Team UK: Week 8 and 9



  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Well done Sean :happy: Keep going, you are doing great!
  • Cherrystargirl
    Sean that's great news, well done! :drinker:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hey hey!

    Hows everyones weekends going? Already planned my meals for today... Havent got a clue about tomorrow tho as its a 25th Wedding anniversary and i have NO idea of what will be served!!! :indifferent:

    Lovely weather again!! :flowerforyou:

    Well done Sean! Keep at the great work!

    Katherine x
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    Nice one Sean! Its so great getting into a different stone! Ace :)

    Last night I was naughty, very naughty, but at least I knew I was going to be and enjoyed myself...Tried to be good today, been for a walk and had a chicken salad for lunch. Thinking of doing a core exercise dvd and some of the exercises suggested by Helen :) Thanks Helen!

    Wanted to go out dancing tonight but my boyfriend wont go :( so night in for me!!!

    Hope everyone has had a good summer...monsoon rain here today!!
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Your welcome ChrisyJade :happy: :drinker: If your boyfriend doesn't want to go dancing tonight, what is stopping you from putting on a few dance tracks and doing some dancing in your bedroom or livingroom? :bigsmile: I would do it but I really have two left feet and no rhythm whatsoever. I can't even do the step aerobic exercise on my wii fit LOL
    What core exercise dvd do you have? I don't own any fitness dvd's yet because I am so hooked on my gym but tomorrow I won't be able to go because I work till 4pm and my gym will be closed :grumble: I know I should have a rest day but I get fidgety if I don't do anything. I might go for a run tomorrow if weather permits (don't want to ruin my new trainers lol) otherwise I will just have to make do with the ironing and some housework :ohwell:

    Have a great evening :happy: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Hi guys, sorry i havnt been around all week, i moved house and didnt have internet access.
    im back now though :tongue:
  • Cherrystargirl
    Welcome back Katie! I'm guessing the house move in this weather will have burned LOADS of calories! Did it all go well?
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Congrats Sean on getting below 13stone.

    Have had a good week and have lost 4/5 pounds, so very happy to have left my plateau with a mega jump :happy:
    We are having friends over for a bbq today, and my husband has just worked out the calories in the dhansak he has made - 590 per portion...... think I'll be sticking to the monkfish kebabs :laugh:

    Helen, I have the 5step fat attack fitness dvd, and this really works for me especially the ab workout.

    Katie, hope the house move went ok and I bet your glad to be back on the net.
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Hi Mumsanutter, I would get 5step but as I mentioned earlier post I have no rhythm whatsoever :cry: I can't follow the feet at all so I tend to stick to cardio and core exercises. I might get the biggest losers dvd. And perhaps one day invest in a kettlebell :happy:

    Welcome back Katie :flowerforyou:

    I was up at 6:30 this morning with an energy overload, so I did all my ironing and cleaned house from top to bottom. I started work at 9am and I will have a nice bowl of homemade mushroom soup for lunch.

    My evening meal tonight will be steamed cod, steamed asparagus, wilted baby spinach and two poached eggs.

    Tomorrow I weigh in again, not looking forward to it eventhough I have been pretty good this week. Not having much of a bm lately :embarassed:

    Hope you are doing well this weekend :drinker:

  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    heyy every1 i did soo good on my weigh in on fridya i lost 4 lbs :bigsmile: as i sed befor

    butttt friday night i had a pizza, saturday i had a pizza for dinner n a takeaway for tea and had some maltesers in the night, i havent ate any1 of those things for agessss so i deserved a treat i thnk:ohwell:

    wellll im back on track today and im exercising starting agen tuesday hoping to get outta the 180's, just 2lbs left and i'll be 179lbs :smile:

    oh i was also wondering if any of you know bout saturated fat, bcos i dnt understand wether you should eat the guided amount or wether its a choice to eat sat fat or not, do we need it?

    alsooo is pop which is zero eg coca cola zero, sprite zero, dr pepper zero, okay to drink?

    thanksssss, hope every1 had a goood wkend:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Cherrystargirl
    So I went for the chinese buffet lunch today, tried to be good without feeling like I was depriving myself, but probably ate my day's allowance for my lunch! Had less than 100cals for breakfast and already done an hours worth of walking, just off to mow the lawn too so hopefully I'll have enough calories for a cup a soup later!!!
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Sean, I don't want to scare you but read this:

    I quit the soda scene two years ago then last year I gave up regular sugar because of the empty calories.

    I prefer water, green/white/herbal/fruit teas there are so many out there but it takes a while to get used to if you have been used to sugary drinks. I reckon it took me just over a week to get used to not having sugar in my tea. I gave up coffee too (headaches on wheels lol)

    I gave up alcohol 2 years ago (due to circumstances) and now if I go out I drink sparkling mineral water.

