Team UK: Week 8 and 9



  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Hi Katherine

    Go you I know you wouldnt let me down hunni lol , I just done another 7 mile walk today so feeling very proud of myself, I walk past the spectum on my way home give me a wave if you ever see me lol. Also going to the gym tomorrow so every more calorie burning for me.
    I do go out in guildford but not so much atm as trying to loss weight s limiting my goinf out to once or twice a month.
    Your have to take some new pics so we can all see your new hair cut babe, what are your plans for the weekend?

  • So a bit late in weighing in (sorry!) and reluctantly went on the scales with my TOM due and a very naughty weekend, and I have miraculously lost 3lbs!!! So 1lb to go for my July target and 1lb to go for a total of 3 stones lost, woo hoo!!! Not bad for 10 week's work! Wish I'd been on MFP since I started, my ticker would look fabulous 41lbs lost!!!

    hey there. i was the same with my ticker but you can edit it and put your original start weight in. thats what i did. i was annoyed 'coz i joined mfp halfway through my journey. mine only used to say 10 pounds lost but it looks better with the real numbers on.

    oooh really? How do I do that then???
  • So a bit late in weighing in (sorry!) and reluctantly went on the scales with my TOM due and a very naughty weekend, and I have miraculously lost 3lbs!!! So 1lb to go for my July target and 1lb to go for a total of 3 stones lost, woo hoo!!! Not bad for 10 week's work! Wish I'd been on MFP since I started, my ticker would look fabulous 41lbs lost!!!

    hey there. i was the same with my ticker but you can edit it and put your original start weight in. thats what i did. i was annoyed 'coz i joined mfp halfway through my journey. mine only used to say 10 pounds lost but it looks better with the real numbers on.

    oooh really? How do I do that then???

    Don't worry, managed it, thanks for the advice!!!
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109

    i havent had the best past two days with no exercise at all except walking around towfor like 3 hours shopping and after my mam making tagletelli with very hugh fat, cal, sat fat sauce yesterday and having a load of ice cream on tuesday iv still lost weight on my weigh in today :smile:

    of course if i do this all the time i know it aint healthy im just shocked as i was just hoping i had put no more than 1lb on but in actual fact i lost weight :ohwell:

    going to be a healthy day today though, probs no exercise again because my mams asked me to do the garden which im going to do after lunch, which is quite late i know but im just having jacket with cottage cheese

    :happy: Sean
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Hello all, I have reached yet another plateau, I think I might need more calories, going to ask trainer next week when he gets back from holidays.
    I did 45 min. on cross trainer, 45 min. bicycle (16 miles) and 30 min. circuit and core exercise this morning and had a delicious lunch, going to have 40 winks in a minute before I start work. :yawn:

    Well done to the losers and welcome newbies hope you become big losers soon :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Have fun :flowerforyou:

  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148

    i havent had the best past two days with no exercise at all except walking around towfor like 3 hours shopping and after my mam making tagletelli with very hugh fat, cal, sat fat sauce yesterday and having a load of ice cream on tuesday iv still lost weight on my weigh in today :smile:

    of course if i do this all the time i know it aint healthy im just shocked as i was just hoping i had put no more than 1lb on but in actual fact i lost weight :ohwell:

    going to be a healthy day today though, probs no exercise again because my mams asked me to do the garden which im going to do after lunch, which is quite late i know but im just having jacket with cottage cheese

    :happy: Sean

    you can have a day or to like that sean. as long as its not every day you still keep lossing weight coz u would have speeded up you mentabilism.
    Keep up the good work we are all here to support you.

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hello everyone...

    I hope you are all ok? :flowerforyou:

    Isnt this weather rubbish..!!? I work in Farnham and for the majority of the day its either been raining, cloudy or randomly sunny!!?!! lol It just cant make its mind up!

    Going for a 2 mile run after work then maybe going to the gym if i find the motivation.. last night i was waaay to tired and just went home early from the gym, had dinner and then fell asleep before i had to go out for "drinks" (Diet coke) with the girls!

    Im deff toning up which is cool, just wanna see the scales go down!! im getting very annoyed with them.. weigh myself every thursday/friday morning so Hopefully when i look in the morning there will be a change!!? :huh:

    HELEN!! - Your a trooper!! I dunno how you manage such long periods of time on the machines! I get so bord!! :laugh:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Thanks Katherine :happy: I sweat like a pig on the machines, my top is usually soaking :embarassed: but I love them, I watch tv whilst on the cross trainer/bike (need the distraction from the pain LOL) :bigsmile: No pain no gain they say. Got buns of steel already (under a layer of fat) :laugh:

    Ditch the scales they are evil :devil: Get the super friendly tape measure out instead :happy:

    It's miserable weather in south Wales too, I long for some proper sunshine :glasses:

    Have fun at the gym :drinker:

  • Sunshine? What is this strange thing that you talk of..... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    LOL I often wonder...... :laugh:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Me to!! Althought it was alright this morning!!

