Coconut Oil

Hi my name is Anne and id. just like to ask anyones advice on Coconut Oil. I heard it was pretty good stuff so started to use it but i don't feel like it has done anything for me. Should i keep going on it or is it just a waste. If anyone has any views i would be very interested to hear from u and what u think, Thx heaps


  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    I dont eat it, but I do use it as a moisturiser my skin loves it :flowerforyou:
  • McMandy17
    McMandy17 Posts: 31 Member
    I put a tsp in my tea at night and I feel like it makes my skin glow and actually helps me lose weight
  • my_chrystal82
    my_chrystal82 Posts: 46 Member
    I also use it for my skin and as a weekly hair treatment. A gf of mine has used it in cooking-mostly frying and baking and was pretty happy with the results. If you're using it for frying, I'm pretty sure there is a lower heat capacity. If you're not sure what more you can use it with, try Pinterest or Google :)
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 512 Member
    I put a tsp in my tea at night and I feel like it makes my skin glow and actually helps me lose weight

    Interesting. Does the oil give your tea a coconut flavour? A few of my MFP pals use it in their coffee in the morning.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Bumping this as I'm tempted as I read that it can help with the sweet cravings, and help to improve your thyroid function.....gonna do some more research, when I have time!
  • orourke5
    orourke5 Posts: 5 Member
    oh well i mit keep going on it but im not sure if if eat to much will it be good for me or bad for me and worse will i put on weight if i eat to much. Thx for the advice guys
  • rebeccawesterfield5
    rebeccawesterfield5 Posts: 132 Member
    I use it for everything...face scrub with sugar and lime, by itself for a moisturizer for face and body, conditioner, it is awesome in coffee or baked goods. Make sure you use refined if you don't want the coconut taste in your cooking. It has made my skin tighten up faster while losing weight and my skin and hair are healthy and shiny (well, my hair is anyway)! Keep using it, the results are subtle.
  • orourke5
    orourke5 Posts: 5 Member
    oh wow im trying it in my coffee, i can't wait to get up in the morning and have a coffee lol. When should i start seeing results. Ive just finished a big 1.6L container. It is very delicious though. Thx for ur advice
  • JeralynSh
    JeralynSh Posts: 139 Member
    I also use it for everything: in my hair as a hot oil treatment, on my skin as a moisturizer and natural sunblock, for cooking, it's helped with my pain management both internally and externally... I could go on and on about how great it is.
  • mizztanjo
    mizztanjo Posts: 153 Member
    Coconut Oil is amazing. Just be sure you have the unpasturized Virgin coconut oil, you'll know the difference just by the smell! I use it for frying my eggs, as sunscreen, and moisturizer as well. It's an amazing buy, well worth your money!
  • rebeccawesterfield5
    rebeccawesterfield5 Posts: 132 Member
    oh wow im trying it in my coffee, i can't wait to get up in the morning and have a coffee lol. When should i start seeing results. Ive just finished a big 1.6L container. It is very delicious though. Thx for ur advice

    It is delicious, I use a tbsp and then whip it with my immersion blender so it gets incorporated into the coffee. Otherwise the oil just floats on the top. It depends on how much you use it internally and externally to see results, but I could definitely tell the difference in my skin immediately when using it as a moisturizer, I even use it exclusively on my face. Enjoy your coconut coffee!
  • janey72
    janey72 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi - I use coconut oil all the time in cooking. It comes in a small glass jar from groovy food - I get mine in Tesco. It's solid at room temp. You dont need very much of it and I find it doesn't really taint the flavour of food cooked in it, the first few times you use it you might notice . I like coconut though so its no issue. I also put a teaspoon in with my brown rice when boiling it. You can taste it there alright, it livens up an otherwise boring rice!
    I got into coconut oil when i did a gluten free detox, and just sort of stuck with it. I do use other olive oils too, it really depends what I'm making.Give it a try and see,a s others have said it has many many uses - here is a good link
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    l like it in coffee and like to use it as a lip moisturiser and as a hair treatment.

    If using it in food / coffee just remember to weight it and log it and it's pretty calorie heavy, but as a fat I find it filling if I use it in my coffee.
  • I use it instead of shaving cream. It's awesome!
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    I use it in place of a lot of oils as it is much healthier and lower in cals, unfortunately I can only use it for some stuff as IMO it makes everything sweet.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    I use it as what it is. . . a "full" fat (aka saturated) in baking and sauteing (my Thai and Indian experiments-- be forewarned, coconut oil does not have a high temperature resistance).

    I also use it as a stand in for Bodyglide -- for long rides and runs
  • Cardio4Cupcakes
    Cardio4Cupcakes Posts: 289 Member
    I'm new to the coconut oil bandwagon but I love frying my eggs in it or when I'm browning chicken cutlets!
  • wagglesworth
    wagglesworth Posts: 53 Member
    I use coconut oil for cooking. I started the Paleo diet plan on July 7th and the recipes I have found use this oil. I'm losing weight like crazy following this diet. I've eliminated all grains, corn, and sugar (I use honey or 100% maple syrup) from my diet and it's helping me not only with the weight, but the intense pain in my hands from rheumatoid arthritis has lessened and my blood sugar is almost normal (I'm a type 2 diabetic and take insulin injections several times a day). So is the coconut oil working? I don't know but, I'm not going to change a thing. Just so you know, I don't weigh myself. I visit the Dr. monthly so I will get the good news on my weight loss on the 18th at which time I will post.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    It hasn't done anything for you? What were you expecting it to do? It's not a magical potion. It tastes delicious...I cook with it often...i generally substitute it when things call for butter...but ultimately, it's just an's fat...nothing more, nothing's not magical.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Hi my name is Anne and id. just like to ask anyones advice on Coconut Oil. I heard it was pretty good stuff so started to use it but i don't feel like it has done anything for me. Should i keep going on it or is it just a waste. If anyone has any views i would be very interested to hear from u and what u think, Thx heaps

    I like and use it, a lot.
    It is oil, and does what it is supposed to do.....

    What more can you ask for? :smile: :smile:
  • W31RD0
    W31RD0 Posts: 173 Member
    Reading all these wacky things people do with it I'm baffled. Call me crazy but I cook with it. Not often because I'm not a big fry guy but if I get an itch for some breaded chicken or shrimp I fry it in coconut oil (we're not talking deep fry, just pan). Same goes for asian dishes. As for any miracle benefits, those are probably BS spread by the same lunatics who are in to juice cleanses and aligning their yin/yangs.

    Nothings worse than having my yin all up in my yang's grill.

    There is some evidence that because coconut oil is a medium-chain triglyceride, it doesn't behave the same way as your usual saturated fat. But I try to wait until these things are confirmed before I get caught up in the hype.
  • I use it my my hair as a treatment. It does wonders. Not sure about consumption though.
  • fatboyliz
    fatboyliz Posts: 515 Member
    Great to cook with, for frying, butter substitute etc.

    Salad dressing

    Moisturiser and hair mask

    Oil pulling (like using it as a mouthwash) is meant to be good as it is naturally anti bacterial and obv contains no alcohol (some mouthwashes re notnthat good!)

    Does not need to be kept in fridge, lasts for ages...I love it
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I use it for frying eggs and doing a stir fry ...... in the hot weather I keep it in the fridge .....

    Loads of uses ...... some weird, some reasonable ..... check out for yourself ......
  • thinkbean
    thinkbean Posts: 25 Member
    It's a great moisturizer for sure. Obviously cooking with it is lovely; I find if I want to make vegan pie crust is works really well. I hear it makes a decent deodorant in a pinch, interestingly.
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    Bulletproof Coffee......I think is where the thought of it, in the coffee came from ;) It's apparently an energy booster.....and well, naturally, so would the high strength coffee be ;)

    That being said, I've tried it, I just wasn't pleased with the 150+ calories of "liquid" for breakfast ;)

    At least 2tbs Kerrygold unsalted grass-fed butter (I like up to 6 tbps, or 80g or 88 ml).
    1-2tbs of MCT oil (15-30 ml)
    2 cups (~453g or 500ml) of hot coffee brewed with low-toxin beans

    But yea, the thought of Oil and Butter in my coffee just don't sound I did try the coconut oil once, but after adding the coconut oil, and a bit of honey, I was over 150 calories for a cup of coffee, vs. 70-80 calorie-ish with a tbsp. of half and half :)

    That being said, Coconut Oil ain't bad, I've sauteed with it.......I also attempt to do oil pulling daily (typically when I wake up, while showering) for 20 minutes.
  • katrinadulce
    katrinadulce Posts: 61 Member
    Do you like how it tastes and cooks?
    What oils do you normally use?
    How long have you used coconut oil?
    How were you expecting it to make you feel?
  • Nadia222222
    Nadia222222 Posts: 59 Member
    I asked Cardiologists I Worked for about coconut oil and their response was."If you wind up in the ER And we find out you were using coconut oil we will NOT do your angiogram." There was my answer. Not doing it.
  • TMski1000
    TMski1000 Posts: 48 Member
    Coconut Oil in Coffee is great- It obviously separates but it moisturizes the lips very nice...
  • vmlabute
    vmlabute Posts: 311 Member
    It's Omega-3 and actually proven to reduce cholesterol. Keep using it, it may be slow for weight loss (better than butter) but it's good for your skin and your heart!