Team UK: Week 8 and 9



  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Hey Snorker, welcome to the group :flowerforyou:

    I think I made wrong choices today, I didn't go to the gym, had naughty lunch and had a thick slice of carrot cake :tongue:

    Did make some gingered pumpkin soup for dinner tonight which is low cal. and I will have a strawberry and banana smoothie later tonight as a treat. If I just stick to all that I remain within calories... fingers crossed!

    Another situation though, I promised my son I would treat him to pizza hut, I am really worried because I haven't had it since before my diet and I don't know which pizza base and toppings to choose. They are all very bad I know but I plan on doing 2 hour in the gym and half hour swim before so I won't feel too bad about excessive cals. Any of you sinners know about pizza hut? :laugh:

    Hope you are all behaving :wink: :bigsmile:

  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Oh I was very bad yesterday. I was off work so me and the boy went to Pizza Hut for lunch, then saw Harry Potter, then went to the Motherwell game and I had a pie!!
    Harry Potter was brilliant! The only thing that was wrong was these two people right in front of me that talked and laughed throughout the ENTIRE film. They were so annoying! They weren't even talking about the film.
    Helen - I always have margherita pizzas at Pizza Hut because I'm not that big a fan of toppings anyway, but I think they have healthier pizzas now. You've probably already been and ate by the time you read this.
    I went out for a run yesterday with the boy as well before we went to Pizza Hut. Arrggghhh!!!! I think the last time I ran properly was about 5 years ago. I had to stop and walk all the time. We were only out for half an hour.
    I went out again tonight by myself. Only for 15 mins but I didn't stop, only did gentle jogging because my legs are quite sore :(
    Going out for a curry tomorrow night then out drinking and dancing......oh dear.

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend
    Amy x
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109

    so had a good day but bad night yesterday :ohwell: lol ate pretty well througout the day but then i got in late last night after getting back from round the mates and ended up eating lindt choc bar bcos i wos hungry and cudnt be bovered cooking. has anyone else noticed that lindt dont put the nutrional facts on their products :grumble: so im going to have to look for them online

    anyway i have managed to arrange two days upto now for workout sesh's for next week :smile: really want to shift this 10 lbs (well i havent weighed myself in a bit so im hoping im its stil 10 lbs or less:ohwell: ) but yeah want to shift it either befor i go on holiday in 4 and a bit weeks which is wot i wud prefer, not going anywhere abroad or special just its a deadline that iv set since i started losing weight and i really want to achieve it :smile:

    anyway hoping for a good day today iv only had 2 boiled eggs, half tin of beans and two slices of hovis wholemeal thick slice(no butter) - is that good cals, fat etc wise ?:indifferent:

    also mates are coming round tonight and ordering a takeaway, but im going to have something before they come round and avoid the take away haha and then going to see the new harry potter tommorow night but im always good at the cinema nywy only get a slushie and thats it

    wel iv rambled on lol so good luck everyone :happy:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    anyway hoping for a good day today iv only had 2 boiled eggs, half tin of beans and two slices of hovis wholemeal thick slice(no butter) - is that good cals, fat etc wise ?:indifferent:

    fat wise thats good, but it really doesnt sound like a lot of calories??
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    anyway hoping for a good day today iv only had 2 boiled eggs, half tin of beans and two slices of hovis wholemeal thick slice(no butter) - is that good cals, fat etc wise ?:indifferent:

    fat wise thats good, but it really doesnt sound like a lot of calories??

    it was only my first meal but iv tried to work it out and cals = 400-500ish and fat = 8g, so i think thats good:ohwell:

    anyway managed to do a workout sesh and did extra jogging laps and sit ups which makes today the most iv ever done i think :happy: and i only realised it was a week today til my birthday and i set mysef a goal to get to 12st 7lbs, and i havent weighed myself yet and don;t plan on doing so until monday, so hoping for good things as this is my birthday present to me lol :laugh:

    hope everyone is having a good weekend :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i weighed in this morning and i've lost a 1lb! - i WILL continue to lose this time - i WILL NOT get complacent this time
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Hi guys, got a new thread for our fitness goals, hope you will join me here too:

    Well done to all the 'losers' here :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    so i went to the cinema to see harry potter which i fort wos rubbish lol but i wos good and just hada slushie and a hanful of starbursts ahaa

    so i weighed in this morning and im still at 12st 10lbs:ohwell: only got few more days and i need to lose 1lb to reach my goal for july !!

    nywy good luck everyone, hope we all reach our goals :happy:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hey hey!

    I hope everyone had good weekends! Looks like a lot of people have had the attack of Harry Potter Feaver!! :laugh:

    My weekend was bad with food.. lol but its fine! Im back to my usual routine now! I have not put on n e weight ( i hope) lol but im hoping to hit 10stone by the 1st week of August! Wish me luck!!

