

  • I'm Dutch. Frisian to be precise. I'm proud to be! (Frisians live in a small region of Holland.)
  • 1st - 30 minutes of swimming, 60 minutes of walking 2nd - 20 minutes of walking, 20 minutes of bicycling 3rd - 15 minutes of walking 4th - 90 minutes of walking, 15 minutes of bicycling 5th - 30 minutes of ballet, 45 minutes of pointe class, 15 minutes of walking 6th - 60 minutes of step-aerobics 7th - sick 8th - 30…
    in June tally Comment by AnkeAkke June 2012
  • Classical ballet! I really love it! And especially pointe class. It's a really good strength-workout. Less cardio though. I love the music and the steps and the uniforms and performing and... Ah well, it's just great.
  • Hi there! I'm from Holland! From Groningen to be precize. I'm 26 years old. The MFP-'program' really does help. I also only need to loose a few pounds, and I've almost reached my target weight in just a month or so. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • 1st - 30 minutes of swimming, 60 minutes of walking 2nd - 20 minutes of walking, 20 minutes of bicycling 3rd - 15 minutes of walking 4th - 90 minutes of walking, 15 minutes of bicycling 5th - 30 minutes of ballet, 45 minutes of pointe class, 15 minutes of walking 6th - 60 minutes of step-aerobics 7th - sick 8th - 30…
    in June tally Comment by AnkeAkke June 2012
  • I did an hour of pointe class (ballet). I really love it. It's a good work-out.
  • 1st - 30 minutes of swimming, 60 minutes of walking 2nd - 20 minutes of walking, 20 minutes of bicycling 3rd - 15 minutes of walking 4th - 90 minutes of walking, 15 minutes of bicycling 5th - 6th - 7th - 8th - 9th - 10th - 11th - 12th - 13th - 14th - 15th - 16th - 17th - 18th - 19th - 20th - 21st - 22nd - 23rd - 24th -…
    in June tally Comment by AnkeAkke June 2012
  • I walked for one hour and 17 minutes in the rain yesterday! I really needed the work-out minutes, so I just took an umbrella and did it! Really proud of myself :)
    in Workouts Comment by AnkeAkke June 2012
  • :laugh: So true!
  • I'm also the slim girl running. And believe me, this story is so true. Every time I pass a fat girl I think "WOW. You're doing GREAT. I admire you so much." Please don't feel insecure when running. Even skinny girls not running admire you, because they secretly think they should do some excercise like you.
  • I also include walking. We don't need to exercise vigourosly every day. Walking is fine; you're moving, you're burning calories. It's very healthy exercizing. I went shopping yesterday and I walked almost half of the day. I decided to enter '60 minutes of walking', so I don't overestimate it. (Please forgive my spelling.…
    in Walking Comment by AnkeAkke June 2012
  • Ah, you're so right! Just ways to selling things to uneducated people. So, there is some evidence that medium chain fatty acids are not bad for humans. However, there is only limited evidence that it is actually of any benifit. But you are for now only interested in the first part; is it dangerous for your father. I think…
  • Pff... you have some serious problems ^^". I can read your message without you using caps-lock. By the way... the human body really needs fat, you know, You are absolutely right. The amount of evidence is very little. I think that all the organisations are right. Consuming only a little bit is the savest way. So cooking in…
  • I've read that it does not cause or worsen heart disease. Yes, it does contain a lot of saturated fats. However, these are mostly medium-chain fatty acids, compared to the long-chain fatty acids in most other oils. These medium-chain fatty acids don't have the same negative effect on cholesterol as long-chain and they will…
  • I'm not sure how coconut oil with no additions is a processed food? I've bought it today. I've read a lot about it and I think it fits in a healty diet. I already found out you can cook perfectly with it. It seems to have a lot of health benefits, although I really don't believe all of them are true. I also bought it as a…
  • What's your name? Anke Where do you live? Groningen (The Netherlands) What are your food vices/ cheats? Chocolate! What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Illness and medication use What's your favorite exercise? Classical ballet, pilates and a bit of running What exercise would you like to try…
  • I would like to join! One of my goals is to look a bit more toned, so I could use this.
  • Hello! I'm 26. I seriously don't know what 'cw', 'gw' and 'sw' are :s But I would like to support you. Feel free to add me. I've been doing this for about 3 weeks now.
  • Don't use knee support too often or for too long. That will only prevent you from building muscle strenght. Doing "isometric" knee excercises would be a good idea. I think the best bandage would be an elastic one (in one piece) with a hole in the front for your knee cap. This will keep your knee cap in track... Or at…
  • Rooibos tea is a bit sweet. I have a rooibos-vanilla tea which is really sweet.