

  • What about replacing your office chair with a gym ball? I think that may help.
  • Doesn't burn off enough to count??? You obviously haven't seen me jumping off the wardrobe :laugh: :wink: :laugh:
  • And what about if I involve BDSM, use canes and whips, surely that will burn a few more!!!!? If it does, I am going to become a Miss Whiplash style Dominatrix and laugh too, now that has to burn one or two :laugh: :noway: :laugh:
  • Thanks guys - this is the reasn I lve and recommend this site so much, you guys ROCK!
  • Ha I wish it was only 5lbs, you missed the 1st I put in front - 19lbs in total, but will get this off byt the end of June if it's the last thing I do!!!
  • Jeez are we all in synch!!? Me too! And I want to eat anything and everything! :noway: Not looking forward to Monday's weigh in, I have eaten half the county!!!
  • Lol! Now that's hardly a celebration!
  • Had a pretty naughty weekend, but I don't care because at my weigh in today I LOST 2lb!!! And it's my TOM!!! That's 43lbs, 3 stone 1lb in 11 weeks, woo hoo!!! I LOVE this site! Thanks Team UK, the opportunity to share (and confess!) has helped me smash my July target by 1lb, couldn't have done it without you. Now I did say…
  • Sunshine? What is this strange thing that you talk of..... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Don't worry, managed it, thanks for the advice!!!
  • oooh really? How do I do that then???
  • Thanks chick! Have a great workout and enjoy the omlette! x
  • So a bit late in weighing in (sorry!) and reluctantly went on the scales with my TOM due and a very naughty weekend, and I have miraculously lost 3lbs!!! So 1lb to go for my July target and 1lb to go for a total of 3 stones lost, woo hoo!!! Not bad for 10 week's work! Wish I'd been on MFP since I started, my ticker would…
  • Don't give up Katie, something will work, honestly! I've just had the weekend of doom and I'm seriously considering not going on the scales tomorrow as I've been so naughty! Chin up honey xxx:smile:
  • Morning all! So went on a date with my husband last night and drank a whole bottle of champagne, 2 cocktails and 3 vodkas. I ate bread and olives, a prawn cocktail and fried squid caeser salad. I then came home, had drunken munchies and ate 2 bags of crisps! EEEEEK! But it was good, so good!!! Might stay away from the…
  • So have had the worst couple of days, had to announce lay offs to my staff and it's been heart breaking. Has upset me so much and the longing to reach for family sized bars of Galaxy, always been the thing to do in times of stress in the past. Did really well though, yesterday went for a milky way and today had 2 meringue…
  • Current defecit? Sorry to be hick but I'm confused! :embarassed:
  • Steak pie? Oh Sean, how jealous am I!!?Been craving that with chips and gravy all afternoon! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • I've had a really good week despite not expecting it, have lost 3lbs!!! I'm so pleased, another 4lbs and I will have hit my 3 stone mark, want that as a minimum by the end of July so fingers crossed! :happy:
  • OMG I had NO idea!!! Who would have thought it could be so bad! I hate gin, whisky and brandy so what other low calorie alcoholic options are there??? EEK!!! :drinker: :noway: :drinker:
  • So weighed in this morning and have lost 1lb. Would have liked more (obviously!) but happy with this considering yesterday's chinese buffet! That officially puts me at 2st 7lbs since 11/5, 11lbs to go to hit my first target of 13st. Would dearly love to reach this by the end of the month, but not sure if it's being…
  • So I went for the chinese buffet lunch today, tried to be good without feeling like I was depriving myself, but probably ate my day's allowance for my lunch! Had less than 100cals for breakfast and already done an hours worth of walking, just off to mow the lawn too so hopefully I'll have enough calories for a cup a soup…
  • Wow, thanks for your suggestions guys! Think I'm going to opt for loads of exercise and water, eat slowly and chew more and stay away from fried stuff, hopefully that will help. Finger's crossed for Monday's weigh in...! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Welcome back Katie! I'm guessing the house move in this weather will have burned LOADS of calories! Did it all go well?
  • Sean that's great news, well done! :drinker:
  • Cup a soup does it for me. It's a fact that soup stays in your stomach for longer thus making you feel fuller for longer. I don't have a slimmer version but a normal one (usually cream of asparagus, yummy!) and build it into my calories for the day (138cals). Certainly works for me :wink:
  • Okay so I know it's naughty but after 2 weeks of staying the same due TOM and general naughtiness I went to Boots and weighed myself just now and I've lost 2lbs! Now I've just got to try and get through the weekend with a night out on Friday and a chinese buffet lunch on Sunday........:noway:
  • Well done!!! MFP is such a help, I tell so many people about it I should be on commission! Keep up the good work, you're doing GREAT! :happy:
  • Tuna salad for me! My advice is eat your lunch, drink some water and give those snack a jacks a rethink! :wink:
  • Stayed the same for the last 2 weeks due to naughty eating combined with TOM so my goal is 8lbs by the end of July which will mean a total weight loss of 3 stones since my diet started. 2lb a week and a week for TOM, think that's achievable! So today's weight is 13st 12lbs, End of July goal weight is 13st 4lbs. That will…