so where'd you get that gnarly scar?



  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    Got a large one that runs from just below the side of my knee, halfway down my left calf. I got it blowing out of the back of a pickup truck on the freeway when I was about 8 years old. My mom's younger brother had this fort, up on long stilts in his backyard. There was a square hole in the floor that he climbed up into through, from a ladder. When he outgrew it, they gave it to me for a playhouse. They cut it off, but left about a foot of the stilts. My parents, being young and stupid figured the weight would hold it in the truck. No ropes to tied it down. Yeah, not so much. My father, my sister and I were in the playhouse in the back of the truck. Mom was driving. She said she felt it lift twice, then saw it blow out of the back just like a cardboard box. From my perspective, my dad and I were playing battleship and I was just getting ready to call a number and he went floating slowly over my head. I was puzzled and wondered how he was doing that. He said, "Everything is going to be alright." and then I blacked out. Next thing I knew, some stranger was scooping me up off the freeway and carrying me to the side. It had lifted up, turned over, throwing us into the roof, crashed onto the freeway and broke apart and we went skidding down the freeway on what was left of the roof at whatever speed you go when you blow out at 60 mph. My leg was sticking off the roof and the freeway just peeled the skin off it as we skidded. Amazingly, none of us were hurt any worse. Dad got his hand peeled when he put it down, without thinking, to try to stop it. My sister had a bump on her head. I was hurt the worst and it was just my leg and my ankle. It took the skin, right down to the bone on that little side bone on my ankle. Crazy, Huh?
  • I've got a delicious scar about a third of a foot in length on my left thigh near to my kneecap, and I received it by jumping over a rusty barbed-wire fence around a dump pit that I wasn't supposed to be goofing off near. I had no idea I was bleeding until my cousin pointed it out! It didn't hurt, I didn't go for any shots, and I have a fabulous scar to prove just how cool I was as a kid.

    ...I also have one on my forehead from when my father threw a plastic baby bottle at me when I was somewhere around 10 in a "think fast" manner, and it managed to hit me just right. Good job, pop.
  • mangobadango
    mangobadango Posts: 294 Member
    I've got an almost invisible one now across my inner wrist area that was from an iron burn. The funny part of it was when I went into the hospital when the scar was still fairly new. The doctors started asking if I was depressed and had attempted suicide.

    Now I'm noticing that the scars I have the most memories from are disappearing. Kinda sad in a way.
  • KaraGrr
    KaraGrr Posts: 75 Member
    Ouch, reading all these is painful!!! I have a million scars (thanks to motocross) but my right leg in itself is pretty impressive I think haha.

    My right leg is basically a giant scar...
    I have six scars on my thigh/hip from when I broke my femur and got a metal rod put in.

    I have a smiley face looking thing (or frown face depending on how you look @ it lol) on my knee from when I wadded my dirt bike and it landed on me. The foot peg went all the way in my knee.

    The rest of my knee got road rashed to hell from when I was riding my bike with flip flops and shorts down the road and talking on the phone in the dark and hit a pot hole haha. I blame that one on my ex...I was all pissed at him and left on my bike, but then I ended up having to call him to come get me outta the ditch. Ahh to be young and dumb hahah!
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member

    That was a great story to read. :bigsmile:
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    My right leg, i have a scar that runs almost the whole length of my thigh. I am thankful for that scar, i was in a pretty horrid accident and without the work done there i would have lost my leg at 15. On the same leg i have 3 around my knee. We had a trampoline in our backyard and when ourvparents went out we would jump off the back deck onto the trampoline, which was probably 15 feet away. Missed my mark, my leg slipped between the springs, compression fracture to the kneecap and severe ligament damage. Woohoo.

    I have some other ones, little memories i call them, from catching my hand on a rusty nail in the soccer goal at school, and wearing rollerblades that were too big and cutting up my ankles cause the liners fell down. Trying to remove braces with a screwdriver, i have a scar above my lip. Just typing this i realise i was a dumb kid.
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    I have a huge scar a few inches long near my inner thigh right by my "va j j"". When I was a kid, I used to sleep walk, and during one of my episodes, I cut myself on my bed post (it was metal). Needless to say, that bed was trashed the next day lol.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Inner right arm, scars from my cat Rambo in about 1987. I was giving him Kitty-Noogies. He didn't approve.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Right knee-4 in. straight up the knee from chainsaw

    Left hand-between finger and thumb, tree saw.

    Back of neck-Tumor removed

    Right forearm-Deep gouge

    Chin-Car wreck

    Left wrist-Hand through window pane

    Inside Lip-Same car wreck as above.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    I've a scar on my arm from where I got bitten by a donkey.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Scar on my right arm, just above the elbow. Was sleeping walking and woke up with a butcher knife hanging out of my arm. Apparently I had gotten up on a chair to get oatmeal out of the cupboard. When I came down the knife, sticking up in the dish get the picture. Knives go blade side down now. :happy:
  • munkey418
    munkey418 Posts: 139
    ive got a scar on my right eyebrow just where the arch should be and no hair grows directly on it but plucking around hurts like crazy and eyebrow shaping is next to impossible because of it. I had my eyebrow peirced for like 6 months. LOVED it and it healed great! until my face got into a fight with my pillowcase one night... needless to say the pillowcase won... I woke up cause it hurt but it was still in. the next day no problems. The third day the ball was in my line of sight so i pushed it up but instead it came out. thought about getting it re-done but I have other body mods Id like to blow my money on first lol
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I've got a 3inch long one on my lower left leg, where I had a compound fracture :( Also, scar over left knee and little screw scars from the titanium rod in my leg. Wish I had a great story to tell, but it was a bad car wreck!
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    Scar on my right arm, just above the elbow. Was sleeping walking and woke up with a butcher knife hanging out of my arm. Apparently I had gotten up on a chair to get oatmeal out of the cupboard. When I came down the knife, sticking up in the dish get the picture. Knives go blade side down now. :happy:

  • janegalt37
    janegalt37 Posts: 270 Member
    I have an 8 inch long, 3/4 inch wide scar running under my left shoulder blade from heart surgery when I was 3.

