Team UK: Week 8 and 9



  • Steak pie? Oh Sean, how jealous am I!!?Been craving that with chips and gravy all afternoon! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    Steak pie? Oh Sean, how jealous am I!!?Been craving that with chips and gravy all afternoon! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    haha i only ate it bcos i wos really hungry and we had nothing else in
    had a good day upto now, had ice cream and cone only, 200ish cals and i had that to spare :smile:
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,099 Member
    Was feeling really low first thing this morning, as feel down the stairs yesterday and then didn't eat very well, but weighed myself this morning and have got under 170lb - weighed in at 169.4lb :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    well done on the weight loss everyone!

    Chrissy dont get yourswelf down, im sure you'll soon work it off again.

    I've lost 1lbs from doing this new diet so im really happy and feel motivated to keep on with it now
    so im now 10st 10 (again!)
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Afternoon everyone!

    I hope you are all having a good day! I have gone into hyper mode at work.. i need to let some of my energy out at the gym but that wont happen until 8.30 meah!!! Im going to get my holiday photos from the desposable cam developed tonight and put on CD (one of me on the beach) im going to use it as my comparison for when i've lost the weight!

    Hoping for another 1lb lost by next week! must have a good weekend though!! :tongue:
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Hope you're feeling ok mumsanutter and didn't hurt yourself too much!

    I'm back from T in the Park, so weighed myself this morning - I have lost 5lbs since last week!! I don't think this is real weight loss though, because I lost most of it at the weekend alone. Lots of walking to stages then dancing, plus hardly any food means drastic weight loss!! It'll go back on really quickly. I ate 3 proper meals today though, then burnt 1200 cals on my bike.

    Sean, I was tempted with a steak pie tonight, but I had a healthy living spag bol instead. I had half a garlic bread as well, and there were more calories in the garlic bread than the spaghetti. I needed food though!

    Hope everyone is well :flowerforyou:

    Amy x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hi everyone...

    I hope you are ok this morning...

    So im still trooping along at 1,200ish cals.. give or take a few (lol on the weekend) and burning anywhere in the region of 400 - 800 cals per day 4-5x a week.. seeing results though i keep getting worried about starvation mode or my metabolism slowing down.. Meah!? (anyone else love using the word "meah"?) Any ideas?

    Anyhow.. i have posted some new photos.. a couple of them are of me about 4ish weeks ago looking riduculously brown, and there is one of me in my gym gear last night in tesco's.. im using the '4weeks ago' photos as my start off weight at 10stone 8lb.. Currently 3lbs down :drinker: :drinker: Still aiming for 10stone by the end of the month! Fingers crossed!! :bigsmile:
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    heyy everyone

    am reallly annoyed with myself bcos for the past 2-3 weeks i have worked out around 5 out of 7 days and i know i could have lost more weight than wht i have and its allll down to really overeating....

    i have a healthy lunch, then a healthy dinner and probably a muller light yoghurt or some fruit or low fat low cal desert snack afterwrds. thn when it comes to about 8-9pm i get really hungry and always plan on having some cereal but for the past few nights or week i have just completly gon overboard and ate crap like yesterday it was probably the best workout i have ever had, i had about 500 cals left over still at 9pm, i had 2 ppl comment on have much weight i have lost and when it came to bout 10 oclock last night i was really hungry and had cheese on toast, loads of jaffa cakes and 2 twisters, now that is the verrry worst i have ever done and thn this morning i weigh myself in and iv put on 1 lb im very disappointed in myself but for some reason recently when im hungry at night i seem to go overboard on the junk:grumble: :mad:

    i think eating bran flakes around 8-10 pm is wat im going to force myself to do but i dnt understand why that happens because when i go for the food i intend on getting the bran flakes or some cereal
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    heyy everyone

    am reallly annoyed with myself bcos for the past 2-3 weeks i have worked out around 5 out of 7 days and i know i could have lost more weight than wht i have and its allll down to really overeating....

    i have a healthy lunch, then a healthy dinner and probably a muller light yoghurt or some fruit or low fat low cal desert snack afterwrds. thn when it comes to about 8-9pm i get really hungry and always plan on having some cereal but for the past few nights or week i have just completly gon overboard and ate crap like yesterday it was probably the best workout i have ever had, i had about 500 cals left over still at 9pm, i had 2 ppl comment on have much weight i have lost and when it came to bout 10 oclock last night i was really hungry and had cheese on toast, loads of jaffa cakes and 2 twisters, now that is the verrry worst i have ever done and thn this morning i weigh myself in and iv put on 1 lb im very disappointed in myself but for some reason recently when im hungry at night i seem to go overboard on the junk:grumble: :mad:
    i think eating bran flakes around 8-10 pm is wat im going to force myself to do but i dnt understand why that happens because when i go for the food i intend on getting the bran flakes or some cereal

