Who do you think has it worse: overweight guys or girls?



  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    I think it can be just as bad either way.

    As an overweight woman, I never had much issue because I really couldn't give a crap.
    I know overweight men, and just because they don't talk about it as much, doesn't mean they dont deal with the same comments, insecurity, trouble getting dates, etc. that I did. I think women are just more prone to sharing about it. There's a stigma against men in our society opening up.

    -shrug- But I don't know really. I've never been an overweight man.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    - to do the dishes. Girls - to clean up my room. Girls - to do the laundry. Girls - and in the bathroom.
    that's all I really want is......two at a time I want.....with new wet hair do's \m/
    All we really are is Squirrels,
    We're being hunted we are Squirrels,
    We are appealing we are Squirrels,

    We want to gather nuts,
    But, people splatter our guts,
    When they're on a country drive,
    It isn't easy to survive,

    Just the other day,
    I saw a squirrel get blown away,
    They served him on a dinner tray,
    They baked him into a souffle,
    Squirrel season opens up today,
    If you're a squirrel run away,
    I don't know what else I should say,
    Please call the A.S.P.C.A.

    Fur coats from us are made,
    Fur is nice but, I like suede,
    They scrape our fur off with a blade,
    And never bother with first aid,
    We squirrels really like to play,
    And we like to catch some rays,
    Please don't kill us this we pray,
    We're cute and harmless anyway,

    We're not delicious,
    We are not racoons,
    Don't live in palm trees,
    are in your bathrooms!

    That's all we really are is squirrels,
    Isn't it fine I am a squirrel,
    Please help us save us,
    We are squirrels!,

    I wanna whip out my, squirrel!
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    What about people that identify as werewolves?! Check your privilege.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I don't think you can choose one over the other. I've been thin, and I've been fat - I didn't have a hard time being fat. No one was ever mean to me and I never hated myself. I know plenty of men and women who had a hard time for different reasons.

    I think it depends on the person, not their gender. Some people don't let things bother them that other people will - and in life "having it worse" is totally subjective and depends on how you face challenges and how you treat yourself.
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    its not fair to have to pinpoint whos worse. we all need help
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    No thought required, girls.
    Guys, while we have the pressure to look good, we can still get dates easily as larger men, etcetc. Girls on the other hand are expected to maintain a great body, and if you don't you are fat. I myself hold my girls to that standard (I like slender girls can;'t help it) and would even fight to keep them skinny.... but that same pressure has never really been pushed on me from the same girls.

    I think as a whole, men in this regard have it easier. We can also lose easier.
  • 13Elimin8
    13Elimin8 Posts: 10 Member
    Men - a strong majority of women have a very specific view of what a guy should look like.

    When it comes to girls, there is almost always a guy who is into your body type.
  • As a fatguy I can tell you its kind of both.Datingwise - overweight women have tons of admirers - 1000's of websites devoted to people that love them. guys? Not too many dig a guy with manboobs. Soceity wise women have it harder since media is always pushing what is considered beauty and all too often is thin ( my personal preference is a woman with curves but more importantly a wicked sense of humor)
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Guys have it harder. Excess fat makes our penis smaller...
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    girls. you can be a heavy dude and still pull a hot girl. doesnt work the other way around.

    I pulled a hott dude before I lost all of my weight. Just gotta find a chubby chaser. I do agree that it's harder for girls though.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    Men - a strong majority of women have a very specific view of what a guy should look like.

    When it comes to girls, there is almost always a guy who is into your body type.

    oh boy.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    id hazard a guess that its harder for women. the only real issues i faced when i was overweight were more a result of my insecurities than being fat (though admittedly it was being fat that caused my insecurities) and the issues were relatively small (not much luck with girls, mild teasing, thats about it)

    thinking back, i can only really recall girls getting full on bullied (as opposed to what i would consider just joking around among friends) and not much for guys, with the odd exception of when there was a specific altercation where insults were thrown back and forth. i think girls are more prone to be subject of verbal bullying overall though

    plus women have to deal more with fashion and whatnot, i had some difficulty finding jeans that fit but i could get away with loose fit $20 levi's and still look decent
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Men - a strong majority of women have a very specific view of what a guy should look like.

    When it comes to girls, there is almost always a guy who is into your body type.

    There is always a guy into the sex, Not so much the other way around.

    Also what people see if the girl being upset and all. What they don't see is how men and boys bottle things up inside till it explodes or implodes.
  • Brolympus
    Brolympus Posts: 360 Member
    Probably the females. They tend to be the most self-critical I feel.

    However, as a former skinny dude, I will tell you there is a double standard for men and the way they look.

    Women, whether they are skinny because they are actually fit, or because they starve themselves, seem to be universally accepted as beautiful.

    However, if you are a dude and you are fat, people make fun of you. If you are a dude and you are skinny, people will also make fun of you. It's muscles or nothing. Very annoying.
  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    Women are worse on themselves than guys will ever be. It must suck to be an overweight girl because most guys won't obsess over it like most women can.

    Who are you kidding... being extremely overweight for many years and then losing 90 pounds... hell yeah people treat you differently. People would not sit next to me on the bus, they avoided eye contact and never smiled in my direction when I was overweight. Now, I am one of the first people others sit next to on the bus... strangers on the elevator smile and say "Hi" then wish me a "Great Day"... just this morning as I walked to the bus a guy riding his bicycle paused for a second and said "good morning pretty lady" then kept on rolling on his way.

