so where'd you get that gnarly scar?



  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    I have some pretty good ones…..

    3 inch scar from a stab wound right below my right ribcage and a zipper scar from belly button to chest where they had to fix me up.

    And an s shaped scar that starts about the top, middle of my head and ends near my right ear from getting a brain tumor removed.

    Also had a shoulder repair and was recently neutered. Not big scars but equally painful. :bigsmile:
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    Left hip, I was stapped/Slashed, had to have staples and stiches to close it back up.

    Middle lower back, Had a Cancer Tumor removed.

    Put the scars together and it looks like I was shot and the bullet passed through.
  • haleylovessoccer
    I have scars on all of my knuckles on my left hand. 1 from punching a kid, 2 from a bike accident, and one from a drunken adventure in which I cant remember. I also have a nice little round chicken pox mark on my forehead but you can barely see it. I think my most impressive is the one on the back of my thigh, about 5 inches, from when I was scaling a fence in a pair of soccer cleats but slipped getting over and cut my self on the top of the fence and fell the rest of the way (about 6 ft.) Oh and the ones on the bottom of my chin and the one under my lip from when my chin smashed into the ice playing ice hockey on the lake. Unfortunately my tooth went through my lip at the same time....
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    Cool Post. I have two interesting ones.
    One, I've had almost my whole life. It's the shape of a paw print (ironically). My dog, when I was a toddler, clawed at me pretty bad and left a white scar on my inner thigh. I also have three scars on my foot, one on each side and one on the top of my foot, from reconstructive surgery in December of 2010.

    Ahh, yours reminded me of one I forgot-- and I'm not sure how, as it's one of the better stories-- and that's the little shiny spot in the middle of my left foot from a flaming marshmallow. I was camping with friends, and we were making s'mores. One friend's marshmallow caught fire and she decided the best remedy was to wave the thing frantically until the flame went out. Unfortunately, it went flying and a piece of it landed directly on the top of my bare foot. Don't wear flip-flops to bonfires. I tell people I have stigmata.
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I have about 10 Scar's all over :bigsmile:
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    I have a big freckle on my arm that's always been there since I was little
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    <thought better of it, deleted>
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    Left eyelid, all the way across...

    When I was 5, I was laying down in Central Park when a loose dog basically ran across my face and ripped my eyelid off...seriously.

    Thankfully it was NYC, so there were plenty of hospitals and plastic surgeons near by. You can't even tell, but the memory of seeing my lid on ice never ceases to creep me out

    And I thank you for sharing that image with the rest of us! :drinker:
  • AdrienneKaren
    AdrienneKaren Posts: 168 Member
    I have a scar that goes about 1 inch behind my hair line above my left eye and across my forehead, through my right eyebrow, and ending behind my right ear. I was half scalped. It was gross. Took over 100 stitches to close that up. At the same time, I ended up with about 70 staples in my right thigh from where they fixed my broken femur. All of this because of a drunk driver. So, PLEASE don't drink and drive.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I have a screw top shaped scar on my right jawline from burning myself with the curling iron screw on the night of prom. -_(\
  • SlimSammy2012
    hmmmmmm...Trying to figure which one I should talk about. All of mine have a good story from getting my head scalped by a Goalie palying Ice Hockey. got me right under the helmet line and it took 83 stitches to close on the outside and 46 on the inside to stay secure! thank God the doc was really good with the needle and it was at the hair line...

    then there is the nasty one on my left forearm. got it from jumping a huge puddle in the alley (If you are not from chitown or the big city, you may not know what an alley is)at the age of 13. Ground up about 8 inches of skin off of the forearm on the bottom side...

    Gotee covers scars on the chin and upper lip...Hockey again...

    The biggest scar of all is the one on my heart from the love of my life who didn't want me 28 years ago..
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    mine is from my tubal. It was supposed to be one inch I ended up with 7 inch one.. My left ovary was deeply hidden behind some other innards and they had to hunt for it.. My belly looked like a road man of bruises.. Worst surgery recovery of my life.
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    Oh man, i bet i have the best one here. I have about an 2-3inch vertical scar on my right breast, that goes over my nipple. Faint now, because i got it when i was about 9 years old. I didn't even really have breast then, but i was a really big "tom boy". Well i was in the woods, playing "war/fort" with my brother's and their friends when my brother yelled "Battle Stations" (dorky i know, lol). So off i ran and as i came around the corner i fell in one of our own boobie traps....:laugh: And when i fell there was a stick there that cut me through my shirt, and made about an 1 1/2 inch scar. Of course my boobs grew to D's now and the scar grew with it. Now you can barely see it, because it has faded so much, but i just love that i got my boobie scar from a boobie
  • SlimSammy2012
    ^^ funny Story
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    L5 S1 Disc Surgery. My wife calls it my 'buttcrack extension'.
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461
    I have lots of scars, ones from having children are the for the others the only one i still notice is the one under my lip where a Rottweiler tried to tear it off when I was a toddler
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I have a deep scar in the back of my thigh, where I was caught by a blunt object weilded by an apartheid policeman. At the time I was terrified for my life. But I guess it now gives me a certain level of street cred.
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    my left leg is pretty marked up with scars from the same accident .. My leg was snapped on a 90 degree angle just below my calf and pinned up under the dashboard. I have a 5 inch scar along my knee cap and nother in front of my shin below the calf, two 1.5 inch scars ( one on the side of my knee and the other in my ankle. The ones in my knee and shin are from where they inserted the titanium rod and rebuilt the bone in my leg.. The smaller ones are where they made incisions to screw the rod into place...
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    I have a Huge Scar from under my right breast all the way up to behind my back and 2 smaller ones on my right side. I was 13 when I got them. I had pneumonia and it got so bad that the pus had hardened to my lungs and they had to go in and scrap it out and put 2 tubes in my side to uck of the remainiing fluids and in the process the idiots scrapped out my lung tissues , so I can't smoke even if I wanted to . I was in the hospital for 3 months learning how to stand upright . Physical Therapy was a *****.
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    I have one on each side of my right ankle. I fell and broke it in two places (a plate and 8 screws are still in my ankle). All of my other scars are really boring.