My Weird Walmart Experience With a Cashier



  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    LOL!! hm... i would have scratched my head also! i've had them ask if i want my milk in bags, but never say "no sorry we don't give bags for handled items".
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Went through the McDonalds drive through several years ago and orderds the 2 cheese burger meal. Drove off and took out my burger about a 1/2 block away to find out there was no MEAT in my burgers. Went back and walked the bag into the counter and asked if I could get two burgers with meat in them. The employee just stood there and asked me... "You didn't order them that way?" WTH !! The manager heard the employee and quickly stepped in to appologize for the mistake. Two seconds later another person walked in with the same problem.
    The worker in the back had made several to go orders without meat !!! LOL, seriously how does that happen !!

    As frustrating as that is, when it is busy I can see how that happens. When you're cranking out sandwiches, you can get lost and wrap before you put the meat on. What I don't get is how we've had two complaints where the person didn't get a bottom bun...I mean you have to put that on the meat before wrapping =/ Of course, at my store the level of service has definitely gone down with all our new trainees. I am glad to be quitting there soon.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Hahaha...Oh Wally World
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Wow. Most of these posts are pretty high on the poster. Have you ever worked at Wal Mart? It seems as though that store attracts and multiplies the stupidity of of the stupidest people on earth.

    I worked for two months as cash at Walmart. And four more in the cell phone department. Believe me. If the wal mart cashier was concerned you didn't want a bag for your g** dam* juice, it's because four people that day freaked out that she was killing the trees by putting a bag on the juice.

    Stop believing you are important. The poor people who work there are just trying to do a pretty thankless job. As are most people in customer service. They put up with wierdos and all sorts all day long. Perhaps they are surly because the last ten customers were stupider and ruder than usual.

    Just sayin.

    I see why you didn't work there long...RUDE...
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    what the cashier shuld have said was "you really shouldnt be drinking orange juice. the sugar level is just whack, why dont you go grab a bag of oranges sweetcheeks"

    Well then I'd have to explain to the cashier that not everyone in my family follows the same eating regime as I do and I've learned that a happy husband is a quiet husband :wink:

    LOL yeah i buy a lot of things that are just for my husband and/or kids. poptarts? definitely not my thing, but my husband enjoys them and at 15% body fat... he can have what he wants i guess. LOL
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    It's true Wal-Mart does attract some "different" kinds! I worked there years ago as an optician, and the stories I could tell about employees and customers, lol! We clocked in at the back of the store and I had only came in for a morning meeting (scheduled on my "day off" of course) customers would stand outside the door waiting for us to come out to grab us for customer service. This morning I came thru and a lady said I need to find this certain set of dishes she saw 3 days ago, but weren't there now. I explained that it was my day off and that I was on my out of the store and that the other employee behind me could help. While I told the employee behind me the siuation to transition her, the customer saw the manager and told him I refused to help her. He tried to pull me in the office to write me up, I protested and told him he could do whatever on my next scheduled day to work that it was my day off, drug in for a 1hr meeting and that I had clocked out and was leaving. He said I wouldn't be repremanded, but why didn't I just help her! I just looked at him and left.

    LOL! This really says it all!
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    Wow. Most of these posts are pretty high on the poster. Have you ever worked at Wal Mart? It seems as though that store attracts and multiplies the stupidity of of the stupidest people on earth.

    I worked for two months as cash at Walmart. And four more in the cell phone department. Believe me. If the wal mart cashier was concerned you didn't want a bag for your g** dam* juice, it's because four people that day freaked out that she was killing the trees by putting a bag on the juice.

    Stop believing you are important. The poor people who work there are just trying to do a pretty thankless job. As are most people in customer service. They put up with wierdos and all sorts all day long. Perhaps they are surly because the last ten customers were stupider and ruder than usual.

    Just sayin.

