Fitbit charge HR calories

Can I just check if this sounds right to anyone else - I have a Fitbit Charge HR and it is clocking up an extra 700-800 calories per day. I'm walking about 15000 steps per day (as long as I manage to get out of the office for a walk at lunchtime), and my activity level is set to sedentary as I work in an office.

It just seems like it is giving me an excessive amount of extra calories every day. I'm not eating them, as I'm rubbish at logging at weekends and generally have a few glasses of wine so I know I'm consuming more than my daily limit at the weekends.


  • dollydiva2
    dollydiva2 Posts: 71 Member
    I did 10k steps yesterday and no other deliberate exercise and got around 370 calories but I suppose it depends on gender, weight, height etc how much you would burn for the same. I took the dog for a 45 minute brisk walk (apart from all the times she stopped and sniffed!) and got 237 for that.
  • alittlelife14
    alittlelife14 Posts: 339 Member
    Mike keeps adding like negative calories and subtracting a negative number so it is not adding them to my totals correct. Anyone else have this?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    That sounds about right. When I first started I was getting that amount of burns for 15,000 steps and I had a One.
    sarsather wrote: »
    Mike keeps adding like negative calories and subtracting a negative number so it is not adding them to my totals correct. Anyone else have this?

    If you're getting negative adjustments, it means you aren't moving enough to meet what MFP believes are your maintenance calories. They do that to ensure you're at a consistent deficit and not overeating.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    When I was logging calories I would take whatever my runtastic app or fit bit gave me. I am always hungry and need room for wine and beer. I eat a 1000 calorie breakfast and need a snack by 9:30 but I am already at 10K steps due to morning run. To the OP, get the Aria fit bit scale. It logs and syncs to MFP. After I got it I noticed that I was erasing half my loss every weekend. After I moderated on the weekends I really took the weight off.
  • thunder1982
    thunder1982 Posts: 280 Member
    I get similar adj for that many steps but with no weight/ height given its kinda hard to give good feedback.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 115 pounds. I'm set as sedentary and yesterday with my workout and 25,000 steps I earned a bit over 1200 extra calories. I couldn't eat them all, but when I do eat all of them back I still lose weight. I'm trying to gain now and I'm still not gaining at the rate I should when I eat 250 over what Fitbit says I should eat. Your results may vary.
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    It sounds accurate. For 10k steps, I get about 500 cals because I jog for those steps, and I'm 5'7" and 155 lbs.
  • K8w83
    K8w83 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks all, I'm 5'6 and 178lbs for those that asked. I'll trust the fitbit then! It just seemed like quite a lot each day.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    Sounds right to me, I get 10k per day and it adds anywhere from 5-600 without other exercise.
  • alittlelife14
    alittlelife14 Posts: 339 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    That sounds about right. When I first started I was getting that amount of burns for 15,000 steps and I had a One.
    sarsather wrote: »
    Mike keeps adding like negative calories and subtracting a negative number so it is not adding them to my totals correct. Anyone else have this?

    If you're getting negative adjustments, it means you aren't moving enough to meet what MFP believes are your maintenance calories. They do that to ensure you're at a consistent deficit and not overeating.

    I guess I don't understand because I am not over eating and am eating under my maintenance calories. I was entering manually my workouts into MFP using their database and the the Fitbit would load in too with that negative number taking away from it. Is this correct?
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited April 2016
    sarsather wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    That sounds about right. When I first started I was getting that amount of burns for 15,000 steps and I had a One.
    sarsather wrote: »
    Mike keeps adding like negative calories and subtracting a negative number so it is not adding them to my totals correct. Anyone else have this?

    If you're getting negative adjustments, it means you aren't moving enough to meet what MFP believes are your maintenance calories. They do that to ensure you're at a consistent deficit and not overeating.

    I guess I don't understand because I am not over eating and am eating under my maintenance calories. I was entering manually my workouts into MFP using their database and the the Fitbit would load in too with that negative number taking away from it. Is this correct?
    Here's how it works:

    I'll use my numbers for an example.

    MFP estimates I will maintain my weight at a lightly active setting at 1800 WITHOUT exercise.

    If I were to log say 300 exercise calories, MFP would think I would burn 2100 calories for the day.
    1800 base calorie burn + 300 exercise = 2100 total

    Now when you log exercise onto MFP, it sends the log to Fitbit and overwrites whatever Fitbit thought you burned.
    So in this scenario, MFP has sent my 300 calorie burn to Fitbit.

    After that let's say Fitbit is predicting a 1900 calorie burn for the day (this includes the 300 from exercise). MFP takes that number and subtracts 200 calories from my day.
    1900 - 2100 = -200
    My fitbit calorie burn ended up being 200 less than what MFP predicted. Why? Well, when something like this happens it means that your day to day activity outside of exercise was lower than what you told MFP it would be. In my case it would mean I was closer to Sedentary than Lightly Active.

    As a side note: I do NOT log exercise on MFP. I let my Fitbit take care of my activity/exercise calorie burns and let it's adjustment account for that.