lauries3 Member


  • Congratulations, I know it took hard work and dedication. I applaud you.
  • I put it all in. No matter what the scale says.
  • Wow, sounds like you got it going on. Too much going on to make anything work. Someone is being shortchanged and in the long run you will lose. Be careful what you do won't come back to haunt you. Get paternity test and keep it pushing. I would like to hear what happens.
  • I am a compulsive emotional eater. Only recently I have been really trying to be aware of what my triggers are, and I noticed that I can do fairly well except in the night. It is like something comes over me and I go beserk. I hate myself that I do this. I also will get up and eat crap at night even though I am not even…
  • I don't jog because I don't want to feel the fat go up and down. Plus I dont' want to ruin my knees
  • I am 47 and always need more encouragement. Please add me. I am 5"7 and have 83 pounds to lose.
  • Went to the gym yesterday and felt wonderful. I kinda aquired another son. A football team mate of my son's and we all went with my room mate and I met this guy who told me that the personal trainers at the base are free even if I am not military and until I meet with one of them he would help me and my boyz. We all have…
  • I have heard alot of things but being a bad mom for not haveing a tv. I think that is great. I don't have a tv but my room mate has 3 and has put them all over the house. We watch movies and use netflix but as long as I go to school, and my son is in school no tv too much of a distraction. Netflix will get taken out once…
  • You are all awesome. I wish that I had the time and the energy to do all that you do. I hope to get there someday. I know as I lose weight my energy levels will go up. I commend you all!
  • Really, four hours everyday? I am doing my best to find 30 mins. Ugh, I am going to need alot of help.
  • 30 POUNDS would just be lovely, that would put me in ONDerland. I am looking forward to this challenge!
    in Welcome! Comment by lauries3 June 2012
  • I have absolutely no energy to work out. I say that I will, I set the alarm clock but I am so tired that I wait until the last minute to get out of bed. Tuesday is my last official day of work for the summer. So maybe I will get moving. I spend my free time on the couch relaxing with my son or on the computer doing…
  • I just bought one and am waiting for mine to arrive. I thought it may be useful for me to have to help me to keep track of calories and my sleeping patterns.
    in Fitbit Comment by lauries3 June 2012
  • Being a single mother I have to work outside of my home and I go to church. I do not do anything social and just stay home. I too hatet the way I feel and the way I look. At times I feel hopeless. When I do go to work or church I constantly worry about how I look in my clothes and get paranoid. But those things I have to…
  • Hi all, I am 47 years old and I have been struggling with my weight since 2001 on and off, up and down. Before then I was fluctuating between 147-180. Right now I am 230 pounds and am feeling so tired and have such low self-esteem. I want so much to be healthy and watch my children some day get married and have children. I…
  • What is Tumblir and how does it help to keep you motivated? I need some sort of inspiration or something to get me going, please help me I am so distressed!:sad:
  • Same thing with me. It is just too much!
  • All my weight is in my hips and thighs. It is so cute. :grumble:
  • OMG, teens are stressful. I have two a girl and a boy. My daughter just moved out at 18. And my son who is about to turn 16 this month. I have wondered is there craziness making me eat. I have 83 pounds to add. Please add me, oh, I am also a single mother so if there are any single moms out there please add me too that is…
  • I eat when I am stressed and that seems as if always, I was good all the way last night until I had a deadline that I was not able to obtain and had my room mate and son bring me a large fries from McD's not good, that took me way over and no I am depressed because the scale keeps creeping up. When I started here I was…
  • Tuesdays are my weigh in days. So here it is 230. I am going to use sat as my cheat days, but question are we going to cheat and stay within our calorie limits or just for one day eat whatever we want just for that day?
  • My name is Laurie and I am currently 230 pounds my goal weight is to get to 147. I would like to make a plan to get exercise in but... there I go with an excuse. My plan is to stick to my calories and try to get exercise in 3 x a week. There it is pretty basic. The problem, I eat at night and I eat due to stress and I have…
  • I have had my own battles as well. I am here to stay and work through this fight that I have with low self-esteem and making bad choices. I have two years sober July 3rd. I am divorced from a man that was half my age and was a street thug. I was at an all time low being homeless with two children. He wasn't my first bad…
  • Thanks for the post. I am a late night eater. I am divorced and I suppose I am lonely and filling the gap with mindless eating. I hate that I do it, and I make promises to myself to stop but I need help withaccountability. :happy: