My Weird Walmart Experience With a Cashier



  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Walmart cashiers, in my experience, are very interesting. I once had a guy who opened my shampoo to smell it, and then told me I had pretty hair-- then proceeded to lean in and smell my hair. And another lady who told me her mother owned a carwash when she was little and made her walk through the bay as punishment and was then put in jail. Another time, a toothless character made extremely racist remarks about certain shoppers who he presumed to be on foodstamps. Loudly, too. Yet another time, when the register said the cereal I was buying was $5.89 (was supposed to be $2.50), the cashier looked at me and said, "Well, do you want it nor not?" It was like ummm... no, I want you to price check it, you dumb... yeah. LOL... The front end manager at the store in the area I used to live in knew me by name. Not sure what the hiring requirements are there, but holy ****. Also, no offense if anyone works at Walmart. I've met plenty of nice people there too-- just the bad ones that stick out.

    ETA: Racist cashier was fired after my complaint. I genuinely think he was autistic, so I felt a bit bad-- but seriously, you cannot have someone like that working that type of job. It was awful.

    As the parent of an autistic 16 year old, I think he should have been fired. Autism is NOT an excuse for being rude. Before he was hired, he should have been coached as to how to behave in his job. My son goes to a monthly psychology appointment, and a lot of the appointment is spent talking about social situations and what people will think or feel if he says/does/acts a certain way.
  • Roos2104
    Roos2104 Posts: 22

    That's awesome!
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    WalMart trips are always fun experiences, I must say... lol
  • Blossommittens
    At my work we try to save bags or we're suppose to but I figure if we can print receipts long enough that I'm convinced I've killed three trees when people generally don't even want their receipts than I'm not really saving the planet by refusing to put orange juice or milk in a bag.

    On a side note though a lot of customers don't want things with handles in bags. :P So it's best just to ask. XD
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    See I always have problems with other customers at Walmart.

    I once had a lady see something IN my cart that she must have thought looked good, so she TOOK IT OUT of my cart. I was pushing the cart at the time. I stated loudly, "Don't worry ma'am I will go back to aisle 5 and get myself another!"

    Another time, I was with my 3 year old, who was looking at lollipops. Just looking, not touching, and she was telling me all the colors of the lollipops in the display. A woman announced loudly to me "Ma'am your kid is taking lollipops! You need to watch her!" I told the lady that I was fully capable of parenting my own kid. She started getting mouthy with me, telling me I needed to get my kid away from the candy. So I grabbed a lollipop, unwrapped it, shoved it in my daughter's mouth, and said "There, now she HAS a lollipop. How do you like that?" A lady in line ahead of me, burst out laughing at applauded me.

    Another time, I was waiting in line to cash out. I was 8 months pregnant, and with my husband and child. I was at the end of the cart and was about to cross into the threshold of the actual register lane, when a woman in an electric shopping scooter, came driving AT ME from two lines over, yelled at me that she was next in MY line and to get the F out of her way. I stood my ground, and asked her politely to explain to me WHY she felt she was next in my line. She said it was because she was shopping with the woman in front of me and I needed to get the F out of her way. She then aimed her electric scooter directly at me and started to drive AT me. Mind you I am 8 months pregnant. So I moved out of her way and moved over to the line she was in, and had to try calming my husband down. I really didn't want to create a scene, or worry about getting jumped in the parking lot. So after I moved lines, the two women started swearing at me from the line they were in, screaming at me. I told my cashier to get the manager immediately. After I explained what happened, and had witnesses backing me up, he attempted to ask them what happened. They went off on him calling him not nice names. He ended up kicking them out of the store, without their groceries. Then gave us an escort to our car.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 403 Member
    Walmart weirdness is an event in shopping in itself. I think one burns extra calories dodging the weirdness and processing the cashiers' general surliness and attitude. In fact, if I have a non-weird and/or pleasant experience in Walmart, I consider it noteworthy and rush to go buy a lottery ticket. :laugh:
  • captawesome
    captawesome Posts: 121 Member
    We don't have Walmart here in Australia but I sometimes wish we did just so I had a place to go when I was in need of amusement (and apparently cheap shopping too?)... some of those "people of Walmart" emails I get just need to be seen to be believed :laugh:
  • SouthernSweetie74
    My boys were making their own purchases one day. They had some of those gold dollar coins, and the little old lady who was the cashier told them, "Honey, we don't take foreign money."

  • flash4198
    flash4198 Posts: 40 Member
    Another case of the cashier not having a cup of coffee before she started working
    we got an airhead in lane 1
  • crazy8ts
    crazy8ts Posts: 360

    Another time, I was waiting in line to cash out. I was 8 months pregnant, and with my husband and child. I was at the end of the cart and was about to cross into the threshold of the actual register lane, when a woman in an electric shopping scooter, came driving AT ME from two lines over, yelled at me that she was next in MY line and to get the F out of her way. I stood my ground, and asked her politely to explain to me WHY she felt she was next in my line. She said it was because she was shopping with the woman in front of me and I needed to get the F out of her way. She then aimed her electric scooter directly at me and started to drive AT me. Mind you I am 8 months pregnant. So I moved out of her way and moved over to the line she was in, and had to try calming my husband down. I really didn't want to create a scene, or worry about getting jumped in the parking lot. So after I moved lines, the two women started swearing at me from the line they were in, screaming at me. I told my cashier to get the manager immediately. After I explained what happened, and had witnesses backing me up, he attempted to ask them what happened. They went off on him calling him not nice names. He ended up kicking them out of the store, without their groceries. Then gave us an escort to our car.