    You sound like one of those people that shouldn't be working in customer service..:wink:

    Funny, because I mostly work in customer service. Usually I just do cell phones. Right now I work in a rogers store. People there are friendly, they are polite. Great customers. I love helping people. Walmart, rude rude rude, ignorant and rude. The problem with wal mart is, the OP could have thrown the orange juice on the floor and yelled at the cashier ( not saying she would...) and still would have been fine with management. After a while the really bad attitude customers know that as long as they don't break the law, they will be served and not shown the door, so they act like horrible school children that need a spanking and a time out. So the cashier deals with these people all day. And even the less horrible ones, begin to wear her down. It really is the most horrible place. Don't shop there. You will do the world a favor.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    There are some odd people in Wal-Mart for sure but I think you see more of them there just because you get a bigger cross section of society intermingling together. Most of the people there are tired and just want to get their stuff and get out. Try being friendly and you'll be surprised how nice most people really are. I think it really throws them off when you're nice to a total stranger.

    I went in earlier this year to get a money order for something and you have to go to customer service to get those. Customer service is where everyone that's normally unhappy ends up while returning stuff or venting. Let's face it. No one goes to customer service to tell them how clean the bathrooms were that day. There was an empty register and I walked up to it just as this other lady stepped over in front of it. We nearly ran into each other. She looked a little grumpy and sort of shuffled to the side and said "Oh well go first if you want to." I gave her this total serious look and said "Don't make me take you out like the kitchen trash". She had this half mad, half fear look and I finally cracked a smile. She just about died laughing and said she thought I was serious at first. "Me mean? Na, I'm nicer than your grandma's cat whiskers".

    People are weird weird weird, but most are pretty nice if you put in any sort of an effort to be nice too.
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    Hahaha, maybe she was just hungover and not thinking straight? :D
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    Ha! Not my proudest moment...but the cashiers never say hello at my Walmart. But I'm über friendly so I always have to say hi...I can't stand not saying hi. So I challenged my self not to speak and see if the cashier ever acknowledged my presence at her check out line. Nothing. I was fuming mad. Outraged pissed (and TOM) so finally when she finished ringing my purchase....she stood there silently...did not have the common curtosey to tell me my total(probably $350 or so) I exploded. I informed her that she was going to need to tell me hello and tell me the total out loud in order for me to pay. Etc etc etc...then the freaks behind me were looking at me like I was crazy.....I told them off too. Hahahahhahahaha!!!


    I've been meaning to tell someone about that. Lolz!
    I really hope that post is just trolling

    If not-

    Wow, maybe she was having a bad day? Maybe she just got a call that her dog died, or she was fighting with her boyfriend or her life just was falling apart? Maybe your just a rude little snot???? As if you can't buy your groceries without her saying hello to you. You are lucky you didn't come through my cash. I would have taken the order out. And left you to move your crap to another register. Unlike your unlucky cashier, I didn't work there for the money. So b*tches like you I would love to mess with.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I've only been to Walmart twice I think and one of those times my total was $8 and change, so I gave the checkout gal a five and 4 ones. She stood there and used that counterfeit pen meant for $20s and larger to check every bill. I said, they can't have you do that for every transaction?! And she just stared at me with a blank look for a long moment, then went back to checking the bills with the pen. Every time I have a choice between Walmart and Target, I remember that experience and choose Target.

    I do Super Target for produce, Target and Whole Foods LOL
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    No offense to my US neighbors, but in my part of the planet, never saw weird people like that in a Wal-Mart... wish I did!! ahahahah! :laugh:

    To be fair to us Americans, 20 million people walk through Walmart's doors every day. It's not such a surprise that there are at least a few .... urm "unique" individuals in the mix. I've never seen anyone that bad at Walmart, but I'm sure they're out there.

    What gets me is how badly shoppers physically trash the store. I went through last night and the place was just a mess. People spill stuff on the floor and just walk away, and all the snack aisles look like a hurricane ripped through them. I've decided to avoid the place on the weekends.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I don't shop at Walmart because there have been multiple shootings at the one in my city, and walking in there is like walking out of Southern California, and into some podunk mid-western welfare town. Weirdest thing ever. But, we have Target and Costco, which are more normal stores.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    My least favorite fast food experience was not too long ago at Wendys. I took my kiddos through the drive thru on the way home from the beach for a hamburger meal.... get home with their food... and there aren't any sandwiches in bags? WHAT?... load the kids back in the car (not fun).. drive back to Wendys (not happy).. unload the kids to go into the store and say WTH.. and the girl laughed and said "oh, I knew you'd be back"... UHM. (crickets)

