so where'd you get that gnarly scar?



  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    I don't know about "best" but I have a nasty burn scar on my left hand from my mom's screwed up oven. 2nd degree burn, it was nasty and I had no insurance at the time. I've thought about getting it tattooed over because it's really ugly, but if I ever do finish up my 4 year degree after the kids are older, I don't want hand tattoos holding me back :/ (I have tattoos on my wrists, but those are pretty easy to conceal, hands, not so much).

    I also have a scar on my left cheek from where I lost a fat with a cat when I was a toddler. FYI, they don't like it when you shove them in bags and then stick your head in.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Bottom of my chin split open, playing drunken broomball. It's like hockey but with shoes on and you umm use a broom. Got tripped and chin met ice.

    Hernia surgery, 3 inch scar in my upper left groin area. Sorry no pics :laugh:

    Right middle finger from broken glass slicing my finger open.
    Same finger, shattered the finger tip playing softball, now my finger nail grows in a little crooked..not really visible but once I point it out it's a ohhh ahhhh moment.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    right across the bikini line - and replaced twice, each time with a bit larger scar; it's about 8.5 inches now! (3 c-sections).
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    I've got 3 good scars.

    One on my knee from a bike accident when I kid, 5 stitches
    One on my thumb from an argument I lost with a meat slicer, 7 stitches
    One on my shin from falling through a set of stairs. You think that would have clue'd me in that I really need to lose the weight, but it took another 9 years after that to figure it out :)
  • Ribena145
    Ribena145 Posts: 201 Member
    The biggest scar of all is the one on my heart from the love of my life who didn't want me 28 years ago..

    this is sad :(

    but, I have a scar on the side of my right knee I got as a little kid. I was carrying a root beer bottle (yes they used to be in glass and it was home-made root beer too), anyways, it exploded and a piece of glass flew into leg. No stitches that I remember.

    Or there was the time I was maneuvering along the edge of our boat and I didn't see the pike pole, cause I checking for my hand holds and I stabbed my foot into the pike pole (used for handling logs in the water).
  • xyril
    xyril Posts: 80 Member
    I have one one going across my nose. I was jumping in the bed as a kid and broke it on the head board. Still here after 25 years.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i have chicken pox scars on my face- left side near my mid/ upper nose (if you had to describe where)- theres a line of 3, then 1 centered right above and below the middle mark (make sense? i dunno...)

    very faint scar on my knee from a bike accident when i was a kid- barely visible now (but was well into my mid 20's!) now, even i have to look for it
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    Fell on a shovel when i was 4 .....scar on chin, still can't shave properly.
    Fell out on a canoe when i was 14.....scar on left kneecap, sewed it up myself with dental floss. ( we were camping )
    Sister stabbed me with a fork when i was 9......4 holes in left tricep.
    Was stabbed with a knife when i was 22.....4" scar on left torso ( stitches and staples )
    Hit myself with an axe when i was 12.....8" scar on my left tibia ( That one really hurt, grandpa had to pull axe out of the bone )
    2 small puncture holes in my left chest from when i got my Airborne wings ( They don't haze anymore, do they?? )
    I've noticed that with weight loss, my smallpox vaccination scar is coming back.

    Remarkably, I worked a brake press and steel shear for 10 injuries.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Knee...spring break...grabbed beads..didnt flash boys...boys drove away...I didnt let go
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I have a Harry Potter scar (lightning shaped on my forehead that goes into my hairline.)

    In football, not wearing a helmet, I dove for a fumble & hit a guy's shin.
  • AllyBooMommyof2
    I have a star shaped scar on my right inner foot right below my ankle from where I was walking in my grandmas house as a little kid from the swimming pool and the metal storm door decided to catch my ankle and rip so much skin off there were veins hanging out grossssss!! But at least I got a cool shaped scar out of it right? lol ;)
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    i have a gaping hole where penis and balls used to be before they were removed and put in a jar on my wife's dresser.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    Mine are all equally beautiful and hurt just as much as the next one...

    Middle finger- Split in half looking for Rolley-polley's for my little sister proped a rock up and when I set it down my finger got stuck in-between it and another huge rock that was right up against it.

    Across the bottom of my foot- 4in, from stepping on a sprinkler head while running through the srinklers.

    Under my chin- (don't we all have one of those) slipping in a jaquzzi and smacking my chin on the side.

    Just under my thumb on the palm of my hand- Using a steak knife to split open turkey burgers that were stuck together (ya know, divided with the paper) well I got the burgers un stuck and a steak knife into the palm of my hand.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    oh to be young and stupid. this is like 2 weeks after we burned it (alcohol may have been involved haha) now they just look like one shade lighter then skin tone. when we hold hands the two curved sides go together and make a heart. probably getting it tatted over soonish to a real heart.
  • meggawatt
    meggawatt Posts: 145 Member
    I have so many, I'm really clumsy and I scar very easily even a superficial scratch like the one I just got on my tricep from drywall corner bead. Its like 6 inches long and didn't even bleed much but I scratched the surface of my skin so I'm sure I'll see the scar for many years to come. I have scars from puncture wounds, scrapes, burns, cuts, you name it. Oddly enough though, I've never broken a bone. Kudos to Mom for pushing milk, yogurt & cheese when I was a tot.
  • MegRuthie
    MegRuthie Posts: 147 Member
    Wavy line from ear to ear---

    Born with facial birth defects so when I was two, they cut me from ear to ear and pulled my face down They fused my skull where it needed fusing, put some screws in, and built an artificial little bridge in my nose. Pretty wicked pictures of the stitches. Now I have this *lovely* scar and an excuse to wear my hair down and gorgeous for every wedding I'm in. Ah, the 90's. Nowadays they could probably do it with MUCH less scarring.
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    Scar across my neck from surgery on my spine , it had 13 staples in it when it was done, and a scar on my hip
    from bone being taken to graft in my neck that had about 12 staples in too.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Scar across my neck from surgery on my spine , it had 13 staples in it when it was done, and a scar on my hip
    from bone being taken to graft in my neck that had about 12 staples in too.

    it's a dramatic scar, that!
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Starts about 3 inches distal of the elbow, runs over the lateral epicondyle and kind of makes a curve and ends about 1.5 inches proximal of the elbow, from an open repair of the lateral colateral ligament and the common extensor tendon. If you feel carefully you can feel the pin holding the common extensor tendon in place, just distal the lateral epicondyle at the origin of the tendon.
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    oh my gosh... this thread has me cringing with every new post I read!

    Other than surgery scars, I only have a couple, and nothing with a very interesting story.

    Hooked my thigh on some barbed wire in a field when I was about 12, got a 1" scar from that...

    Fell doing calisthenics in high school (jumping with both feet onto a bench and off again), the edge of the bench scraped the cartilege that covers my shin bone, basically it bunched it up in one spot, so I have a hollow on my shin with a bumpy spot above it.

    That's about it for noticeable scars.