    Also right above my upper lip (on the white skin part), I did a high-speed face plant on a solid sheet of ice, and my right eye tooth was stuck through my lip. The scar is tiny now, but I still hate ice 25 years later.

    ETA: Awesome topic, btw. :smokin: :drinker:
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    I only really have two. One is a crescent moon shaped scar on my lower leg from when I was little. I was trying to get a glass out of the cabinet and dropped it. It shattered and one of the flying shards cut open my leg. It's pretty faded now though.

    The other is on the side of my foot, and it's so faded that you can only really see it if you know that there is something there. I was walking outside wearing flip flops when I was 12 or 13. I stumbled over a stick when it somehow got wedged beneath the strap of my shoe, and rammed it into the side of my other foot. That hurt a lot.
  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 335 Member
    I'm a curator and I was installing an exhibit when I put an exacto knife through my thumb. Hit the artery and I still have no feeling in my thumb. My brother tried to remove my eye when I was a kid. Luckily my other brother stopped him but I have a scar on my eye from his attempt. (my brother is nuts btw). Scars on my knees from roller skating with my dog who saw a cat. Other than that I'm perfect!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Left eyelid, all the way across...

    When I was 5, I was laying down in Central Park when a loose dog basically ran across my face and ripped my eyelid off...seriously.

    Thankfully it was NYC, so there were plenty of hospitals and plastic surgeons near by. You can't even tell, but the memory of seeing my lid on ice never ceases to creep me out

    let's see... brain surgery, c-section, bunion removal... been to hell and back - that God that's over!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Left eyelid, all the way across...

    When I was 5, I was laying down in Central Park when a loose dog basically ran across my face and ripped my eyelid off...seriously.

    Thankfully it was NYC, so there were plenty of hospitals and plastic surgeons near by. You can't even tell, but the memory of seeing my lid on ice never ceases to creep me out

    let's see... brain surgery, c-section, bunion removal... been to hell and back - that God that's over!

    thank God that's over....
  • VaporsWorld
    VaporsWorld Posts: 441 Member
    Scar that runs from the base of my thumb down to the center of my wrist. I was hitting my fist on the bathroom sink and somehow caught the mirror in the medicine cabinet. Didn't apply enough pressure obviously. Passed out and had to have 2 pints of blood.
  • Jladd42
    Jladd42 Posts: 23 Member
    I have a lattice looking scar on my inner right calf from falling on (and getting stuck to) an in-floor heater grate when I was a little munchkin because I wanted to show someone my pretty new dress shoes... :|

    I have almost the same kind of scar, from the same thing, an in-floor heat grate but mine happens to be on the outside of my right leg. it happened when I was about 5, and I was trying to see what the grownups were doing at the table...
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I have quite a big scar down my stomach where my VP shunt ends from hydrocephalus (water on the brain) since I was 2 months old. I haven't talked about it much because nobody really understands about it. I barely wear bikinis in the past because I was ashamed of it but I realized it's part of me and I do wear bikinis now.
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    I have a scar across my left hip from a biopsy I had done when I was 11.

    I also have scars on the back of my calves from rollerblading when I was younger.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    This is what I have in my body ;)

  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    I have a half moon scar on the palm of my right hand, looks like someone dug their nail in, I dont remember it happening, it's been there forever.

    A scar on my left hand from my cat, mum had run over him a few days earlier and he had a broken pelvis, silly me tried to move him elsewhere and he wasnt happy, so there was a few stiches in there.

    And the usual scars from appendix removal :smile:
  • IMG_20120308_112540.jpg

    Got into a fight with a 9/16" ratchet at work. The secret is to never get in a hurry and tighten AWAY from your face. God I felt stupid, and get a scar in the center of my head to remember it by.

  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    Oh man, i bet i have the best one here. I have about an 2-3inch vertical scar on my right breast, that goes over my nipple. Faint now, because i got it when i was about 9 years old. I didn't even really have breast then, but i was a really big "tom boy". Well i was in the woods, playing "war/fort" with my brother's and their friends when my brother yelled "Battle Stations" (dorky i know, lol). So off i ran and as i came around the corner i fell in one of our own boobie traps....:laugh: And when i fell there was a stick there that cut me through my shirt, and made about an 1 1/2 inch scar. Of course my boobs grew to D's now and the scar grew with it. Now you can barely see it, because it has faded so much, but i just love that i got my boobie scar from a boobie

  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    You think that would have clue'd me in that I really need to lose the weight, but it took another 9 years after that to figure it out :)

    Dude.. look at you now! Nice arms!
  • Forthe4
    Forthe4 Posts: 30 Member
    I've got an ugly thick and wide scar about 8 inches long across the right side of my abdomen. Whenever people ask about it I'm tempted to come up with some badass story but I always end up sheepishly admitting the truth.

    When I was an infant I had to have a procedure due to pyloric stensosis. The original scar was little more than an inch long. It only got so big because I did....
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    Just under my thumb on the palm of my hand- Using a steak knife to split open turkey burgers that were stuck together (ya know, divided with the paper) well I got the burgers un stuck and a steak knife into the palm of my hand.

    My sister did basically this. Jammed a seriously sharp knife into the muscle right at her thumb joint.. stitches & the whole nine. Now when she bends her thumb just right, it looks like a *kitten*. Seriously.
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