so where'd you get that gnarly scar?



  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    I have 5 inch scar under my rib cage, I had pyloric stenosis when i was born.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I have a bunch across my arms and chest from hot brass. The most obvious one is in the center of my chest and it was from shooting an M-16. The brass was ejected, hit my cover, fell down my shirt and got trapped against my skin. Due to the position I was shooting in I couldn't do anything about it.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    One on each knee, it's more like a perma-bruise. I will let you all decide how they got there....
    Just kitten, I took a hard tumble running, cut the heck out of both knees, but got up finished running, THEN went to a one hour boot camp class. Cause I am hardcore like that.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I have a big scar on the back of my right shoulder blade.

    I was climbing a dead tree on the side of a cliff face. A branch broke and I fell over 30 feet hooking a branch in my armpit that tore my shoulder open. but it slowed me down enough that I could land on my feet with out my knees buckling.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    I have 3 scars on the side/back of my head, one big one from sternum to belly button (from being cut open 3 different times), one over my right eye and a 9 inch long one over the right knee, plus many other small ones that are all from the 5/3/99 tornado that hit the OKC metro that set the new scale for how they measure a tornado. Other than those I have one on the right ankle from when I tore all the ligaments & tendons playing basketball my senior year of HS.
  • mostein
    mostein Posts: 200 Member
    I have a 3-4 inch scar above my right knee from when I was little. The official story is unknown to me but my mom said I fell on a nail...

    I also have the ugly c-section scar and a burn scar from where they leave the hot food at safeway, you know it clearly says CAUTION HOT but still I burnt my hand on it!
  • Psychoanalytic
    I have more scars that I can count. My favorites?
    Right leg - about a 4" scar. I used to be into martial arts and what not. Practicing with a sword, missed the sheath, and stuck it into my thigh.
    Right foot - went surfing during a hurricane (because that's pretty much the only time you can decently surf on the east coast) hit a rock and split my board across my foot.
    Left hand - sliced my hand open all the way down to the bone on sheet metal.

    Edit: I only have a real dimple on the right side of my face. The "dimple" on the left side of my face is where my childhood best friend's dog bit me. Although it sucked, it was actually convenient.
  • BoxingAli
    BoxingAli Posts: 117 Member
    just about a month ago, i burned my hand on a hot lawnmower motor while trying to raise up the blade. Learned my lesson to never cut the grass again! LOL

    I also have gallbladdar removal scars, but they are tiny
  • Twilightsunflower
    Twilightsunflower Posts: 330 Member
    i have 4 pale oval ones on my left arm from a hot iron when i was 18 months old and picked it up.
    a small one in the palm of my right hand from accidently stabbing my self with a steak knife when i was 9
    and one up the side of my left ankle like 4 inches long from falling down 7 stairs
  • _Ivian
    _Ivian Posts: 198
    I too have the Harry Potter scar lol..Needed like 5 stitches above my right eyebrow.

    My grandpa used to built and fly planes and one day he built a one seater aluminum helicopter. He ended up crashing at the local airport and brought it back in pieces. Luckily, he was built of rubber lol. He tossed the parts in the backyard and when I was like 9 months old and learning how to run, I tripped on the wing and got that scar.

    In short, I fell on a helicopter. :laugh:
  • gotchakatja
    gotchakatja Posts: 44 Member
    I have two! Well, obviously I have more than two. But two big ones. I have one that's pretty nasty, but not very big, on my left upper chest. I had it from my port when I had childhood leukemia.

    Then I have a scar that goes all the way down my back, along one side. While I had cancer, I got growths on one of my lungs. So they had to go in through my back and remove that part of my lung.

    Not sure if these scars will go away over time. It's already been sixteen years or so. But. I kindof don't want them to go away. :c I feel like they're unique.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    Where do I start?

    1. 12 inch scar starting at my sternum going down my stomach and around my belly button, terminating just below the waistband. (car accident, internal organ repair surgery)
    2. Five two-inch scars around my chest (car accident, chest tubes)
    3. My left ear is partially gone (see my profile pic, car accident)
    4. 6 inch crescent shaped scar across my right hip (car accident, femur internal rod)
    5. 5 puncture hole scars, each the size of dime along my right thigh (car accident, broken femur stabilizing rods)
    6. Both knees have scars on the cap (3-wheel ATV accident)
    7. Various gouges and cut scars (car accident)

    Even if I end up "cut up" from working out, I'll look like I've been "cut up" literally in a knife fight. But, I'm a guy so no biggie.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I have an awesome one on my arm, about an inch long, that I got from my cat when he saw a dog. I tell people that it was from a kitana during a ninja fight.
  • awoodenmd
    awoodenmd Posts: 4
    Hmmm. The one from the car accident where I killed a cow (9 inches on my scalp)? I was 19. Or maybe the really sweet, long one (7 inches) when I had my spleen removed? I know, the four little ones when I had my gall bladder removed! But the dog bite on my knee is pretty impressive, too. Hmmm. So many to choose from.... lol I have to say, I don't really care about the scars either, and neither do my loved-ones. Scars just show a life well-lived and make for interesting conversation! lol
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    8" scar like a half U on my neck from last year’s Thyroid Cancer surgery. Normally the scare would be only a few inches but the cancer had progressed into lymph nodes on the right side of my neck so surgeon had to also remove around 30 lymph nodes. That procedures is called a Radical Neck Dissection! Recovery from the 7 hour surgery wasn’t bad at all and the scar is smooth enough I can shave right over it so it’s not that noticeable.
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    I have 3 scars either sides of my bum where these poles went through when I was young.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I don't have any ones which I can say 'totally got this in a Mexican knife fight' or 'I saved this fire from a puppy'. Mine are all boring!

    My best is on my forearm; I burned myself not once, but TWICE on the same hot tray from the oven. And promptly dropped the food onto the floor. So it looks like I'm a cutter. -_-
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I have a bunch across my arms and chest from hot brass. The most obvious one is in the center of my chest and it was from shooting an M-16. The brass was ejected, hit my cover, fell down my shirt and got trapped against my skin. Due to the position I was shooting in I couldn't do anything about it.

    Holy OW. And I whine when I get the prickly little bits on my arms shooting a .22. Ha!
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    My biggest scar is from baby-having, but my best story or the one on my shin... I fell off a curb dressed like an Oompa Loompa last Halloween. My Chuck Taylor was nestled up against some uneven cobblestones and when I went to step sideways to look at someone, the sole just stuck on the groove and would come out no matter what I did... so over I went! I wasn't even drunk enough for it. It was ridiculous. I went home in a cab and ended up dressing my wound myself... it was a good one! Now I've got a wicked purple scar that, 9 months later, still has no feeling.