    Sean, i havent had this problem recently... but i too have got to the point where people have said "katherine you look soo good atm" and then somewehere in my silly head.. the message to me means.. 'hey im looking good i can relax with food'.... sooo now i just tell people to not comment.. bcause i dont want to get to a point where people say you look good.. bla bla.. and then for me to eat what i want.. if you get my jist?! :huh: lol

    if you are getting hungry around 8-10pm maybe eat more for dinner? then you wont have the cravings.. i just tell myself.. once i've had dinner im done.. no more food.. and it usually works.. just have water? and if that doesnt work a banana? :indifferent:

    Hope thats helped?
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    yeaah thanks kpnuts im going to try tonight and going to force myself not to have anything because this time im more aware of it :noway:
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    ARGH I just cant keep on it at the moment, my sister is over and all we ever seem to do when we are together is EAT! And I have been feeling so drained lately, i don't know if its my anemia or not, but I feel terrible most of the time, so I can't ever be bothered to exercise! I also haven't been logging half of my food because my sister has been making it so I have no idea of whats in half of it! I give in! I really don't want to put the weight back on but I feel so rubbish most of the time I don't care!

    Hope everyone else has been having a better week than me! Well done to everyone who lost :)
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    ARGH I just cant keep on it at the moment, my sister is over and all we ever seem to do when we are together is EAT! And I have been feeling so drained lately, i don't know if its my anemia or not, but I feel terrible most of the time, so I can't ever be bothered to exercise! I also haven't been logging half of my food because my sister has been making it so I have no idea of whats in half of it! I give in! I really don't want to put the weight back on but I feel so rubbish most of the time I don't care!

    Hope everyone else has been having a better week than me! Well done to everyone who lost :)

    Good morning ChristyJade,

    I hope u are feeling better this morning? Dont let it get to you so much.. :flowerforyou:

    Maybe have smaller portions? Instead of using a large plate how about using a bread plate? or add in more veggies... Im sure you sis will understand if you dont want smaller portions as your trying to be good? What sort of food does she make?

    Hey, dont worry if you do put on weight, you know you have to support here to keep you going no matter what!:bigsmile: Have you got any BIG plans for this summer? Holiday? Wedding to go to? etc..!? Set a day as a goal and really push to get to it.. even if its a couple of lbs, at least you have something to work to?

    Me and a guy at work have set ourselves a challenge ( i may have mentioned this before so apologies if im repeating myself)... my goal is to get down to 9 1/2 stone by the second week of september (planning to go on holiday) because i cant remember the last time i was that light (maybe when i was 14?).. He has obviously set himself a certain goal too, but we are both keeping each other going.. Plus i txt him if i think im going to make a bad food choice... he will always tell me the right thing to do..:happy:

    I hope my explanation makes sense as i sometimes read back what i've written and it doesnt make any sense at all! Im no inspiration to anyone on here (like a certain few amercians) that everyone adores... But i have my own ways and i hope that i can help you out...

    Katherine x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    yeaah thanks kpnuts im going to try tonight and going to force myself not to have anything because this time im more aware of it :noway:

    Sean no problem.. How did it go?

    I went to a friends Birthday BBQ last night... I made sure i had my dinner before i went round... and didnt give in to any Cheese Burgers, Sausages or Cake... Was slightly soul destroying but if im gonna loose this weight im gonna have to sacrafice some things in life.. Plus most of it is all high in Sat fat.. so i suppose i made the right desicion.. :o)

    What did you have for dinner BTW Sean?

    Katherine x
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Katherine - how tall are you? i cant remember if you've said before?
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    5ft 7'...

  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    yeaah thanks kpnuts im going to try tonight and going to force myself not to have anything because this time im more aware of it :noway:

    Sean no problem.. How did it go?

    I went to a friends Birthday BBQ last night... I made sure i had my dinner before i went round... and didnt give in to any Cheese Burgers, Sausages or Cake... Was slightly soul destroying but if im gonna loose this weight im gonna have to sacrafice some things in life.. Plus most of it is all high in Sat fat.. so i suppose i made the right desicion.. :o)

    What did you have for dinner BTW Sean?

