so where'd you get that gnarly scar?



    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    On my left thigh 2 cigar shaped and sized circles where I was burned by a pad that short circuited while I was having surgery - Thank goodness I was asleep because the healing process was painful + happened on 7/6 and I could not get in the water until after labor day:frown:
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    One on my forehead back when VHS was the *kitten* dad used to purchase blanks to record shows. Me and my brother thought the stickers that came with it were the bomb and perfect stick on tattos to stick all over the body including the face. Yeah it was me I but the larges piece I could fine the big rectangular piece that goes in the middle and stuck it on my forehead right above my eyes. My brother started chasing me (playing cops and rober or the like) and I bounced of the corner of the wall. Not a preatty site bleeding like crazy needed stiches and now left with a scar that is traveled kinda near my eye.

    Crazy thing we all have scars in our heads the brother that chased me didnt get away with it. when we visit mexico for the summer he was riding a horse down the street a truck full of metal beams was passing and hit a bump at the sound of the beams hitting each other the horse got scared and jumped throwing my brother off the horse and into a metal beam on the street. He didnt require stiches but still left a scar.

    My younger brother well lets just say we didnt learn that chasing each other around the house causes injuries. Yup we were chasing him around he fell and hit the center table with his head.......
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Huge ugly nasty scar on the outside of my right calf.
    I was a cutter for over a decade.
    Arms, legs, stomach, breasts.
    That one was particularly gnarly though.

    I also have a scar above my lip from when I was 8 and I tried to dress up my cat, Brother, in doll clothes. He was fine until I tried to tie the bonnet on his head.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I have a 3/4" long scar in my left cheek and I'm missing part of a bottom tooth. My cousin and I were cleaning out his mother's cellar. I carried out a small table and turned around to go back for something else. At the same time, he threw a pair of long handled pruning shears out the door and I stepped in front of it.

    This actually made me gasp. I suppose it could have actually been a lot worse?? Yeeesh.
  • Briski1411
    Briski1411 Posts: 296 Member
    narly looking stab wound on my right side in my rib cage!!!

    Big old long scar on my ankle where my fit almost got blown off in Iraq!!
  • Liasings
    Liasings Posts: 150 Member
    Ooo, let's see-4 gall bladder surgery scars, two HUGE scars (one on each knee) from being a klutz and falling down a lot, one "innie" chicken pox scar on my nose and one "outtie" chicken pox scar on my stomach.

    The two most interesting ones are the divots in my right shin from showing that I was strong enough at age 7 to pick up a concrete well cover. I DID pick it up, I just couldn't HOLD it up. MY screaming garnered me ALL the attention I required. The other scar is the result of surgery to remove a pilonoidal cyst. The surgeon didn't allow for natural movement, so the stitches started in one place and tore through my flesh to wind up somewhere else. Now I look like I have a little railroad track chugging it's way south from the base of my spine.

    Bonus scar: My husband has one jagged one near the hollow of his throat where he was thrown by a horse and landed, neck first, on one of those green T fence posts.
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    Well.. the one on my chest is obvious. Open heart surgery.

    I also have one on my side from a puncture wound and one on my shoulder from being blown down the deck of and aircraft carrier by an F18. Long story short, I am lucky to be alive from that one.
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    I have a scar in the shape of a Y on the palm of my hand and a dot on the other side.... I was like 5 or 6 playing hide N seek and fell on a 4x4 landed hands down but didnt see there was a nail sticking out of the board until i saw it sticking out my hand. hahah I thought I was soo cool showing everyone lol
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    My biggest scar is from baby-having, but my best story or the one on my shin... I fell off a curb dressed like an Oompa Loompa last Halloween. My Chuck Taylor was nestled up against some uneven cobblestones and when I went to step sideways to look at someone, the sole just stuck on the groove and would come out no matter what I did... so over I went! I wasn't even drunk enough for it. It was ridiculous. I went home in a cab and ended up dressing my wound myself... it was a good one! Now I've got a wicked purple scar that, 9 months later, still has no feeling.

