IBS & Measurements?

Hi guys,
So I am as of yet undiagnosed, but suspecting IBS-A... I get terrible nausea and bloating in addition to the other nasty stuff that comes with it... The other day I checked my waist measurement for this site... it was 35.5 at the biggest part (around the belly button)... then a few hours later I felt very bloated... measured again, it was 41!!!! Went to bed and measured this morning... 34. Does anyone else experience this? I find it really hard to see how well I am doing with my gym routine when I am fluctuating 7" around the middle from morning until bedtime!!! By the end of the day I feel like a big bloaty failure!
Besides the obvious figuring out what is doing this, how do you guys deal with this? It's really affecting my confidence and making me feel like I'm in a permanent plateau!!!


  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Always measure first thing in the morning (like weighing) before you've eaten anything (but after you've hit the WC). It will give you the most consistant results
  • skeene07
    skeene07 Posts: 57 Member
    You should really only measure every couple of weeks. Same time of day...just like with weighing. Don't measure if you feel bloated. Because surely you are bloated and surely the measurements will be off (larger).
  • triannataylor
    Oh I know that, I just want to know how people deal with feeling like a giant pregnant balloon every flipping day!!!
    Seriously I have patients at my work who ask me if I'm pregnant ALL THE TIME.
    And I don't wake up looking that way!
    It's so discouraging.
  • triannataylor
    You should really only measure every couple of weeks. Same time of day...just like with weighing. Don't measure if you feel bloated. Because surely you are bloated and surely the measurements will be off (larger).

    Honestly a lot of the reason I have been measuring is to let my doctor know how ridiculous my bloating actually is so that I come in with actual facts and numbers. But I couldn't believe it when I measured : /
  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    I suffer from IBS and the only time i measure myself is 1st thing in the morning after going to the toilet and before eating/ drinking anything. This will give a true measurement. My ibs will also make my weight differ by upto 3 pounds!

    Even without ibs everyones measurement will fluctuate throughout the day.

    Have you tried an exclusion diet to see what triggers your ibs? I find stress is the biggest trigger for mine and Chocolate.

    Dont lose heart!
  • mmelaniewalters
    i think the trick is to find the triggers .. those food that cause the bloat .. for me it seems to be white bread .. and its usually high carb foods .. so potatoes, breads, anything with wheat really .. u could have a yeast/ or wheat intolerance .... i have been avoiding white bread for a while now , and def dont get as much bloat as i used to
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    I suffer from IBS and the only time i measure myself is 1st thing in the morning after going to the toilet and before eating/ drinking anything. This will give a true measurement. My ibs will also make my weight differ by upto 3 pounds!

    Even without ibs everyones measurement will fluctuate throughout the day.

    Have you tried an exclusion diet to see what triggers your ibs? I find stress is the biggest trigger for mine and Chocolate.

    Dont lose heart!

    Exactly my point!!!
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    Hi I know it's frustrating, I have crohn's disease and someday's the bloating etc is unreal. If I'm honest I have just got used to it, I've had it since I was 7yo so don't know any different! What I will say is as well of measurements you need to be keeping a food diary ..... oooh ta da! you have one right here on MFP :bigsmile: Pay attention to what you're eating and how it's impacting on your bloat etc each one of us is different so it's really a personal thing. I know certain things will bloat me up so avoid them or mostly just eat them anyway and accept I have noone else to blame lol peppermint tea is great for the bloating, it can take some getting used to but totally makes a difference x
  • triannataylor
    Yay it's not just me!!!

    I have an appt with my dr tmrw so I will talk to her about exclusions?? I know anything with a lot of beta carotene in it is a distaster to me (carrots, squash, apricots, basically anything orange!) which is sad because they are my FAVORITE! Hopefully I will find out exactly what is going on so I can start seeing the results at my waistline ALL DAY instead of just at 0530!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    i think the trick is to find the triggers .. those food that cause the bloat .. for me it seems to be white bread .. and its usually high carb foods .. so potatoes, breads, anything with wheat really .. u could have a yeast/ or wheat intolerance .... i have been avoiding white bread for a while now , and def dont get as much bloat as i used to

    I'm like you. I tried an experiment this week and cut out breads and wheat products and found that my rings were actually loose and the bloating a lot less (not all the way gone). So last night, I wanted a hamburger and ate one with the cheese and mushrooms, just not the bun. I expected to be all swollen this morning because of the high fat and salt content, but found that I wasn't at all, just thirstier. So in this week of "clean eating" (personal challenge), I'm wondering what will happen. Glad to hear about others who experience the same thing and also have found some success.
  • pmorrison101
    I have had IBS issues for 10 years......once or twice a year I get it bad....have had numerouse tests that all come back normal so they just say you have IBS......exercise is the best medicine for this....also...the best time to measure yourself is right after you do an aerobic exercise where you really sweat and burn the calories. That is when my belly isn't bloated anymore. The more you move around the better to get rid of the bloating. I hope this helps. Don't get discouraged.
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    I used to be terribly bloated and extremely uncomfortable - I felt so down thinking that exercise was just a waste of time. Try using "Align" - a probiotic. It has worked WONDERS for me. I will never go another day without. NO MORE BLOAT! It's a bit pricey, but worth every penny. Try one box and see what happens. You can get it at any local drugstore such as a Walgreens.

    PS: It's not a diet drug or anything like that and I'm not claiming it will help you lose weight. It should help you feel better, though!