

  • P90X is quite difficult. But for most of the programs, they are only as difficult as you make it. A lot of the routines in P90X can be modified to accommodate any person. Pullups can be done with bands, pushups can be done on your knees, everything (nearly) is modifiable to accommodate you. If you push yourself, it is a…
  • Yea I'm not stopping, I'm going to take a week break and start up again. Looking forward to it.
  • Yep, I was in the same situation last summer. I would wear everything untucked, now it is completely the opposite. Well done!
  • I think they are showing up now, here is the album anyway. http://s131.photobucket.com/albums/p318/bullet1gts/P90X/ I always love looking at everyone's success stories, truely inspiring.
  • So you can see the picture? If i paste the link directly in my browser it comes up, but looking at it in here it says that the photo has been moved or deleted. edit: I created a new album and they started showing up...
  • You fixed it. Good job!
  • Have you calculated your BMR? If you weigh 400lbs, and are average height (I used 5'6") your BMR is 2500+ calories. So if you ate 2000 a day with some exercise you could probably easily lose 2lbs a week. So, as everyone has said, being as big as you are, you need to eat more to fuel your body. Make those 2000 calories…
  • If you do all the workouts, P90X is 6 days a week with the 7th being either stretching or just rest. 3 Days a week are resistance with an Ab workout at the end which ends up being roughly 1:15 total time. One Day a week is Yoga which is 1:30. The other two days are cardio workouts with Plyometrics and Kenpo (jump training…
  • Your change in posture is amazing. Well Done!
  • Graduated in 1996, I think I weighed about 165. Graduated College in 2000 at around 170. Got married 5 years ago at 177. I have worked myself up to 197, and since joining MFP and Doing P90X I'm down to 177. Starting to feel good about myself for the first time in years. Not that I ever really felt bad, just feels good…
  • Exactly, instead of sitting and watching TV, I'm in the basement for 1:15 or so doing P90X.
  • I don't necessarily feel all of those emotions, but I definitley feel gross, bloated and feel like I don't want to do it again any time soon.
  • Yea, a week is hardly enough time to adjust to anything. Follow a plan for a month and see what happens. Water weight is most likely the culprit for the weight gain, give it time, your will be thankful you did.
  • I wish I kept my 2007 Subaru STi. I got tired of the ride quality being quite rough but I had it modified and man was it fast. I've owned some decent car since, but I wish I would have held on to it. http://s131.photobucket.com/albums/p318/bullet1gts/STI/?action=view&current=tint28.jpg Since there were a few Celica's here,…
  • So, would you rather have your guy say something like "Yea, you could definitely stand to lose a few lbs", or "I wish you looked like this supermodel". I think you would dislike that much more than him saying he likes you as you are. If he likes you now, you should think, man, he is going to love it when I get in "Pin up…
  • If this was the only thing I was doing I might have stuck with it, but 5 weeks ago I started P90X and keeping up with this and that would have been too much. Good Luck Everyone.
  • I use Skim Milk or Almond Milk, tastes better. And no, there is no reason you can't mix them in whatever liquid you want.
  • Put it in the bank and live off the interest... and live VERY well off the interest. $460M cash payout, $230M after taxes give or take, and put that in a measly 1% interest bearing account is 2.3M a year. That would be more than enough to live in an amazing house, drive an amazing car and do just about anything you want…
  • you got it... Lowercase IMG's
  • This would appear to be a situation where you not worry about what the scale says. Feel proud that you ran a 1/2 marathon and let your body do its thing for a little while before worrying about a number. Congrats on completing the 1/2, well done.
  • I'm usually playing hockey as I Ice skate, but yea, love it! And I know I'm probably working at a different level than just an open skate, but yes I definitely log playing hockey, and I would log skating as well. I know I log when I rollerblade with my dog, which is pretty similar as far as the movements and exercise go.
  • Sure there are better things to eat rather than fast food, but if you need to, you can build a decent salad from Chipotle that won't kill calorie count. Cosi also has some good options. And Panera has a few items that are pretty decent. Of course all these places have foods that are horrible for you as well, just have to…
  • Yea, I'm torn as to when I'm going to break into two sets. Sometime this month is my guess. Completed 33 but started to struggle on the last few. I'm going to try to push to 50 before breaking it, but we'll see.
  • Sounds like you could up your calories. 1200 or below and working out daily doesn't sound like you are eating enough. I know it sounds weird that you have to eat more to lose, but I've seen it so many times on here, it works.
  • Through 32... Starting to get tougher on days that I do P90X and its not chest and back (where you do a couple hundred anyway). Still doing them in one set with push up bars, though that is starting to get pretty tough as well.