Forthe4 Member


  • Reminds me of an exchange my sister had one night ordering a Junior bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's. Sister: I'd like a Junior Bacon Hamburger please. Employee: We only have Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers, not Junior Bacon Hamburgers. Sister: Well can you get a Junior Bacon Cheeseburger with no cheese? Employee: Yes but you…
  • I'm in the same boat. I've stayed around the 258 to 262 range for nearly 3 weeks. My neck, arms and chest are all measuring larger and my waist is measuring smaller. I feel like a million bucks so I'm not sweating the scale a bit. I'll take inches over pounds everyday. Congrats on the positive changes. Just keep reminding…
  • Same as everyday apparently. I haven't been tracking sodium (sort of new to MFP so still trying to figure things out). I started tracking it today and looked backwards for a few days and realized my sodium intake has averaged nearly double what is recommended. Yikes!
  • A man and a woman passed my wife and I in a store when she was well along in her pregnancy with our second child. They both smiled and the man reached over and put his hand on my wifes belly. I completely understood the innocence in his act, but I wanted him to understand how inappropriate it is, especially since he didn't…
  • I eat dead animals because if I died first, many of them would try to eat me. I'm just paying them back...preemptively.
  • I found Kenpo to be a little lacking at first too. I ended up holding 3lb dumbells in each hand when doing the punch cycles and it made the workout much more to my liking. I've also found that as I've become more flexible from doing the yoga, the kicks from Kenpo have become more effective as well.
  • I usually just save Cardio X for those days where I'm feeling super energy and still have some gas in the tank after doing one of the other exercises. The first time I did Core Synergistics though I was in love.
  • Way to kick *kitten* man! I wish you the best of luck with the knee surgeries. With the drive you've already proven you have, the rehab and recovery should go in good time and you will be feeling like a million bucks afterwards!
  • I use vanilla flavored protein powder in my oatmeal most every morning. I love it. (well at least as much as one can "love" oatmeal.)
  • I've got an ugly thick and wide scar about 8 inches long across the right side of my abdomen. Whenever people ask about it I'm tempted to come up with some badass story but I always end up sheepishly admitting the truth. When I was an infant I had to have a procedure due to pyloric stensosis. The original scar was little…
  • He walked on Water - Randy Travis
  • I'm sorry but this is a crock of *hit. He wants his cake on his terms and then expects you to "earn" your cake, also on his terms? I'd ask what your boyfriend's physical appearance is but I have a suspicion that if I looked up self-centered in the dictionary I'd be able to find his picture myself. Maybe I'm just thinking…
  • Mine is simple. I just mix Pure Protein Vanilla Cream whey powder with Silk unsweetened almond milk (vanilla flavored). I'm good to go for awhile. Of course, you should really like vanilla... :)
  • I really like cottage cheese myself. I sprinkle some freshly ground pepper on top of it and chow down. Yum
  • You should have yelled back, "Hi, Mister my pecker is so small I have to drink myself into oblivion every night to try to forget about it guy!"
  • carbon dated
  • I keep mine closed because I have a sneaky suspicion people might be concerned when they open it and see "Human Spleen" listed for lunch I kid...I kid....
  • My wife always makes me eat them in a room far far away from her, but I've always liked peanut butter on my hot dogs instead of mayo, mustard, or ketchup. She didn't talk to me for a few hours after I let my son try one and he loved it. Now both of us have to eat them in a separate room.
  • Awesome job man!
  • I had to explain what a rotary phone was to my kids.
  • Never used one myself but I remember my wife and I going out with my sister and a few of her friends back before we got married. My wife went to dance with my sister and came back over to me laughing hysterically saying, "This guy just tried to pick me up by saying, "You wanna dance? You're the only girl in here that…
  • 1. Sitting with my wife listening to the silence of the kids sleeping (knowing we survived another day) 2. Watching my daughter dance and being thankful she has my wife's grace and not my six left feet. (Hey it happens when you live close to a nuclear plant) 3. Watching my oldest son learn to hit a curve ball 4. Watching…
  • I just go swimming wearing floaties on my arms and steel toed work boots on my feet. Nobody really says much about my shirt anymore...
  • I'll log it but put down an explanation of what why I went over so when I look back I'll remember why the day ended up with bad numbers. For example, I go to friends place for dinner and a few beers while we watch a game or movie, I'm not about to refuse what they cooked because it wasn't made the way I would make it. I…
  • The place I used to work had a nurse that would come take blood pressure and other simple medical tests once a month. I finally caved in and went to check on my BP one time when she came in. The lady was late 60's maybe even early 70's and was a real sweetheart so I know she didn't mean anything by it but she asked me,…
  • I've never heard that but it would be awesome if that's true. I typically focus on just weight training and I'll be sweating buckets and feel like my body is a furnace but my skin always feels cool to the touch.
  • I'd take it as a compliment if I were you. Especially if it is out of character for the guy to give back handed compliments. Look at the larger picture of what you know of him as a person and ask yourself how he probably meant it. Poor dude was probably getting tongue tied and was nervous even saying it in the first place.…
  • I had lunch recently with a group of guys from a different division in my agency that I hadn't eaten with lately. They were used to seeing me eat subs, burgers, sandwiches, etc. When the waiter brought out my salad, they all just sat quietly for a second and watched my reaction. One guy said, "you want me to dump some of…
  • I know it's hard to do, but I try to remind myself just how important the person talking is to me. If he doesn't matter to you then neither should his opinion. I've found it helps me if I can give each person's comments a value equal to what their value to me is. Let him wallow in his own bad frame of mind alone. No need…
  • These are in my rotation right now Breakin a sweat - Skrillex Click Click Boom - Saliva Cult of Personality - Living Colour The Game - Motorhead (I know, WWE theme song, but I love it) No Shelter - Rage Against the Machine Invinsible - Machine Gun Kelly Metalingus - Alter Bridge Psycho - Puddle of Mudd Stronger - Kanye West