    Katherine x

    Heyy katherine it went verrry verry well :smile:

    i had my dinner quite early which was jacket potatoe with tuna so i had a bowl of plain cornflakes around 9 and i weighed myself in this morning and iv lost that 1 lb i had put on :bigsmile:

    thanks for your help katherine

    going to do another workout sesh today and have the day off tommorow, hope for a good night tonight and healthy choice for tommorow:happy:
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    &&&& o i forgot i also resisted having a burger last night as my mam and dad had there dinner about 8-9pm and they had 3 burgers left over but i turned them down and had a bowl of cornflakes instead:bigsmile:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    yeaah thanks kpnuts im going to try tonight and going to force myself not to have anything because this time im more aware of it :noway:

    Sean no problem.. How did it go?

    I went to a friends Birthday BBQ last night... I made sure i had my dinner before i went round... and didnt give in to any Cheese Burgers, Sausages or Cake... Was slightly soul destroying but if im gonna loose this weight im gonna have to sacrafice some things in life.. Plus most of it is all high in Sat fat.. so i suppose i made the right desicion.. :o)

    What did you have for dinner BTW Sean?

    Katherine x

    Heyy katherine it went verrry verry well :smile:

    i had my dinner quite early which was jacket potatoe with tuna so i had a bowl of plain cornflakes around 9 and i weighed myself in this morning and iv lost that 1 lb i had put on :bigsmile:

    thanks for your help katherine

    going to do another workout sesh today and have the day off tommorow, hope for a good night tonight and healthy choice for tommorow:happy:

    Afternoon Sean,

    Glad you resisted the burger!! :drinker: my mouth was at serious melting point when my friend offered me a homemade "large" fairy cake with loads of tubed icing... oh how i wanted to devour it! lol :laugh: :laugh:

    Bowl of cornflakes is cool.. you say at 9? What time do u go to bed? Only asking cause having the food sitting on my stomach at night can be a real pain... do you know what i mean? Or are you a night owl and stay up into the early hours?

    going out for a workout afterwork... maybe a run? or gym session, but i have a feeling i might be doing both!?
    THEN... Im going out on a date tonight!! I wont hold my breath tho! :laugh: :laugh: he could be MR BORING!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    yeaah thanks kpnuts im going to try tonight and going to force myself not to have anything because this time im more aware of it :noway:

    Sean no problem.. How did it go?

    I went to a friends Birthday BBQ last night... I made sure i had my dinner before i went round... and didnt give in to any Cheese Burgers, Sausages or Cake... Was slightly soul destroying but if im gonna loose this weight im gonna have to sacrafice some things in life.. Plus most of it is all high in Sat fat.. so i suppose i made the right desicion.. :o)

    What did you have for dinner BTW Sean?

    Katherine x

    Heyy katherine it went verrry verry well :smile:

    i had my dinner quite early which was jacket potatoe with tuna so i had a bowl of plain cornflakes around 9 and i weighed myself in this morning and iv lost that 1 lb i had put on :bigsmile:

    thanks for your help katherine

    going to do another workout sesh today and have the day off tommorow, hope for a good night tonight and healthy choice for tommorow:happy:

    Afternoon Sean,

    Glad you resisted the burger!! :drinker: my mouth was at serious melting point when my friend offered me a homemade "large" fairy cake with loads of tubed icing... oh how i wanted to devour it! lol :laugh: :laugh:

    Bowl of cornflakes is cool.. you say at 9? What time do u go to bed? Only asking cause having the food sitting on my stomach at night can be a real pain... do you know what i mean? Or are you a night owl and stay up into the early hours?

    going out for a workout afterwork... maybe a run? or gym session, but i have a feeling i might be doing both!?
    THEN... Im going out on a date tonight!! I wont hold my breath tho! :laugh: :laugh: he could be MR BORING!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    hahaa good luck on ya date hope it aint boring lol

    and yerr i dont always eat at night but i cant go to sleep when im hungry so i do tend do have some fruit or low sugar, cal and fat cereal, well until the past week or so but it looks like i could be back on track :bigsmile:

    and iv only got my workout in about an hour and then iv got nothing planned for today :ohwell:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Sorry for not stopping by, I really hate nightshifts, my body clock is all over the place :grumble: I don't sleep properly and I really hate training in the evenings. Decided to go today at 4pm see how that works. oh and no use weighing in this week or next week cos dreaded aunt flo will be visiting any time soon:ohwell: As you all see I am a proper grumpy old woman today.

    Hope you are all achieving your goals :flowerforyou:
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