Have u been able to get the mahi mahi burgers recently?!?
What kind of cardio were you doing?? I would lean towards the bodymedia/bodybugg since is does take into account more factors then just heart rate....more factors, more accurate :)
YEP :)
Oops...I meant that I have the 405cx :) It's says on the website that the 405cx Has heart-rate based calorie computation...the lower models do not. Hope that helps.
FYI...the lower series gamins do not calculate calories burned based off of heart rate! Your HR for the 305model is for information purposes only. Calories burned are base off of height, weight, time, etc. like other website estimations! I have the 305 and also the 410cx...the 410 DOES base calories burned off of heart…
It's my opinion to use your BB numbers but not to exceed a 1000cal per day deficit. Myfitnesspal is an estimate. BB actually measures and takes into account several factors...therefore making it a better source of actual info.
I thought it started 5/6-5/12?
I have both the bodybugg & just recently got the fitbit. I got the fitbit because of summer and short sleeves...I didn't want to wear the arm strap that is the bodybugg. The fitbit is much smaller and I can wear it on my bra strap. I am currently 1week into wearing them both to see how they compare...calories alone they…
+1 ^^^this^^^
going off memory from the other day here... 5'5" 150lbs chest 35 waist 29.5 hips 40-- :( calf 14 I like to check other peoples measurement too...idk...maybe im just nosey!
Hey! Im already your "friend" and would love to be part of this thread! I have been really looking for new friends and support as well :) I ran a 10k trail run today. And have been training for a half marathon (my first) in two weeks...yikes!!
Awesome! Thanks everyone :)
You should really only measure every couple of weeks. Same time of day...just like with weighing. Don't measure if you feel bloated. Because surely you are bloated and surely the measurements will be off (larger).
Hmm, that review is from 2009...hoping it has been improved upon?! (wishful thinking?!)
I couldn't see your diary :)
Agree...does nothing. Not worth the $
If you have a trader joes near by...they have packaged, sliced from the bird meat. I think turkey and chicken.
Just wanted to say that i clicked on this persons profile and it says account was deactivated!!!
THANKS :)....i would have to agree with this...i like it.
Thank you everyone for the replies...ESP to the the people who actually answered my question!! My question was not wether to eat exercise calories or not...but rather to subtract your BMR cals from exercise cals or not. I honestly don't think it makes a difference...maybe I'm wrong :)
I just keep it simple and track from the time I wake up(whenever that is)....until the time I go to sleep (whatever time that might be). Has worked great for me :)
I dont. But have thought about buying it several times. Question--do you have any problems with not being able to sleep while using it??
I broke my wrist several years ago...for the first week or two it kinda hurt even with running-I think it was the jostling around. So I only walked. But after that I resumed running. It was summer and the worst part was sweating and stink! ;) like someone else said make sure ur very careful not to fall!!
Should I really do legs if I'm doing all that running too??!
A couple of you have commented about green tea...i dont like hot drinks. Do you know if it has the same effects when consumed cold? And also must it be the home brewed type? I like my local diet green tea that comes in the gallon jug....thinking this wouldnt be the same??
They are so cool! Which one did you get??
OMG! I can totally relate. Except I have not been exercising since Xmas and have been eating so bad. And I have gained back 8 lbs. I just recommitted on Thursday. Exercising and eating within my limits. Good luck! It's better to turn it around now before you are back where you started!
THANKS MAGGIE! Anything u can tell me would help a great deal. Never had one before. Had the colpo a few weeks ago.
I won't be able to exercise because of having the leep procedure done today. So really, the two weeks is min. Could even be up to 4weeks depending on how I heal. And...I eat out of boredom so I can't say I will eat less when not exercising...I'm afraid of the opposite!
I take hydroxycut now. But I actually take it for the energy it provides me rather then anything else. I work the nightshift and take one before work. It gives me plenty of energy for my night but then I can go home and go right to sleep without effects. I did take it last year and lost 65lbs but can't give hydroxycut…