devrinator Member


  • Awe! That's super cute, endearing and somewhat weird. I love that.
  • I didn't make it. I lost all my weight and kept most off or just under a year then crept back up. This time, I plan to remember something I read about Mister Rogers. He was reported to weigh the same throughout his life. Same weight. He weighed himself every week. We do fluctuate with water weight, hormonoes, etc, but I…
  • Thank you all for listening and responding with warmth!! I needed to hear that tracking may be a long-term (or forever) thing. I guess I have to think of it like a medical necessity? MarvinsFitLife is on point with getting in activity. I do stress and that does affect how I interpret appetite. I don't see myself becoming a…
  • This! I find that it's not easy to get an accurate idea of how many calories we need! If you go online, the calculators vary, but more importantly, our activity levels vary considerably. I think it's why some of us gain weight easily with subtle changes in routine AND why some of us women gain extra weight during…
  • I struggle with that too. I'm to the point where I've realized that some days I do need to eat more than others. So if I'm still hungry--to the point I feel like I have to do something--I'll eat something light, even if it puts me over my goal for the day. Some days it's easy for me to even go under. Well, and some days I…
  • I don't know how accurate they are, but I definitely like being able to see a general activity level vs. calorie intake. I got into trouble in the first place by eating the same as always even though I wasn't nearly as active (I came home from the Navy--wasn't a big exercise fanatic while IN, but got a lot more walking in…
  • I'm in the log it and move on camp. :) I don't think we're hardwired for a specific calorie amount per day. You might find you're not as hungry the next day. Just be mindful, and if you don't need to eat much, don't. :) Pay attention to the weekly net calories (under nutrition on mfp...just select "last seven days" and you…
  • I wonder if when we become obese we are in a form of starvation mode, though. I know that when I just eat whatever I want, I eat a lot of whatever I eat, whether it's healthy or not. More often than not, I end up eating non-nutritious foods in abundance. So, I wonder if when I restrict my calories but eat healthier foods…
  • I wouldn't call it allowing a cheat day, but allow yourself a set number of meals or days where it's okay if food out of the routine comes your way so you stay balanced. That way if Mom or Mother-in-Law insists you try her fried eggplant or homemade mac and cheese, you can indulge (be polite) and go about your week. In…
  • When you think about what has a lot of carbohydrates, it's generally food that is highly processed and high in calories, low in fiber. I've always lost weight easily with low-carb, but sticking with it has been challenging. I think it's a good idea to create a long-term plan to underlie your weight loss plan. Like hzl22…
  • Hello! I added you. I like to stay motivated with the status updates of others too. Anyone, please feel free to add me! I need to lose about 40 to 50 lbs or 3 to 4 stone. :( I've done it before, gained it, then done it again and gained it again. This time, I'm really attempting to care a routine that works for me to make…
  • I don't know if this is good advice or not, but I haven't touched a cigarette since the end of June. I started vaping instead. I have done a good deal of research on vaping, and I've concluded that it is likely, (key word, "Likely") that it is far better than smoking. Should I vape forever? Probably not. BUT, I have…
  • I left the Navy after a miscarriage (not because of it, but just coincidence), and because of my change in location and activity levels and my weekly trips to fast food joints that I hadn't been to, I gained 50 lbs in five months, and that was considered really rapid weight gain. That's about 2 lbs a week. At each…
  • I'm here, but I haven't been hooping very much. :( I have a ginormous hoop, and I have to hoop outside in order to not knock anyone or anything out--and it's been super hot and humid lately.
  • I don't know how active this community is, but I just started coming back to this site to see if I can track being a bit more healthy. Anyway, when I was a teen (before Youtube and all that jazz), I used to play out in the yard with a cheap walmart hoop. I had fun--could go from my neck to waist, back up and to my knees…
  • There is also some research being done on people have lost weight and kept it off for a year or more. So far, the findings show that people who don't gain the weight continue to restrict their calories and watch what they eat. So while a woman who weighs 130 lbs after losing 50 lbs must eat fewer calories than a woman who…
  • Warrior diet? Wow, I have to look into that. If I have that natural tendency, then perhaps I can just change a few things, up my exercise and do alright.
  • Yes! I remember watchin Dr. Oz on Oprah some years ago. There were two things he said that he strongly believed in that are WAY off what his show is about now. He ALWAYS talked about food being the gateway to health. On one show, Oprah was talking about skin and looking younger. Dr. Oz said that aside from genetics, the…
  • There was some documentary I watched called "Weight of the Nation," and in it, some professionals explained that once someone loses weight, he or she must eat about 25 percent less than his or her same weight counter-part who has never been overweight. I have this idea that the reason we all gain weight and yo-yo is…
  • I think our metabolisms actually increase slightly during our periods. So, our appetite increases. We also may experience a little water retention that, combined with our heightened appetites, makes us feel like we're gaining weight.
  • That's how I felt!! ARgh.
  • It's weird, because the common mode of advice is to make sure to EAT breakfast, yet I find when I do, I eat way too much at the end of the day. Seems weird.
  • I read an article once that said the breakfast hype was actually wrong. Some study showed that when people added breakfast, the amount of calories they ate for breakfast added to their overall calorie intake--so they gained some weight. With that said, I really believe obesity is a symptom of metabolic issues involving…
  • I think this is a great place to stay motivated. I like logging all my calories here, and I log EVERYTHING, if I can, because I can see what I do. Some days I eat more, some less, and sometimes certain foods make me even more hungry. I think you'll find using a site such as this to be helpful, or at least I hope so! Good…
    in NEW Comment by devrinator February 2013
  • I know that generally, 1200 calories is a low goal, but at 5', might that actually be realistic? Most calculators say I need to eat around 1500 to 1600 to maintain 135 lbs at 5'4, but that's for my age (I'm nowhere near there yet). If she is eating 1200 calories, then she should have a 400 calorie deficit per day, provided…
  • That works for me every morning!!!
    in Poop Comment by devrinator February 2013
  • Congratulations, Nelly on quitting!! And thank you for your words of encouragement!
  • Thank you for that. It's so tough!!
  • Ummm... WOW!! You really lost 101 lbs?? You really rock!!