K8w83 Member


  • Thank you all, my logical head was telling me I couldn't have put on 4lb. I will carry on and hope for a big drop once my muscles recover.
  • Not really sure what you mean by this, I'm diabetic and have a normal diet and an almost perfect hba1c. Not sure why that is a fail myself...
  • There is no such thing as a diabetic diet. The medical advice to diabetics these days is that they should eat the healthy balanced diet that the rest of the population should strive for (in the UK anyway).
  • Thanks all, I'm 5'6 and 178lbs for those that asked. I'll trust the fitbit then! It just seemed like quite a lot each day.
  • But being an insulin dependent type 2 doesn't make you type 1 as the poster would know if they'd done research into the diseases. I'd be loath to accept advice about diabetes from someone who doesn't understand the difference.
  • You can't become type 1 from being type 2. They are actually completely seperate diseases and are categorised by the root cause. Type 1 diabetes is caused by the immune system attacking beta cells in the pancreas, which causes a complete and sudden failure of the pancreas to create insulin- often in childhood. Type 2 is…
  • Oh, and I also forgot to say that the advice from my dietitian for type 1 is to eat the standard recommended amount of carbs, but to eat complex carbs (long acting) for a slower, steadier release of glucose into the bloodstream which may be why you were told to eat carbs like pasta rather than more sugary, fast acting…
  • Hi, I've been T1 diabetic since I was young and just wanted to reassure you aren't doing anything wrong if your BGs are a bit erratic - there are a million and one things which can effect it. Exercise can lead to a reduction of my BGs for 2-3 days afterwards, where you inject can effect the absorption rate, hormones can…
  • Just wanted to point out that hypo isn't a sign that you are developing diabetes. Diabetes is uncontrollably high blood sugar because you either produce no insulin due to pancreas failure (type 1 diabetes, which I have), your aren't producing enough insulin or it doesn't work properly (type 2 diabetes). Type 1 diabetics…
  • Hi, Insulin resistance is a form of type 2 diabetes. Basically your pancreas produces enough insulin, but it doesn't work correctly meaning that it doesn't take enough/any of the glucose out of your blood. The other form of type 2 diabetes is where your pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin. Insulin resistance can be…