ive been "bad" for eating out. Does any1 ever feel like this? Ive been doing lots of exercise but i just feel guilty like Ive just doing crap and feel fat:(


  • LauraDubbleya
    LauraDubbleya Posts: 79 Member
    All the time. Doesn't stop me from eating out though!! lol.. I wish it would. What you have to remember is that you ARE tracking your calories, you ARE giving yourself limits to how much you go over, etc. Thats what it's all about!!
    No one ever said we couldn't go out and eat some of the yummy food out there, just that we make a conscious effort to limit what we put in our mouths or what choices we make.
    Don't focus on the negative of the experience, focus on how well you handled that experience. Sounds like you're doing all the right things!! Good for you!!
  • starboardzor
    Before the days of MFP I actually went out to eat, care free, and had a good time on the weekends. Now I worry and calculate and google nutrition facts and I feel like such a buzz kill. And when I do splurge I feel guilty. I used to be 10lbs heavier but I worried so much less. I know I can't go back at this point though.... *sigh*

    I'm hoping enough time will pass that it all feels so natural that I won't worry as much.
  • emiliabeth
    I used to feel this way, too... But then I completely de-railed and gained half my weight back because I was restricting myself. I'm a lot easier on myself now as long as it's within reason (I do similar things like have maintenance days.)

    Enjoy it! As long as your healthy and happy, all will be well :)
  • cgavin77
    cgavin77 Posts: 219
    ugh yes... guilty to a fault.
  • fitaliciag
    fitaliciag Posts: 373
    I find that once you start seeing really noticeable results (after buckling down on yourself) that you find it much easier NOT to cheat because you see what it can do for you....stick it out and KNOW that if you do, YOU WILL SUCCEED and IT WILL BE WORTH the sacrifice