    Your husband must be a very patient man... I would have flipped my lid... then people would be on here telling their walmart story about me!
  • AndiJoy812
    AndiJoy812 Posts: 236
    This made me giggle this morning. Walmart...where shopping is always an adventure. :laugh:
  • thebaconbeast
    thebaconbeast Posts: 560 Member
    It lacks so much logic it reverses in on itself and becomes logical, wow...
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member

    Your husband must be a very patient man... I would have flipped my lid... then people would be on here telling their walmart story about me!

    This particular walmart was built in a particular area outside of Syracuse, nice and close to two of the worst "sides" of Syracuse. My husband knows not to start anything at this walmart, because violence of some sort may happen. We prefer not to worry about getting shot or stabbed.

    Altho, I must say, the first SuperWalmart I was ever in, outside of Knoxville TN, had an actual branch of the police dept right in the walmart. With a jail cell. Ours in Syracuse needs one. There is always a cop posted at our walmart.
  • _EmmaStrong_
    _EmmaStrong_ Posts: 648 Member
    Some cashiers can be somewhat rude. My experience at a McDonald's - I ordered a salad with grilled chicken and mistakenly told her I wanted the thousand island dressing. Once I received my order, realizing my mistake I said," No wait, I want the low-fat italian dressing". Her reply: " That's okay, I have blonde moments once in a while, too!" :grumble:

    Another incident: I had filled my Hummer with gas and going inside the store to pay for it.(This is a really small gas station). The cashier asked me what pump I was at, and I said "It's the yellow Hummer" (which is what I always say). He then asked me what the number was on the pump, so I looked outside and saw 3. So I told him it was 3, but my daughter said "NO mom, it's 7". So I looked at little closer and said "Yeah, she' right, it's 7. Sorry." The cashier said "Don't worry, you'll be okay." I was dumbfounded - WTH did he mean by that?:huh:

    So, I'm a blonde - that doesn't automatically mean I'm a dumba$$! :explode:
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    This reminds me of a lady that comes through our drive thru and confused one of the 16 year olds. She asked for a mocha latte which TECHNICALLY we just call it mocha's and the poor girl was trying to explain that we had mochas but not mocha lattes. Eventually I ran back there, rang it up and thanked the lady for her patience. It was awful.

    I work at McDonalds and see this a lot, but I have seen the reverse. People will order our 2 cheeseburger meal with no cheese and I will ring it up as a two hamburger saves time and then the people in the back don't have to deal with grill slips or anything, and they will freak out at me and be like "I wanted the number two with no cheese!" so I'll say "I rang up the number 2 as no cheese because I put hamburgers instead of cheeseburgers." They usually still don't get it until I put two hamburgers, a medium fry, and a cup on their tray.
  • bubmaster
    bubmaster Posts: 90
    sort of conversation that gives you a
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    A few years ago I went out of town with a friend and about halfway through the trip we went through a drive through. While waiting for our food we were trying to figure out what time it was, as we weren't sure whether we'd crossed into a different time zone yet. So when the girl gave us our food, the following took place:

    My friend: Thanks, and by the way, are we in the eastern time zone here?
    Girl: Um...I don't know.
    Friend: Well, can you tell me what time it is?
    Girl: Right now?

    No, honey, just give us a random time. Just for fun. :laugh:
  • tom_olech
    tom_olech Posts: 139 Member
    I once asked for a hamburger from Wendy's like this:

    Me: I'd like a single with nothing on it; plain.
    cashier: gives me a hamburger with cheese
    Me: "I asked for a PLAIN hamburger with nothing on it."
    Cashier: "You didn't say you didn't want cheese on it."

    This has happened to me too. I never really understood how they somehow thought I wanted the cheese.

    Ok, having worked at wendy's for 4 years off and on, i can say that in their defense, after taking hundreds of orders over the course of a day sometimes 'single' and 'single cheese' get blurred together and you stop hearing the difference....this happened to me quite alot when i started university and had to work nights at wendys....altho it also may have been due to the fact that i didnt care about the job, so i wasnt trying very hard....but my point still stands! Hahaha...
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Altho, I must say, the first SuperWalmart I was ever in, outside of Knoxville TN, had an actual branch of the police dept right in the walmart. With a jail cell.

    !!! wow.

    Thanks to all of you for sharing your stories! :smile:
  • TexasRattlesnake
    TexasRattlesnake Posts: 375 Member
    I was once at a Wal-Mart where they had the "underage cashier" sign up indicating you couldn't purchase alcohol at that register. The cashier was at least 65 years old.