    I worked in fast food for YEARS... We get a lot of orders and it's easy to mess things up when you're busy. I think it goes a long way to be truly remorseful for making a mistake and this girl was NOT! Ugh
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    My least favorite fast food experience was not too long ago at Wendys. I took my kiddos through the drive thru on the way home from the beach for a hamburger meal.... get home with their food... and there aren't any sandwiches in bags? WHAT?... load the kids back in the car (not fun).. drive back to Wendys (not happy).. unload the kids to go into the store and say WTH.. and the girl laughed and said "oh, I knew you'd be back"... UHM. (crickets)

    I worked in fast food for YEARS... We get a lot of orders and it's easy to mess things up when you're busy. I think it goes a long way to be truly remorseful for making a mistake and this girl was NOT! Ugh

    Again, yes, this happens. But yes, I would not say this unless they drove off without their food (which also happens a lot). It does suck though because there are times when a customer drives off and I realize I forgot something or someone else comes and tries to bag the food (more hindrance than help) and THEY forget something and then you get blamed for it =/
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    This is why I avoid Walmart like the plague, except during Christmas time, and even then I order site to store and just go straight to the back to pick up items and leave. Walmart is just ridiculous.
  • NoChub4Me
    NoChub4Me Posts: 27
    Wow. Most of these posts are pretty high on the poster. Have you ever worked at Wal Mart? It seems as though that store attracts and multiplies the stupidity of of the stupidest people on earth.

    I worked for two months as cash at Walmart. And four more in the cell phone department. Believe me. If the wal mart cashier was concerned you didn't want a bag for your g** dam* juice, it's because four people that day freaked out that she was killing the trees by putting a bag on the juice.

    Stop believing you are important. The poor people who work there are just trying to do a pretty thankless job. As are most people in customer service. They put up with wierdos and all sorts all day long. Perhaps they are surly because the last ten customers were stupider and ruder than usual.

    Just sayin.

    You sound like one of those people that shouldn't be working in customer service..:wink:

    Funny, because I mostly work in customer service. Usually I just do cell phones. Right now I work in a rogers store. People there are friendly, they are polite. Great customers. I love helping people. Walmart, rude rude rude, ignorant and rude. The problem with wal mart is, the OP could have thrown the orange juice on the floor and yelled at the cashier ( not saying she would...) and still would have been fine with management. After a while the really bad attitude customers know that as long as they don't break the law, they will be served and not shown the door, so they act like horrible school children that need a spanking and a time out. So the cashier deals with these people all day. And even the less horrible ones, begin to wear her down. It really is the most horrible place. Don't shop there. You will do the world a favor.

    A career change made be in order for you. Just sayin'.
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    My dh and I were on vacation and bought a zippo at walmart - heres my conversation with the cashier

    me: wheres the lighter fluid located
    cashier: we dont carry lighter fluid
    me: so you sell empty lighters but dont carry the fluid to fill them?
    cashier: well we dont sell lighter fluid you have to go somewhere else
    me: seriously?

    I ended up going to waterbeds and stuff-
    whats the point of selling lighters if you dont sell the stuff to fill them
    I try to stay away from walmart if I can- course my dh and I have both worked in their distrabution centers and they treat employees like crap
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    Reminds me of an exchange my sister had one night ordering a Junior bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's.

    Sister: I'd like a Junior Bacon Hamburger please.
    Employee: We only have Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers, not Junior Bacon Hamburgers.
    Sister: Well can you get a Junior Bacon Cheeseburger with no cheese?
    Employee: Yes but you have to ask for a Junior Bacon Cheeseburger, hold the cheese.
    Sister: I'd like a Junior Bacon Cheeseburger, hold the cheese please.
    Employee: Anything else?

    ROFLAMO. This made my morning!
  • 180farm
    180farm Posts: 230
    I went to Walmart and the order came to $15.40 I gave the girl a $20 dollar bill and she rang it through before she noticed I was also giving her .40 She took the change but seemed confused. She looked at the register and said "I'm not sure what to do. Im supposed to give you back 4.60
    I explained how .60 + .40 = 1.00 so she should give me back $5.00 even.
    After a while of explaining she said, and I quote, "this must be the new math."
    Umm, wow.