BobOki Member


  • I have logged on MFP for 1104 days.... but I hardly ever log all my day. It has made me eat correctly and I still stay in/under my cals mostly, but I just hate logging now. Also, I don't log my beers :(
  • Rest days are very important, and you can find data on them all over, but I will post about cheat days. I *LOVE* cheat days. As a man who does not like vegetables, does not eat hardly any fruit, and consists mostly on meat, having a balanced diet (not ON a diet mind you) is hard for me. I have to work everyday to eat…
  • I find it easy. Get something like a Garmin vivosmart, and it should tell you when it is time to get off yer butt and move. Get the desk workout cards to do some stretches etcetc or go take a lap around the house, or a few up the stairs. Kitchen wise, I set times to eat.
  • Yeah, I don't log most things under 20 cals... and just try to keep track in my head. If they get to 100 cals, then I go back and log them, or at least act accordingly.
  • I had heard that it slows fat burning, no clue if that is true or not, but it would certainly be something to watch out for if true. Either way though, weight loss is calories in vs calories out, and as long as the calories in is less than out, you will lose weight.
  • Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
  • I would roll with Sam Adams Lite or Ying Ling lite. Both of them are lite beers, decently low cals 119/99 respectively and still save some flavor to them. My fav Japanese beer is Ichiban at 145 cals. That said, if it is last hoorah then just go enjoy yourself. It is ok to have a cheat day every now and again, as long as…
  • Coffee with sugar free french vanilla and 2 Truvia = mmmmm sooo good.
  • Hey FDA says pizza is a vegetable... not why the hell not? The kashi ones are not half bad btw.
  • Education
  • I would put it to you this way... Which you YOU prefer to trust... the company that specializes in fitness tracking and monitoring equipment, or the guys who make shoes? Don't have answers for #2... I use fitbit.
  • My musics varies upon my moods. I like to listen to High Energy Happy techno (Happy hardcore) or like in pandora station Techno Gym, but I will change to bands like ICP/Eminem, or to Muse or Queen, or sometimes some good ole 70-80s mixes.... but nearly all the time I prefer happier music. While sometimes having angry…
  • I am torn on this. #1. If you don't mind doing it for him/her.. do it.. #2. Screw him/her this is your body. #3. His/her feelings likes matter and I have gotten worse #4. Love me unconditionally Like I said I am torn. I really value looks as in a sexual level I am grossly turned off by excess weight, cellulite, etc. A…
  • No thought required, girls. Guys, while we have the pressure to look good, we can still get dates easily as larger men, etcetc. Girls on the other hand are expected to maintain a great body, and if you don't you are fat. I myself hold my girls to that standard (I like slender girls can;'t help it) and would even fight to…
  • I used to.... but after 850+ days I tend to miss logging my dinner. I also tend to miss logging my beer/alchy... however I do track it when I am drinking it to stay in calories.
  • I use it in place of a lot of oils as it is much healthier and lower in cals, unfortunately I can only use it for some stuff as IMO it makes everything sweet.
  • No, I actually hate it. It feels like a waste of energy and time when I could be doing something that NEEDS to be done in the yard etc etc. As a whole any physical labor I put in the same categories... work and play. Lifting weights goes in the work category while playing basketball or something like that is play. Trying…
  • 100ml of Makers Mark 46 is like 80 cals... add some Coke zero and that should have you flying in no time.
  • Awesome show!!!! The Japanese version is obviously better, but it is GREAT to see an American do it, especially one that is almost 1' taller than his Japanese counterparts, on the SAME course.
  • So, age can ALWAYS be pushed back by the gravity of a bike at full throttle ;P
  • I got some small problems with this, but am completely open to discussion. A relationship is give and take, and this advice seems like nothing but take. I dictate how it will be and you take it or leave it. In real life most things should be a happy medium. Kinda sounds like he was not willing to take a chubbier girl and…
  • I don't know you or him but I will pass judgments that you are great and he is horrible, because.. well because!
  • Maybe because he thinks that she might fix the issues he has, and wants to stick around to see if she does? He might genuinely like this girl, but there were a few things that he would not be able to live with to close the deal. Now this will VERY much sound shallow, but like a steak that is undercooked perhaps he sent her…
  • Thanks, hated being one of the few only ones here seeing this as well.
  • No, I am not saying that at all. I am saying the guy was VERY blunt with what his issues were. I am quite sure he did not look her the eyes and whisper "You're fat, go away". You are blaming quite literally EVERYTHING on the guy, saying he is not worth her, and that appearances do not matter. That is bumpkiss and not true.…
  • Or, she is overwieght, hide that she was as much has she is, sent him old pictures which is basically lying to him no matter how one wants to sugar coat it. She did not mention her weight before this, and 40 lbs is a LOT on a lot of people. You don't know him, you don't anything about him, and you have zero basis except…
  • Yes this. Get her stuff sorted out, health, heart, weight... then worry about the other stuff after. You can't build a house on half a foundation.
  • I don't think you were completely honest with him (as I said a post back you probably sent him older pictures), and I think it was a little more than he was prepared to take. Don't let that phase you though, it sounds like you are a great person if you were able to keep him that interested sight unseen. In my book that is…
  • I am honestly shocked at how many women here are demonizing the guy in this. He may not the the hero, but he is hardly the criminal he is being made out to be. He liked this girl, but did not like her physical appearance. He gave it his best and could not get over it, don't you even dare act like this has not happened to…