My Weird Walmart Experience With a Cashier



  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    OMG, Perfect for Sunday morning laughter!
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member

    ETA: Racist cashier was fired after my complaint. I genuinely think he was autistic, so I felt a bit bad-- but seriously, you cannot have someone like that working that type of job. It was awful.

    Disability or not you did the right thing, but someone being racist doesn't mean they're autistic...
  • HorganMom3
    HorganMom3 Posts: 63 Member
    That's hilarious. I think she was just trying to mess with you; I went to Walmart and was asked if I'd like my milk bagged.
  • AngieFlames
    AngieFlames Posts: 61 Member
    Ok, I know this post started with Wal-mart but I just had an experience yesterday at Home Depot....
    We are building a deck and we bought a box of ledger bolts that were suppose to be 10 in a box, when we got home and started working on it, we opened the box and there were only 7. So back to home depot I go, here is the conversation:

    Customer service: Why are you returning these?
    Me: I would like to exchange with this box which has the correct number of bolts
    Customer service: What do you mean?
    Me: This box (point to one returning) only has 7 and there is suppose to be 10, like this other box. I have already opened it and checked.
    Customer service: You already checked it? Why didn't you do that when you bought the other box?
    Me: Seriously? Would you like me to open the box of 1200 deck screws I bought too and count every last one of them????

    I was stunned! :huh:
  • Lonewolf1507
    Lonewolf1507 Posts: 507 Member
    All these stories are giving me withdrawal symptoms, can't wait now for my vacation to southern Maryland in November :-)

    I have used a number of Walmarts, K-Marts and the like, seen some strange looking characters but never had any trouble with members of staff, it might be my English accent that keeps them sweet. They are so nice that if I need to give a Zip code to use a credit card they put theirs in for me when I explain where I am from.

  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    My hubby and I went to Lowe's looking for carpet to use under a small display we were building. We found 36" wide carpet runner and called over a clerk to cut it. She was young and probably in college. She asked how much we wanted. I looked at the display sign and since I wanted a square piece, I unthinkingly said 36". She looked at me and said "sorry, we can only sell by the foot". I looked over her head at my husband, who was trying not to laugh. I looked at her and said "oh... well give me three feet then". :huh:
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    All these stories are giving me withdrawal symptoms, can't wait now for my vacation to southern Maryland in November :-)

    I have used a number of Walmarts, K-Marts and the like, seen some strange looking characters but never had any trouble with members of staff, it might be my English accent that keeps them sweet. They are so nice that if I need to give a Zip code to use a credit card they put theirs in for me when I explain where I am from.


    Coming down my way, eh? St. Mary's County here :)
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    The Walmart I used to work at an go shop at has a lot of stupid employees. I always have a WTF did that really just happen? moments every single time I go through a cashier's line. I'm not sure if any other walmart is like the one I live at but I seriously am astounded to how many just plain stupid employees the walmart here has.

    This is true. I used to joke around with the personnel manager telling her we needed to give IQ tests instead of that honesty test on the application.

    Haha Yeah. The managers are ridiculous too. The maintenance guy crawled into the trash compactor and didn't get fired for it. It's supposed to be an immediate dismissal. No one is even supposed to do that even if it's locked down, some other company has to come in lock it and deal with any issues. The guy just crawled in there to sleep or something, Idk he never did his job. Didn't even know how to clean a toilet. O.o and he's a maintenance guy......
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member

    ETA: Racist cashier was fired after my complaint. I genuinely think he was autistic, so I felt a bit bad-- but seriously, you cannot have someone like that working that type of job. It was awful.

    Disability or not you did the right thing, but someone being racist doesn't mean they're autistic...

    however....people with autism tend to not have the "brain to mouth filter" that other people have...and sometimes you can just *tell*. I say this as the mother of an autistic teen. I have actually picked out a guy on the spectrum who works at the local grocery who was ahead of me in line. the cashier made a comment to me that confirmed it....
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Haha, these have all been funny to read and reminds me of the time when my brother and I were younger and my dad took us to McDonald's (rare treat then but can't stand eating there now :laugh:) when he ordered my brother a plain hamburger. The cashier asked "do you want cheese on that?" :huh: Um.... if he wanted cheese, we would've ordered a cheeseburger!
  • KarenAnnne
    KarenAnnne Posts: 190 Member

    I checked out this link and here it is 20 minutes later because I couldn't stop looking. Great Link!
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member

    ETA: Racist cashier was fired after my complaint. I genuinely think he was autistic, so I felt a bit bad-- but seriously, you cannot have someone like that working that type of job. It was awful.

    Disability or not you did the right thing, but someone being racist doesn't mean they're autistic...

    however....people with autism tend to not have the "brain to mouth filter" that other people have...and sometimes you can just *tell*. I say this as the mother of an autistic teen. I have actually picked out a guy on the spectrum who works at the local grocery who was ahead of me in line. the cashier made a comment to me that confirmed it....

    Both my brothers & several of my cousins are autistic, I understand what you mean, but just because this guy was racist, does not mean he has autism.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I worked at Burger King about 20 years ago for several years, toward the end as a manager. You get a fair share of weird customers and employees. It also can get very very hectic at times in the back. I can definitely understand how mistakes are made. When you've been making burgers for 8 hours straight, things tend to get a bit blurry sometimes, lol.

    I taught my employees how to count up and ignore what the register said. All too easy to type in the wrong amount and get the wrong amount back for change. If they couldn't count up, they didn't work the register.