    That is a pretty great story. I'd probably offer it up even when people didn't ask.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    My largest one runs from just below my R knee to just above my ankle.
    I was officiating a football game (Cal vs New Mexico). The qb was tackled & landed on my foot, anchoring it. A linebacker hit me in the back as he tried to avoid the pile. The impact made my body spin, but it couldn't since my foot was held in place. My lower leg twisted apart. The helical fracture had to be surgically repaired with reinforcing hardware, which was removed 18 months later.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I'm amazed i don't have any big scars from my cluts.
    But currently have a huge black bruise right under butt on thigh from falling on wet grass in flip-flops.
    I have broken my nose (years ago) from being kicked in the face but no scar.
    Only scar i have is under my knee cap very small one, unnoticeable unless you know where it is.
    But fell on the rocks in a summer camp and amazingly enough cut it down to the bone very small but very deep.
  • jennylsapia
    jennylsapia Posts: 236 Member
    WOW this is a clumbsy kid/ adults dreamland.....I am covered in scars....nothing to be proud of but still the same its something I excel in....LOL my coworkers make fun of me saying that me and walking do not get along....So some of my best scars starting with the best...

    #1) I have a huge circle'ish scar on the inner part of my right thigh from falling onto a chair leg as a child. My grandma had chairs with metal legs and somehow I managed to flip the chair over then fall on it....

    #2) I have a half moon from last summer when I pulled my entire knee cap (skin/muscle) off at the beach.... I never cried about it until I realized that I had to go to the emergency room instead of the local bar to watch the LSU game.....yes I had spent all day on the beach and yes there was PLENTY of adult beverages that day. I was walking over the levee on the wooden walkway. Well someone had spilled some ice and I didn't notice it until it was too late. So yea that was 9 internal stitches and i think 12 regular stiches. plus a tatnus (sp?) shot!!

    #3) Which isn't a cool story how I got it but its a bad looking scar.....I have about a 7 inch scar from my ankle to the middle of my foot from having to have surgery.....I was always clumbsy and have broken/sprained/twisted my ankle SO many times over the years that they had to go in and take out "debris" from my muscle and tendions. I don't know who in the hell sewed me up but they did a pretty banged up ankle looks like Frankenstein!!
  • CourtLiv
    CourtLiv Posts: 68 Member
    Left eyelid, all the way across...

    When I was 5, I was laying down in Central Park when a loose dog basically ran across my face and ripped my eyelid off...seriously.

    Thankfully it was NYC, so there were plenty of hospitals and plastic surgeons near by. You can't even tell, but the memory of seeing my lid on ice never ceases to creep me out
  • frootcat
    frootcat Posts: 194 Member
    Oh man, I forgot for a second that I'm a complete wimp and started reading the replies to this topic. I may need to bookmark this thread as an appetite suppressant in the future... *barfs*

    Now let me share! lol

    I had a birthmark about the size of a dime on the front of my ankle, right where it bends. Dermatologist said it looked fine now, but I would need to keep a close eye on it-- or, if it were her, she would get it removed. I opted to get it removed. Now I have an almond shaped scar, about three inches across and about the size of a quarter in the middle. It kinda looks like I was attacked by a very angry leprechaun with an axe!
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    These responses have made me feel a little better. Last fall my then 3-year old son came running into the house, lost his balance, and went forehead first into the mahogany end table. He had a huge gash in his forehead. I think I could see his skull through it. The worse thing it was on my watch. He got five stitches which healed remarkably fast but he'll likely have a noticeable scar. I was depressed about it for awhile as I felt responsible even though there's nothing I could have done. Seeing that almost everyone has these types of incidents helps put things into perspective.
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    2.5inch scar on left lower stomach... fell as a child, when on the seaside, slipped over the rocks and cut the belly open... win
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I have scars across one hand from trying to grab a flame in a furnace when I was younger...

    My left thumb has a 2 inch scar where I cut it open working on an exhaust manifold when I was 16.

    I have a scar the exact shape of a 3.9 soldering tip from where I burned my hand removing a component from a ground plain on a circuit board.

