what's going on here??????

I have 9lbs to lose and I have neither lost or gained weight on over 2 months. I try to eat lots of protein, I try to keep my processed sugars down, I stay away from white bread, rice etc. I eat every few hrs, I drink 8+ glasses of water each day. I have a personal trainer who focuses on weights and core work with me, I also do body pump, spin, interval running or rowing, boxing and aerobics and a weight training class each week. I've upped my calories from 1200 to 1370.

I know that scales are not the most reliable measure of progress so I also measure myself - no improvement there either.:cry::cry: :cry:

My diary is open. Can anyone give me some good advice about what I can do to rectify this situation. I'm currently 149lbs and would like to be 140lb

Any help would be much appreciated.:drinker:

Thanks in advance


  • skeene07
    skeene07 Posts: 57 Member
    I couldn't see your diary :)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Your diary is closed, darlin'! :smile:
  • Yudster
    Yudster Posts: 1
    You're obviously very healthy and very fit. Maybe you should accept that 149lb is your optimum weight for that clearly excellent level of health? Why risk losing 9lb of strength and vitality?
  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    Ask your PT measure your body fat %. That will give you a good idea of how much fat you can lose. For women, about 12% is generally considered essential body fat. 14-20% is the range most athletes are in, 21-24% is classed as "fitness", 25-31% is normal and over 32% is obese.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Duh! - silly me, Diary now open
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Maybe you need to change up the exercise program? Over time, our bodies get more efficient at performing any exercise that we perform regularly, so we expend fewer calories. Maybe think about varying the exercise routine or adding some high intensity intervals to it?
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    Are you weighing all your food or are you estimating amounts? Are you including absolutely every tiny little ingredient - especially any cooking oil or sauces you may use?
  • drdiet1
    drdiet1 Posts: 7
    Hi Sunshine,

    I am wondering if you are still not eating enough as you seem on average to be about 300 calories under each day with some days over 500 under. I am guessing from your gorgeous photo that you are already in a "healthy" BMI and therefore the deficit that MFP is already giving you is probably more than enough so you should not be eating under your calories too. The food that you eat sounds yummy so perhaps try eating a bit more of it!

    What height are you btw?

  • _LA_
    _LA_ Posts: 111
    Is it because of your thyroid problem?
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    @ drdiet - I'm 5ft 5ins

    @ I'm managing my thyroid with natural stuff and it seems to be working so I don't think it's that. :cry:
  • staceywoo
    staceywoo Posts: 56
    I've noticed that you usually eat bread for quite a few of your meals/snacks - have you tried reducing this? I found that cutting bread out for most of the week helped to get things moving for me. I do miss sandwiches and toast though!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    You are definitely eating too little.

    The closer you are to goal (within 20 lbs) you need to eat as close to maintenance as possible without going over. Your body does NOT want to let those last few go, so you have to coax them off slowly and carefully, by convincing it that it is ok to let them go. You are "Saving" that fat in case of famine. Let your body know that there is food coming in and it will be willing to let the fat go. Right now it thinks there is "barely enough" coming in to live on so it thinks it NEEDS to hold that fat "just in case".

    Change your goal to 1/2 lb per week, EAT everything it suggests. keep the small deficit going for a few weeks, then reassess. I promise you, you will look and feel better.
    Give it time to work though. The first week don't expect a 2 lb loss. You are INCREASING your intake. Expect no loss or a half pound the first week, and approx. a half pound a week thereafter, except maybe during TOM.
    Slow and steady is better than no loss at all though, right?