    Went for a run again last night - 2 miles in 18mins.. Getting better considering i used to run it in 21mins!!
    :drinker: :drinker:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Well done Katherine :happy:

    I am not going to the gym today, I have way too much to do like housework, washing/ironing popping into town and going shopping. I start work earlier too and I won't be able to do what I want anyway. I will clean eat today and log my housework as exercise :bigsmile:

    This weekend I still have to work but no excuses, I will be in the gym and taking my boy with me and we will have a nice swim after.

    Have a good one :drinker:

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Thanks Helen :flowerforyou:

    Not Gyming today either ( well at least im not planning on going) hoping to have a night in tonight... but im getting worried i might have a binge attack so i might have to go out just so im not anywhere near the icecream!!

    OMG.. lol if anyone can see my food diary you will notice (not by any fiddleing of my own) that i managed somehow - to get to 1,200 exactly with Cals!! lol I know im over on sug,prot n fiber but wowzaz!! :laugh:
    Suppose thats not bad going.. :happy:

    Does anyone have a saying on what im about to say... Please be honest :ohwell:
    Yesterday i had porridge for breakfast and lunch - both with different fillings as you can see.. do you think its bad for me to do this ( even though im getting the right balance of cals carbs, fats protien fibre etc...? and then dinner is lean meat n loads of veggies!!?

    So im finishing work at 12.45! Ohh i love fridays at work! The im going into town and getting my hair done! :drinker:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Oh and....... I lost another 1lb!! whoooeeyyy :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Does anyone have a saying on what im about to say... Please be honest :ohwell:
    Yesterday i had porridge for breakfast and lunch - both with different fillings as you can see.. do you think its bad for me to do this ( even though im getting the right balance of cals carbs, fats protien fibre etc...? and then dinner is lean meat n loads of veggies!!?

    i wouldnt have thought so - just as long as your not eating it every day

    i went to the gym this morning - i upped my running time again by 2mins so that was 7mins at 7mph
    although i went on one of the newer treadmill and 7mph was way to fast so i think the one im usually on is getting slow in its old age :laugh:

    but i wore my HRM in the gym today - i LOVE it! it works with all the machines, and showed me i burned 935kcal!

    i did way in this morning though :embarassed: i was 152.4
    im just going to try and eat lean proteins today to help repair my muscles
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Ahh thanks Katie.. i did wonder?!

    Im only doing it today because im leaving early from work n getting my hair done n dont have time to get a propper lunch.. so more porridge! ha ha.. i do love it though! mm banana n almond flavour..
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    the end of my week has sucked bad.
    been working late nights all week then sudenly had a day shift yesterday so was knacked which makes me hungry for bad foods. it was a buffet breakfast and a buffet lunch. basically everything deepfried 'cept the plates.
    then it was the other halfs birthday so it was out for a curry on the night and tonight its friday before i go away for the week. off to wagmamas and out on the town. don;t expect good results but i don;t have any scales to weigh myself until a week on monday. im taking my exercise regime with me so hopefully i will still be 12st dead when i get back. fingers crossed!!

    and curvy katie 953kcals thats badass. i get my HRM tommorrow but for what i do im expecting probably 2-300 per workout, im so lazy ha ha.
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    and curvy katie 953kcals thats badass. i get my HRM tommorrow but for what i do im expecting probably 2-300 per workout, im so lazy ha ha.

    thankies! what are your workouts made up of? i found wearing my HRM made me work harder :laugh: most of those calories burned was thanks to the elliptical
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,099 Member
    Hello all, apologies that I haven't looked in but got some bad news and have been trying to deal with that - as well as stick to the diet! :frown:

    weighed in at 170, so have put a pound on, but not too bad I suppose.

    I have ordered a HRM but have to wait for it to be delivered. Am a little unsure if it will really help me, as I can't get out to the gym (4 children, erratic husband hours or even if hes in the country, and don't want to pay a sitter and have to pay the gym as well), so we have some equipment at home, bike, rowing machine and weights, as well as my dvd.

    Going to Amsterdam for 2 days over the weekend, so will try to be good, but as will be walking for the majority of the time - I won't be too good:laugh:

    Hope you all have a good weekend
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member

    Is it ok if I join this group?

    My weakness is laziness too, I tend to be all or nothing with eating healthily/ exercise. One week I'm really into it, then the next I am quite lazy. Its hard work staying motivated! Arrggghhh! :blushing:
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