    Katherine :flowerforyou:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i was actualy good this weekend - for once :tongue:
    i went to the gym again this morning and burnt 885cals so i thought that was a very good workout today :happy:

    bad thing - my mum made caramel shortcake yesterday and its sooooo yummy! i just want to keep eating it - ive only had once piece today though so thats not bad
  • Had a pretty naughty weekend, but I don't care because at my weigh in today I LOST 2lb!!! And it's my TOM!!! That's 43lbs, 3 stone 1lb in 11 weeks, woo hoo!!! I LOVE this site! Thanks Team UK, the opportunity to share (and confess!) has helped me smash my July target by 1lb, couldn't have done it without you.

    Now I did say when I hit 3stone gone I'd celebrate with some Ben & Jerry's.....!

    :wink: :laugh: :wink:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Now I did say when I hit 3stone gone I'd celebrate with some Ben & Jerry's.....!

    they do 'healthier' frozen yogurt versions now :tongue:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member

    we are having our kitchen done for the next couple of weeks :noway: Shock horror.. no oven to tenderly cook my salmon - no stove to make my wholemeal pasta... Only a fridge and microwave!! Hellooo salads and cold meats! Loads of veggies done in the micro n e ways!

    mmm dinners will be a little bland.. maybe ill live off porridge! ha ha!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Now I did say when I hit 3stone gone I'd celebrate with some Ben & Jerry's.....!

    they do 'healthier' frozen yogurt versions now :tongue:

    Lol! Now that's hardly a celebration!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :laugh:

    I hope everyone is having a good day!?

    Any new Challenges for the week?

    Mine is to go to the Gym - Mon,Tues,Wed,Thurs and friday!! lol Then have the weekend off!! :happy:

    I hope i manage it!

    Here to the Volvic Challenge - Instead of 1 1.5L bottle im drinking 2 1/2 bottles!!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Hello 'Losers' I am joining your club again, after a short plateau I have lost another kg :happy:

    I guess it is down to my 6 meals a day and the new fitness challenge. :drinker:

    Keep on going girls and guys :wink:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i went to the gym today, burnt 1000cals!!!

    and weighed in this morning.... ive lost another 1.2lbs!!! so thats 2.2lbs in a week!
    ive finaly found something that works for me :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Katie you have done well, I lost 1 kg which is 2.2lbs :happy:

    Do you have a set programme at the gym? Would love to know.

    I have been working nights and I am absolutely knackered, my food is a bit weird because of my sleeping times. Last one tonight, going to treat myself with either a grilled tuna steak or a grilled steak
    with a nice chickpea salad.


    Created by - Free Calorie Calculator

    P.S Seeing I am at my half way mark I will need to make some changes, I am now going for portion control. I now have 1/3 of cup of porridge instead a 1/2 cup. Going to incorperate this with every meal.
    the last 15kg is going to hard to shift.
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member

    Do you have a set programme at the gym? Would love to know.

    the trainer i had for the induction did write me a programme but i got bored doing it and the bike REALLY annoys me :tongue:
    the plan he gave me is:
    5min treadmill - 3-3.5mph
    bike - pace programm 3mile @10mph
    crosstrainer - profile level 8-10, 10-15mins, 40-45rpm
    rower - 5mins, resistance 4
    chest press - 5kg, 15-20reps x3
    seated row - 10kg, 15-20reps x3
    abductor - 30kg, 15-20reps x3
    adductor - 30kg, 15-20reps x3
    leg press - 30kg, 15-20reps x3
    ab cradle (front) - 15-20reps x3
    ab cradle (side) - 15-20reps x3
    leg lowers - 15-20reps x3
    5min treadmin - 3-2mph

    What i tend to do is:
    20min walk to gym
    15mins treadmill - 4.5mph-6mph walking
    - 7mph running (max 7mins)
    35mins elliptical - focusing on all areas of the leg
    15mins treadmill -4mph -5mph

    Today i did:
    20min walk to gym
    20mins treadmill -4.5mph - 6mph walking
    - running 4mins @ 7mph
    - running 1min @ 10mph
    - running 30sec @ 12mph
    10mins rowing
    15mins treadmill -4 -6mph walking
    20mins elliptical
    10mins treadmill - 4mph walking
    20min walk home

    im really bad at putting resistance/weight training in - i get really bored doing it, and theres always big blokes in the weights bit that laugh at you or old men perving :grumble:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member

    I hope everyone is ok??

    Gym after work tonight... eaten well... going bowling with a freind and then going to a bar called pews near me!

    Over and out...

    I will post more tomorrow..

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