    I once had a customer get mad at me for inputting her order as a burger only ketchup when she had clearly said she wanted no pickle. I explained that the burger normally only called for pickle and ketchup, so only ketchup was the same thing as no pickle. If I put it in as no pickle, sometimes they will mistakenly put on only pickle. Why, cause that is what the burger maker sees on the screen...pickle. Instead, ask for only ketchup...that way you get no pickle. She didn't get it...finally I just said, "Trust me, it will work out fine"

    Had a customer ask for their whopper to be put through the broiler twice. I explained that we could certainly do that for her, but that it would resemble a hockey puck when done. She insisted, we did it. She then complained that it tasted like crap...

    From time to time we would have special toys for the kids meals that people would go crazy over. One lady wanted to buy 100 of the toys and went ballistic when I said no. I'd rather have 1 upset customer than 99, LOL.

    As a manager, I never rewarded rudeness. If you were rude to my employee, and we were at fault, I would make it right, but not a step more. If you were super rude, I would make it right, and then ask them to leave and not to come back. Be nice to my employee, then I would make it right AND give you a free meal the next time you came in or even comp the current meal too. Be rude to my employee and we were not at fault, you would be asked to leave and not come back.

    I could NOT believe how many kids didn't have the first inkling on how to sweep and mop. And yes, you have to sweep under the tables too for crying out loud, lol.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Ok, not stupid per se, but ok, kind of stupid.

    I pay with debit. I want cash back. I don't want $20, I want $10. I type in $10. Error. Restart card trans. Nope. I tell cashier I want $10. Back. Can't be done. I ask why? (not considering a POS limitation). She proceeds to tell me the reason I can't have $10 instead of $20 is:it costs more. . .

    The hell it does. It's a DEBIT transaction. Walmart, pays the same fee whether it's $0.99 or $17,000. The hell is the matter with these people? If I was using a CREDIT card I wouldn't even be offered CASH. How can someone SHOP in this day and age, let alone work a register, and not know this?

    Later I talk to someone else and it is a POS limitation: only $20 increments-- just like the ATM.

    Oh, for those not quite up with their TLAs: POS = Point Of Sale
  • RyLaneB
    RyLaneB Posts: 60 Member
    Ha! Not my proudest moment...but the cashiers never say hello at my Walmart. But I'm über friendly so I always have to say hi...I can't stand not saying hi. So I challenged my self not to speak and see if the cashier ever acknowledged my presence at her check out line. Nothing. I was fuming mad. Outraged pissed (and TOM) so finally when she finished ringing my purchase....she stood there silently...did not have the common curtosey to tell me my total(probably $350 or so) I exploded. I informed her that she was going to need to tell me hello and tell me the total out loud in order for me to pay. Etc etc etc...then the freaks behind me were looking at me like I was crazy.....I told them off too. Hahahahhahahaha!!!


    I've been meaning to tell someone about that. Lolz!

    I love this! At our Walmart there is one cashier that has worked there for years and is the exact same way! My husband does not understand why I would stand in a longer line then go through her line...It's mostly because I have to resist the urge to shake her if I do go through her line LOL! Saying hello and telling me my total is not to much to ask!
  • basslinewild
    basslinewild Posts: 294 Member
    Wow. Most of these posts are pretty high on the poster. Have you ever worked at Wal Mart? It seems as though that store attracts and multiplies the stupidity of of the stupidest people on earth.

    I worked for two months as cash at Walmart. And four more in the cell phone department. Believe me. If the wal mart cashier was concerned you didn't want a bag for your g** dam* juice, it's because four people that day freaked out that she was killing the trees by putting a bag on the juice.

    Stop believing you are important. The poor people who work there are just trying to do a pretty thankless job. As are most people in customer service. They put up with wierdos and all sorts all day long. Perhaps they are surly because the last ten customers were stupider and ruder than usual.

    Just sayin.

    You sound like one of those people that shouldn't be working in customer service..:wink:

    Funny, because I mostly work in customer service. Usually I just do cell phones. Right now I work in a rogers store. People there are friendly, they are polite. Great customers. I love helping people. Walmart, rude rude rude, ignorant and rude. The problem with wal mart is, the OP could have thrown the orange juice on the floor and yelled at the cashier ( not saying she would...) and still would have been fine with management. After a while the really bad attitude customers know that as long as they don't break the law, they will be served and not shown the door, so they act like horrible school children that need a spanking and a time out. So the cashier deals with these people all day. And even the less horrible ones, begin to wear her down. It really is the most horrible place. Don't shop there. You will do the world a favor.

    ^Agreed. I've worked at Walmart for two years and its unbelievable how nasty customers can be!
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Reading these makes me want to go to Wal-Mart :)
    ME too.
  • KarenAnnne
    KarenAnnne Posts: 190 Member
    One day my teenage son and I were out running errands and before hitting the WalMart, I went through the Sonic drive thru for his lunch and a soda for each one of us.

    We carried our sodas in (with the word SONIC on them). The walmart greeter stopped us and had to put stickers on them.

    When I asked her why she had to do that she said so that the checkout person would not charge me for them

  • jilltaylor86
    jilltaylor86 Posts: 87 Member
    For the people saying "get a career change", stfu. I work in a customer service job, am polite, professional and try my hardest to be pleasant and friendly. I get some of the rudest, nastiest people and have been cussed out and threatened for doing my job the way I was trained to and enforcing company policies. I AM looking for another job because I hate customer service but it is extremely difficult and I have bills to pay. Just because I am working in customer service, that makes some people think they can talk to me and treat me like a lesser being. NO, *kitten*, I am a human being, I don't come to your job and make your life hell.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    some podunk mid-western welfare town.

    Hello? California has far more welfare recipients than any other state. Don't dump your west coast prejudices on us in the Midwest.