    Good luck :drinker:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    well, i weighed in today
    151.2 :frown: :sad:
    so i'm back at stage one :(

    so im re-starting today, so today is Day 1
    Starting weight: 151.2
    July Challenge goal weight: 144
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning Guys and Girls, i hope you are all ok!?

    Katie - Last week i sort of had a re-start.. i went to the gym to start my new workout routine, so i had to go through the usual height weight and BMI measurments before i started, so im at 10st 8lb (havnt weighed myself since).. and that was my starting point again...

    My challenge this week is to stick to 1,200 cals - work out 4-5 times this week (burning anywhere from 400 - 600cals) and eating WHOLE foods.. No processed mubo jumbo! Iwill also plan my food for the next few days so i know what im doing! :happy:

    End of July goal weight - 10stone! I hope!! :laugh:

    :heart: Katherine x
  • Cherrystargirl
    So weighed in this morning and have lost 1lb. Would have liked more (obviously!) but happy with this considering yesterday's chinese buffet! That officially puts me at 2st 7lbs since 11/5, 11lbs to go to hit my first target of 13st. Would dearly love to reach this by the end of the month, but not sure if it's being unrealistic.

    With a full time job and a 16month old daughter I really am finding it incredibly hard to fit exercise in apart from walking. I know this is my best chance of getting down to my first target, so any suggestions?

    Good luck everyone else on today's weigh in x
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    Weighed in this morning, thought I would have gained due to a not very good weekend but actually lost 1lb which I can't complain about!

    So now I am 10st11. another 4lbs to go for my July challenge weight! I bought my dress for the wedding on Saturday, and its slightly tight, so I HAVE to loose it for the wedding!!

    Going to kick start myself again this week., need to keep up my exercise! Going to go out walking on my own tonight (well with my ipod!!) can't be using no one to exercise with an an excuse!!! and probably do my DVD when I get in from work tomorrow and swim on Thursday.

    I will find the name of the DVD when I get home Helen, I cant remember what its called! But someone from work gave it to me cause its supposed to be great for posture and bad backs. When I do it I always think "this is easy" but by the end I am rather warm and sore!!
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Thanks ChristyJade, I am also thinking about getting the biggest loser dvd, I love their core exercise and what with my 90 min. work out in the gym every day I should get to my target this year :happy:

    I forgot to weigh in at the gym today so will do it tomorrow.

    Swapped the cow for the goat and soy, added more apples and prunes to my diet and my bm is back to normal at last :happy: please excuse the nature of the subject but I believe that having a bunged up bowel stops you from losing weight. I am thinking of going for a colonic irrigation which should get me back to normal again (fingers crossed)

    My challenge for this week is no different, I like this plan and want to stick with it as long as possible. I did however have a few cheats this week but managed to stay within 1200 cals.

    Cherrystargirl, walking is great exercise, check this out:

    I am going to have more dark green veg in my diet this week, I really enjoyed the steamed aspargus so no doubt they will be on the menu again this week.

    good luck all :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    Wow I am so worn out! Went for a super brisk walk tonight for 45 minutes. The trousers I wore kept falling down and the top I had on kept riding up so I had to keep my hoody on, and slightly zipped up to cover my pants and belly!!! It was roasting hot in the sun so by the time I got home I was boiling!! haha wont be making that mistake again...

    Helen the DVD I have is Egoscue - Pain Free Workout Series (vol 1 beginners) - "improve your posture, tone and shape your body, Increase your strength". Its quite American! But good, 45 minutes long :)

    Been keeping up the water drinking from the challenge a couple of weeks ago :)

    DETERMINED hehe :drinker:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Hi ChrisyJade, just shows the inches fly off just as fast as those pounds :bigsmile: Time to go shopping for some lycra :wink: I have lycra pants and a huge hoodie, I don't know what it looks like lol I am past caring when I go for the jog, got my ipod on some podcast I downloaded to get me running 5k in a few months. (very optimistic I know) :laugh:

    I bought a new bikini, it is a little on the tight side but I know I will fit into it properly soon.

    I will check out the dvd's and have a look around the charity shops first before buying new. I have put it on my wishlist together with biggest loser dvd. :happy: just wish I could get the American biggest loser with Bob and Gillian, they are the best trainers I have ever seen.

    Have you noticed you drink more water than other drinks now? Sometimes I don't even bother with my usual cups of tea because I have another bottle of water on the go :laugh: :drinker: :drinker:

    Keep on moving girls (and boys) :bigsmile:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    I weighed in today and lost another kg. I am now officially at my half way mark :happy:

    Burnt 1470 cals today but since I have been home I have done nothing but yawn, can't snap out of it :yawn:

    Hope you are all doing well, keep up the good work :drinker:
