Team UK: Week 8 and 9

Hi guys and Welcome new members!!

Week 8 Challenge

Work on your weaknesses

It doesnt need to be related to weight loss, its a confidence boost challenge this week


  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    My biggest weakness is self doubt, so this is what I will work on.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    My weekness is chocolate..

    so i wont have it .. and considering last night i ate so much i ended up being sick in the middle of the night i have learnt my lesson completely!!
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    My weakness is snacking too much even if it is on healthier options

    Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    My weakness is temptation.
    My BF always eats takeaway which makes want it too, i'm getting better though - instead of getting my own i eat his minimal leftovers - just to completely say no now lol
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    I think my weakness is laziness! This weekend I did NOTHING, i didnt even get changed out of my PJs...Just showered and got into clean ones.....disgrace! I should have at least gone for a walk or got some fresh air.

    Walking group tonight though, and then hopefully swimming wednesday & thurs and dog sitting at the weekend so will be out walking again so kick myself back into gear! I was having such a good week last week too!

    Good luck everyone...... :happy:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    This weather is making it very very tempting not to go to Legs Bums and Tums tonight... Maybe i will go for a late workout.. stop me from binging in the the eveing... Plan? This way i will have dinner reasonably early.. then go out around 8.30... Plus my Sky+ isn't working so no interesting TV for me in the evenings!!!
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Hello everybody and welcome to all the new members :happy:

    yay another week lol I am still carrying on from last one :laugh: I have made my food log public that way I won't cheat if I know people are watching my every move... :embarassed: :laugh: It might be mind over matter but anything is worth a try.

    I have an appointment with trainer again tonight, she will be taking my fitness to an all new level so I might be too tired to reply to any messages tonight (luckily I have tomorrow off to recover) :laugh:

    Good luck all of you :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Cherrystargirl
    Hi Newbie checking in!

    Okay my weakness is not doing my sit ups. I know that if I want rid of my mummy tummy I've got to get them done but have no time in the morning and once El is down at night I'm just too tired. :yawn:

    This week I will aim for a minimum of 50 a day and try and improve that as the weeks go by :wink:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    I had a good day today! going to the gym after work even if the weather is amazing today...

    Ill get home, Make dinner... 3 egg omelette with Chicken
    Water all the plants in the garden..
    and then... sleep! ha ha

    i will be going to the cinema tomorrow... i dont know what im going to cause i love my pick n mix!!

    Bahhh.. this is rubbish! :grumble:
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    :bigsmile: half way there now !!!

    then when iv got rid of this 15lbs am going to add another goal of 7lbs

    3 days straight iv been working out, quite happy and suprised i managed to stick to it and actually added more each day to the workout

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    Not so bad day for me either, home made veggie soup for lunch, beans, sausage, bacon and egg for dinner, i skipped breakfast (i know naughty!!) but that's all i have had! Along with my usual cups of tea- I will have to have a few glasses of water before bed, but no exercise today - My boyfriend headbutted me in his sleep! :grumble: so been having headaches and dizzy spells all day....Dont wanna risk anything. Bloody boyfriend! lol
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    :bigsmile: half way there now !!!

    then when iv got rid of this 15lbs am going to add another goal of 7lbs

    3 days straight iv been working out, quite happy and suprised i managed to stick to it and actually added more each day to the workout

    Well done! Wish I had the will power to work out every day! 3 times a week is enough for me now...:laugh:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Hi Newbies! :happy:

    My biggest weakness is FOOD. Lol.

    Katherine I read about your Choc fest. Look at your ticker - you're doing great. I'm the same, if I fall off the wagon I give myself major grief and then de-motivate myself so much I wonder if it's worth getting back on again. But today is another day and everything that's worked up until now will keep working! :smile:

    I'm having difficult getting time to exercise while I get my dissertation finished. So for the next 3 weeks I'm going to eat 1200 cals a day, exercise when I can and aim for maintaining what I've lost. That way anything that comes off is a bonus and at least I won't do what I usually do when I stop losing -ie. eat anything.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Morning Lorro..

    Glad to hear from you. :flowerforyou:

    I had a really good food day yesterday, and burnt 500+cals at the gym, i went around 7 after i had dinner.. i was on fire! just kept going and going... Apart from the running machine.. two weeks on holiday has taken me back a bit and im not able to run quite as long as before!!

    today has started off well...
    :bigsmile: Before i left for work i had 100ml glass of semi skimmed milk then breakfast was a mixture of BranFlakes, Mini wheats, Fruit and nut musili and a sprinkle of honeyoats and fruit stuff... and a banana and lemon and lime herbal tea!! Yum Yum Yum!
    :bigsmile: I have just munched on some almonds as my mid morning snack and have a peach herbal tea to drink..
    :bigsmile: Lunch will be Chicken Tikka Breast slices 1pack with salad leaves and half a can of chickpeas
    :bigsmile: Afternoon snack will be some grapes.
    :bigsmile: Dinner is going to be Tuna and Sweetcorn with Brocolli.?

    my mum n dad get home from their holiday tomorrow.. cant wait to see them.. its been like 3weeks! im a big softy and miss them! i havent been to uni so i've never been away from them for this long!!!
    Most of it was spent on holiday so i didnt mind, but being home alone (bro is in cuba) sucks a bit!!

    anywhoo enough emotional blabber.. its that T.O.T.M today so im feeling a bit crampy and moody plus i have officially stopped my pill!! Hoping this will help me loose weight quicker.. i will stick to the same food, but i wont have my pill holding me back! Fingers crossed!

    Lol over and out!

    :heart: xxxx:heart:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    I have just made a large pan of vegetarian chilli (I am not vegetarian but I love this) I will be eating this at lunch times instead of pasta or bread. Store it in fridge or pre-pack tupperwear you can heat up in microwave for at work for a week :)

    My own 4 bean chilli:

    knob of butter
    1 tbsp. olive oil
    1 onion
    1 box of mushrooms
    1 tin of mung beans
    1 tin of flageolet beans
    1 tin of adzuki beans
    1 tin of kidney beans
    1 tin of chopped tomatoes

    2 tbsp tomato puree
    1 or 2 tsp chilli powder (depending on how hot you like it)
    1 tsp cumin powder
    1 tbsp crushed garlic
    1 tbsp sugar

    takes roughly 10 min. incl. prep.

    Enjoy :drinker: :happy:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    I have just made a large pan of vegetarian chilli (I am not vegetarian but I love this) I will be eating this at lunch times instead of pasta or bread. Store it in fridge or pre-pack tupperwear you can heat up in microwave for at work for a week :)

    My own 4 bean chilli:

    knob of butter
    1 tbsp. olive oil
    1 onion
    1 box of mushrooms
    1 tin of mung beans
    1 tin of flageolet beans
    1 tin of adzuki beans
    1 tin of kidney beans
    1 tin of chopped tomatoes

    2 tbsp tomato puree
    1 or 2 tsp chilli powder (depending on how hot you like it)
    1 tsp cumin powder
    1 tbsp crushed garlic
    1 tbsp sugar

    takes roughly 10 min. incl. prep.

    Enjoy :drinker: :happy:

    sounds lovely! what's the sugar for? can that be left out?
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    ive also made my food diary public too
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Katie, the sugar brings out the flavour of the tinned tomatoes but you can leave it out if you like (remember though it is only 1btsp for that huge pan of chilli) :wink: a little of what one fancies :laugh:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    ive also made my food diary public too

    Hopefully knowing we are watching each other we will watch what we eat :wink: :laugh:

    Mine is:

    Drink plenty of water with this weather :laugh: :drinker: :drinker:
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    I have increased my calorie intake, so am aiming at 1b lose a week instead of 1.5/2, but I still don't seem to be losing any. I have lost inches from my hips, under breast, arms and legs (none from my waist), but haven't lost any lbs for about 3 weeks. I thought by increasing my calories it might shock my system and I am still walking or trying different exercises - tried pilates (boy did I ache the next day! lol :embarassed: ).

    Know the question - have I done the right thing by increasing my calories or should I go back to 1230?