My Weird Walmart Experience With a Cashier

Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
I went to do my groceries today at Walmart and was at the cash when I had what I can only describe as a "head scratching" exchange with the cashier .:huh:

This is how the conversation went.

ME: Can I have my orange juice in a bag please?
CASHIER: We don't generally give bags for items with handles.
ME: O.k., well can I purchase a bag please?
CASHIER: We don't charge for bags.
ME: O.k., can I HAVE a bag please?


I couldn't help but giggle to myself as I left. WTF was that? Was she just messing with me for sh*ts and giggles, lol.


  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    lol, that is too funny! sometimes I wonder about some cashiers. hahahahah but ehh you got the bag! :P
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    lol! you need to turn that into a rage comic.

  • workoutgirl23
    lol. that's funny.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    Walmart cashiers, in my experience, are very interesting. I once had a guy who opened my shampoo to smell it, and then told me I had pretty hair-- then proceeded to lean in and smell my hair. And another lady who told me her mother owned a carwash when she was little and made her walk through the bay as punishment and was then put in jail. Another time, a toothless character made extremely racist remarks about certain shoppers who he presumed to be on foodstamps. Loudly, too. Yet another time, when the register said the cereal I was buying was $5.89 (was supposed to be $2.50), the cashier looked at me and said, "Well, do you want it nor not?" It was like ummm... no, I want you to price check it, you dumb... yeah. LOL... The front end manager at the store in the area I used to live in knew me by name. Not sure what the hiring requirements are there, but holy ****. Also, no offense if anyone works at Walmart. I've met plenty of nice people there too-- just the bad ones that stick out.

    ETA: Racist cashier was fired after my complaint. I genuinely think he was autistic, so I felt a bit bad-- but seriously, you cannot have someone like that working that type of job. It was awful.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    and yet.. for the person at walmart, I'm sure they thought it was normal. How sad.
  • Forthe4
    Forthe4 Posts: 30 Member
    Reminds me of an exchange my sister had one night ordering a Junior bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's.

    Sister: I'd like a Junior Bacon Hamburger please.
    Employee: We only have Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers, not Junior Bacon Hamburgers.
    Sister: Well can you get a Junior Bacon Cheeseburger with no cheese?
    Employee: Yes but you have to ask for a Junior Bacon Cheeseburger, hold the cheese.
    Sister: I'd like a Junior Bacon Cheeseburger, hold the cheese please.
    Employee: Anything else?
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    The Walmart I used to work at an go shop at has a lot of stupid employees. I always have a WTF did that really just happen? moments every single time I go through a cashier's line. I'm not sure if any other walmart is like the one I live at but I seriously am astounded to how many just plain stupid employees the walmart here has.
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    thats funny lol
  • deanna200284
    deanna200284 Posts: 23 Member
    When I was cashiering for Walmart we were told to ask the customer if they wanted it bagged while we hold the item by the handle to show that it has a handle, basically hinting to the customer that a bag isn't needed. This was to save money on bags. I never asked because I felt like the customer would look at me like I'm a moron, so if something fit in the bag... it went in a bag. If the customer didn't want it in the bag they would usually just take it out themselves.

    I'm betting that store has a cheap manager that is penny pinching. We were told the bags were like .03 cents a piece or something.
  • NoChub4Me
    NoChub4Me Posts: 27
    I once asked for a hamburger from Wendy's like this:

    Me: I'd like a single with nothing on it; plain.
    cashier: gives me a hamburger with cheese
    Me: "I asked for a PLAIN hamburger with nothing on it."
    Cashier: "You didn't say you didn't want cheese on it."

  • NoChub4Me
    NoChub4Me Posts: 27
    Reminds me of an exchange my sister had one night ordering a Junior bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's.

    Sister: I'd like a Junior Bacon Hamburger please.
    Employee: We only have Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers, not Junior Bacon Hamburgers.
    Sister: Well can you get a Junior Bacon Cheeseburger with no cheese?
    Employee: Yes but you have to ask for a Junior Bacon Cheeseburger, hold the cheese.
    Sister: I'd like a Junior Bacon Cheeseburger, hold the cheese please.
    Employee: Anything else?