    Yes, women that are overweight have a "stigma" to them and YES, they have "it worse". It is not just an internal obsession on the woman's part... in is how society as a whole perceives overweight people and YES, women have it worse! When a man is overweight... who cares! It is not like women (or men for that matter) treat overweight men differently!

    That said, once you exceed the "overweight" classification, and step into the morbidly obese category... you know those people that can barely carry their weight to walk a few blocks or find they need a wheel chair to move around... in this situation, in my opinion, gender may not matter.

    My opinion... :-)
  • DenDweller
    DenDweller Posts: 1,438 Member
    a. I am a: guy/girl. (Circle ONE)

    b. I think guys/girls (Circle the same as a) have it worse because:

    (Use this space to list reasons I'm personally familiar with, but are meaningless when used to represent the thoughts of 4 billion humans.)

    c. I think guys/girls (Circle the opposite of a) have it easier because:

    (List conjecture and rumor that you've heard being the opposite sex that may help you make your point. This information is even more irrelevant than trying to use your own personal experience to generalize the thoughts of billions of people. But, don't let that stop you!)
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    I would have to say females have it worse generally speaking. But both sides have their share of issues
  • emily889
    emily889 Posts: 296 Member
    I would say girls... I have always had a tough exterior to make it seem like I don't care when I get laughed at but it is hard. I remember being in middle school, I was at a movie with a friend, and literally a group of kids my age who I didn't even know were pointing at me, laughed, and called me miss piggy. I was literally just standing there by myself outside the bathroom. Been afraid to wear pink ever since haha

    But really, guys are ok with sleeping with a big girl, but taking them out in public and associating with them is a whole different story. Women are more likely to get used for sex then dropped. So with being over weight, ridiculed, then used and tossed aside.. we are the "winners" here in the pity me game.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Politicly correct answer: depends on the person

    First answer to come to my mind was - Women! :-)
  • I_need_moar_musclez
    I_need_moar_musclez Posts: 499 Member
    There's more of an overt stigma attached to overweight women, so they definitely have it worse on that front.

    But men can't use the 'curvy' excuse as a shaming tactic and get away with it.

    I don't know!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    It is not like women (or men for that matter) treat overweight men differently!

    I was about 300lbs when I tried dating and going out to bars after my divorce. On more than one occasion I was literally laughed at by women I approached. Not belly laughs of course but more the awkward, "Haha, umm, not a chance buddy" giggle. Once I didn't even get a response. As in she just turned around and walked off after I said hello. Obviously these are extremes but to say women don't treat overweight guys differently is silly.

    Shallow girls. Oh do I have a plan for those.
  • I_need_moar_musclez
    I_need_moar_musclez Posts: 499 Member
    It is not like women (or men for that matter) treat overweight men differently!

    I was about 300lbs when I tried dating and going out to bars after my divorce. On more than one occasion I was literally laughed at by women I approached. Not belly laughs of course but more the awkward, "Haha, umm, not a chance buddy" giggle. Once I didn't even get a response. As in she just turned around and walked off after I said hello. Obviously these are extremes but to say women don't treat overweight guys differently is silly.

    Shallow girls. Oh do I have a plan for those.

    My motivation! *The rejection and subsequent desire to get in shape, not any desire for revenge!!
  • emily889
    emily889 Posts: 296 Member
    It is not like women (or men for that matter) treat overweight men differently!

    I was about 300lbs when I tried dating and going out to bars after my divorce. On more than one occasion I was literally laughed at by women I approached. Not belly laughs of course but more the awkward, "Haha, umm, not a chance buddy" giggle. Once I didn't even get a response. As in she just turned around and walked off after I said hello. Obviously these are extremes but to say women don't treat overweight guys differently is silly.

    Shallow girls. Oh do I have a plan for those.

    Gettin creepy with your intense need to get revenge on shallow girls.... lol
  • tiffeh345
    tiffeh345 Posts: 43 Member
    It is interesting to see that most of the women that have replied have said that women have it worse.

    I think anyone that is overweight has it worse. Ridicule is not sexist. Most women are subjective in their thinking about this. It's the case of "I am a woman so of course my gender has it worse." In reality, that is not true at all. You don't think men get treated differently if they are overweight? Go into a social place and watch for a few hours.

    I am a girl. I am overweight. I have been most of my life. I understand the negative impression the media/society gives to young girls. I believe society does it to boys, too.


    That is an article about Boy Scouts banning morbidly obese boys (and adults) from the annual Jamboree in 2013. It happens to men and boys as much as it does women. Most of the time women are just so concentrated on things that matter to us and things that directly impact us, that we don't pay attention to the other side as much. My initial thought was to jump in here and say "Women have it way worse!" but when I began to actually think about it, I realized we really don't. There are two sides to every coin.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member

  • I_need_moar_musclez
    I_need_moar_musclez Posts: 499 Member


    Elaborate, please.
  • SonyaKou
    SonyaKou Posts: 33 Member
    Way worse for overweight guys. When girls get overweight, their stomachs get chubby, but at least their boobs get bigger and their hips get some nice curves. Weight on guys does nothing positive. = P
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member

    But really, guys are ok with sleeping with a big girl, but taking them out in public and associating with them is a whole different story. Women are more likely to get used for sex then dropped. So with being over weight, ridiculed, then used and tossed aside.. we are the "winners" here in the pity me game.

    Geez that is sad and messed up. Since I never had that experience, though, I'm inclined to think it's more of a personal thing that happens to some women (or men for that matter).
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    But I think it's how you respond/what you make of it that makes it "worse". I might be fat, but I'm not going to wallow and let that affect the things I do.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    No one cares if a guy is fat, but if a girl is fat she might as well be a leper.