    My knuckle on my right right index finger had a huge scar from where I ground the skin off to the bone while using a belt sander.

    Both my knees have mass amounts of scars from the tome I was running from a dog and fell over an eves trough. Into a pile of broken glass.

    The list goes on from there. I am really clumsy so I have tons of awesome scars.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    This could take a while...

    Scar under right eye, not noticeable - it's in the fold of the eyelid, but basically was a second eye-opening until it was stitched
    scar across right side of nose, only noticeable if I get a deep suntan, where it shows up a little paler. Scar in cleft of chin, hidden by goatee. Small scar on right side of mouth where I bit through the cheek. All these from the same accident, where I hit the back of a parked car whilst cycling. Riding along head down, chasing another rider - he moved out for the parked car. I didn't. Bang.

    3 inch scar on right Shoulder. Fell off in a cycle race, along with a couple of other riders. Shoulder was hit by the chainset of one of the riders. Fortunately it hit the bone and stopped. 8 x figure of 8 loop sutures to hold the meat and skin together, did the job, but left a wide, angry mess.

    Left hip has 3 large scars where the plates were put in to hold my pelvis together after getting knocked off my bike (can you see a pattern emerging yet!) and into a set of temporary traffic lights. Also in the same accident, my thighbone was smashed, losing around 3.5 inches of bone. To fix this, a pin was placed down the center of the thighbone, and a Ilzarov frame was affixed (leaving another bunch of small circular scars where the bolts go into the bone above and below the break. The thighbone was then broken, stretched, allowed to re-knit, rebroken, stretched... ad nauseum - over a period of over 7 months. Amazingly, the leg is now within 1/2 inch of the other one. Looking back, I wish they'd have gone for 2 more breaks and levelled me up completely, but at the time, I was content to not walk without a limp! A combination of the original break scars, and the repairwork means the left leg is pretty much just a tracery of scar-tissue and isn't particulary pretty.

    Right Knee has a couple of circular scars either side of the knee, where I've had various bits of keyhole surgery on the joint. There's also a scar on the front of the knee from a rugby injury - Knee was accidentally trodden on by another player during a ruck. Sadly, the player had aluminium cleats on his boots, and one of them was a little sharp. So - another 6 stitches there. Makes a change from bike crashes though.

    and then, and just for good measure, I've a whole bunch of small scars on my back, where I was taken over a breakwater whilst boogieboarding. For good measure the breakwater was covered in barnacles, and pretty much sliced my back like steak tartare. Walking back up the beach, with seawater running into all the cuts was "somewhat painful". It also looked completely horrendous, and caused several small children to run away screaming to their mummies.

    So, in short - I kind of tend to keep fully clothed wherever possible...
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    Where do I start?

    1. 12 inch scar starting at my sternum going down my stomach and around my belly button, terminating just below the waistband. (car accident, internal organ repair surgery)
    2. Five two-inch scars around my chest (car accident, chest tubes)
    3. My left ear is partially gone (see my profile pic, car accident)
    4. 6 inch crescent shaped scar across my right hip (car accident, femur internal rod)
    5. 5 puncture hole scars, each the size of dime along my right thigh (car accident, broken femur stabilizing rods)
    6. Both knees have scars on the cap (3-wheel ATV accident)
    7. Various gouges and cut scars (car accident)

    Even if I end up "cut up" from working out, I'll look like I've been "cut up" literally in a knife fight. But, I'm a guy so no biggie.

    Remind me not to loan you my car...
    Ah...It was just one car accident and I was 17 and it actually wasn't my fault. I was clinically dead a few times and spent a week in ICU in critical condition. I'm lucky some scars and occasional annoying back pain are the only long-term lasting effects.

    I'd say you are very fortunate, indeed!
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I don't know about gnarly but I have a scar right below my lower lip. I was helping my grandma bake cookies when I was little and she had the old metal cookie cutters, slipped of the stool and banged my chin against the cookie cutter and it sliced all the way through. The story of how I broke my arm is much better but there's no scars from that.