Team UK: Week 8 and 9



  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Hello Mumsanutter, I had exactly the same and it can be a number of things, water retention (warm weather), constipation, time of the month... :ohwell: but your body could be saying calm down, I need to get used to these changes which makes your weightloss plateau for a week or two week period.

    Just stick to whatever you feel is right, eat the right amount of calories for the exercise you are doing and drink plenty of water. :drinker:

    Good luck :smile:
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello everyone, I've not checked in in a while. Hope everyone is good?

    I've been ok recently, although I've not logged anything in a while! I just can't be bothered coming home from work where I've spent 7 hours staring at a computer then turning on my laptop to enter the food.
    I had an Indian the other night when my boyfriend came over but I was very pleased with myself, I didn't order any naan bread! That's always the killer for me.
    I'm going to a bbq in about an hour though so I'll see how I do....
    I've not been doing much exercise this week because I pulled my leg muscle last Friday when I was out dancing and it's just feeling better now!

    Amy x
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    I had an Indian the other night when my boyfriend came over but I was very pleased with myself, I didn't order any naan bread! That's always the killer for me.

    I managed that the other night too! i had 2 poppadoms instead and no rice
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Had a great work out this morning.. I am going to have 40 winks to recover :yawn:

    Hope you all enjoy the sunshine :glasses: :drinker:

  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Week 9 Challenge

    This weeks challenge is going to be different - its a monthly challenge

    July Challenge
    step 1: set yourself a goal weight for the end of july
    step 2: weigh in every monday and post your progress

    use what you've already learned/what your learning to reach a smaller goal
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    Ooh I think I did okay with last weeks challenge, been feeling off all week but still pushed myself to do my exercise!

    End of July is the WEDDING that I am wanting to loose the weight for (one of my best friends weddings), so I would love to be 10st7lbs max by then, less would obviously be better!! so that's about 5lbs in a month....I think that's possible? Just need to get exercising my *kitten* off (literally!)
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    If I go by what it says when I finished logging my food for the day then I should be 75kg by the end of July however, I won't hold my breath on that one due to having a problematic bowel :blushing: :ohwell: but I will do my best by sticking to 1200 cal. of good clean food and plenty of exercise and water. I also plan to do 3 x 90 min. training sessions a week followed by 2 x 45 with two rest days in between. I had a rest day yesterday but ended up going swimming. I can still feel the burn in my quads :bigsmile:

    Here is to a successful July :glasses: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    I'm going to play it safe and go for 144lbs by the end of july - 1lb a week loss - then if i do lose anymore its a happy bonus and more motivation.
    i weighed in this morning and was 149.8lbs
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning Team!

    I hope everyone enjoyed their weekends.. so i had a very bad alcohol weekend.. i did stray a bit when it came to chocolate and i didn't mind one little bit!! Because.... this week is my full on start since being back from my holidays.. Im working with another collegue of mine to hit a certain target by September (when im having my next holiday) to be 9 1/2 stone.. Currently 10 1/2.. BTW can someone work that out for my in Lbs.. cause i dont think whats on my profile is right?! HELP!! :happy:

    These are my own personal goals..

    1. I have stopped taking the pill.. so the weight wont cling on for dear life anymore.. i know it will take a while for my system to get back to normality, but hopefully it will help with the weight loss now..

    2. I will be going down the 1,200 a day cals only eating back 1,300 if i workout (really trying)

    3. I am taking a course of Pills (with my collegue) to boost my metabolism (this is only for the first 2 weeks) to see if it makes a difference.

    4. Im eating whole foods and really cutting down on the alcohol levels when i go out to town.. Its not good!

    By the end July i want to be 10.4-2? Just see how it goes!

    :heart: Katherine
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    9 1/2 stone is 135lbs and 10 1/2stone is 147lbs
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Thank you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    another handy link, I am thinking of joining this website
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    Weighed in this morning at 152.5

    so I need to loose 5.5lbs at least in the month!! WE CAN DO IT! I am feeling positive :)
  • Cherrystargirl
    Stayed the same for the last 2 weeks due to naughty eating combined with TOM so my goal is 8lbs by the end of July which will mean a total weight loss of 3 stones since my diet started. 2lb a week and a week for TOM, think that's achievable!

    So today's weight is 13st 12lbs, End of July goal weight is 13st 4lbs. That will be the lightest I've been in 8 years :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Going to need your support though team!!!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    I weighed in at 12st1 (169lb), I'd be happy to lose 1lb a week (haven't been losing for a while:cry: !), so 11st 10 or 164lb.

    Brought some new lcd scales today - find it difficult to read my old scales. So will have to do the compare weight thing later to see how they compare to the old ones :ohwell:
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    i have let myself go since friday and today is the last day as iv been to parties and stuff and i thought after a lot of hard work i deserve to just not coun the calories, which i am sure is probably going to reflect on my weight.

    i havent weighed myself since thursday when i lost another 1 lb which put me on 183 lbs, so i will weigh myself after this week is over because im going back to my exercise routine and healthier eating but my target weight loss for the end of july is to lose 6 lbs and weigh in at 177 lbs i think i can do better but i don;t want to be disappointed if i dnt

    so good luck to every1 els nywy:smile:
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    I weighed myself this morning and was 9st 6//132 lbs, which means I've actually gone up a!!!! I thought I would though, coz I've not been doing good the past week. I'm gonna be more concentrated this month though. I would like to be under 130lbs by the end of July, abouut 128. I don't know how it's going to happen though because I'm going to T in the Park a week on Friday, and you can't really be healthy at festivals! I'll be dancing around a lot though, so I suppose that's good.

    I started today off well, I'm 12-8 today so went on my bike for 12mins before I had my breakfast :smile:

    Have a nice day peeps

    Amy x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    So... im being really good atm, sticking to my cals etc, getting great advice from friends... however.. i have been confronted by a bit of a block today.. someone has bought in cakes.. no biggy cause i wont eat them - however he has given me snack a jacks as a substitute as we get on quite well and he's nice like that... any whoooo.. do i or do i not eat them? what are you thoughts on these suposidly "low fat" "high sugar" snacks? :glasses:

    Plus im sooooooooooper hungry! Lunch is... 2 Wholemeal seed rolls, with Tikka Chicken slices and lettuce, no butter and no mayo... RUBBISH!!! :grumble:

    Whats on the agenda for everyones lunches today?

    Katherine :flowerforyou:
  • Cherrystargirl
    Tuna salad for me!

    My advice is eat your lunch, drink some water and give those snack a jacks a rethink! :wink:
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    lunch today =jacket potatoe with tuna mixed with red onion, sliced cucumber and plum tomatoes with a bit of cottage cheese on the side

    just quick thing cottage cheese is low in calories and hardly no fat, does everyone see it as a healthy option?

    also i buy asda's own mayonnaise as it is low in fat, calories and sat fat anyone else notice that ? i dont go over the top with it lyk i just put 1 tbs in with the tuna and veg