    Oh gawd, sounds like so much like my experience I just wrote about. :laugh:
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Lol. Bizarre.

    I like when my purchase is 6.25 and I give them a $10 and a loonie ($1 coin for the non-Canadians) and a quarter so I can get a $5 bill back and they get confused and try to give me the coins back. Lol. Thats not just Walmart though.
  • deanna200284
    deanna200284 Posts: 23 Member
    The Walmart I used to work at an go shop at has a lot of stupid employees. I always have a WTF did that really just happen? moments every single time I go through a cashier's line. I'm not sure if any other walmart is like the one I live at but I seriously am astounded to how many just plain stupid employees the walmart here has.

    This is true. I used to joke around with the personnel manager telling her we needed to give IQ tests instead of that honesty test on the application.
  • droogievesch
    droogievesch Posts: 202
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    what the cashier shuld have said was "you really shouldnt be drinking orange juice. the sugar level is just whack, why dont you go grab a bag of oranges sweetcheeks"
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    We must shop at the same Walmart. About a month ago, I was buying some air freshener plug ins and they were about $7 or 8. So, the cashier rings them up.

    Cashier: Wow!! These are expensive. They are $7/8 each
    Me: Yes, they are but I like them.
    Cashier: Let me do a price check on them.
    Me: Pretty sure they aren't on sale. I didn't see a sale price. No need to price check.
    Cashier: That's just too much for air freshener. You don't need to pay that much. I will check the price.
    Me: Whatever
    She does 50 minute price check.
    Cashier: Yep, that's the price. Do you still want them??
    Me: Yes!! That's why I'm in the damn line. Jeez
    Walmart cashiers, in my experience, are very interesting. I once had a guy who opened my shampoo to smell it, and then told me I had pretty hair-- then proceeded to lean in and smell my hair. And another lady who told me her mother owned a carwash when she was little and made her walk through the bay as punishment and was then put in jail. Another time, a toothless character made extremely racist remarks about certain shoppers who he presumed to be on foodstamps. Loudly, too. Yet another time, when the register said the cereal I was buying was $5.89 (was supposed to be $2.50), the cashier looked at me and said, "Well, do you want it nor not?" It was like ummm... no, I want you to price check it, you dumb... yeah. LOL... The front end manager at the store in the area I used to live in knew me by name. Not sure what the hiring requirements are there, but holy ****. Also, no offense if anyone works at Walmart. I've met plenty of nice people there too-- just the bad ones that stick out.

    ETA: Racist cashier was fired after my complaint. I genuinely think he was autistic, so I felt a bit bad-- but seriously, you cannot have someone like that working that type of job. It was awful.
  • sathor
    sathor Posts: 202 Member
    I had done a photo shoot and needed the pics in more of a hurry than normal, so I created 4x5 image proofs on 4x6 sheets, with (c) data on them and took them to the 1 hour photo. They refused to release the pictures to me, because of the copyright, which matched the credit card I was paying with, the TAX ID card from that particular store, as well as the photo and name on the Sams Club card I had on me. Because they would need a release from the photographer. I told the lady it didn't matter, as business owner, my claim was above the photographer (even though I was the photographer, but I was po'd and not about to place nice)

    They finally released them after I 'half-*kitten*' filled out the release form, that stated I was the person who commissioned the pics, not the other way around, and even that took a manager.
  • Talmquist0222

    This was SO F*****G funny
  • stufie
    stufie Posts: 142 Member
    I once asked for a hamburger from Wendy's like this:

    Me: I'd like a single with nothing on it; plain.
    cashier: gives me a hamburger with cheese
    Me: "I asked for a PLAIN hamburger with nothing on it."
    Cashier: "You didn't say you didn't want cheese on it."

    This has happened to me too. I never really understood how they somehow thought I wanted the cheese.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    what the cashier shuld have said was "you really shouldnt be drinking orange juice. the sugar level is just whack, why dont you go grab a bag of oranges sweetcheeks"

    Well then I'd have to explain to the cashier that not everyone in my family follows the same eating regime as I do and I've learned that a happy husband is a quiet husband :wink: