Rubes Member


  • Drink more water! It will help a lot!!
  • I think that it depends on what part of the country you are in. I live in a farming community and our local produce is less expensive and our farmers make more profit selling it directly instead of going through a middle man. In fact, our city just opened a co-op style grocery store specifically for local farmers to sell…
  • I totally understand! That is how I felt after I looked up the calories for the Quesadilla Explosion salad at Chilis.......TERRIBLE FOR YOU! All of my calories for the day and 89g of fat in a salad!! BUT don't worry-tomorrow is another day and good thing you were drinking water!
  • The program is asking if you want to change your daily calorie goal which you should do. I was confused at first too because I thought it was asking if I wanted to change my eventual goal weight.
  • From what I have seen with other people, you will loose it fast and then gain it right back. Slow weightless is the best way to go. Remember that it took months and years to gain it, it might take that long to loose it! Good luck and we are here to support you!
  • I doubt this is what you are talking about.....but it will give insight as to why some of us are overweight
  • I can tell that you really love sugar and don't worry, you are not alone! I have to be cautious around sugar because I love it sooooo much! On some days, you ate more calories in candy/junk food than you did for dinner and I think that is throwing off your body. Try cutting down your artificial sugar intake by replacing…
  • I think it really depends on your family and friends. Have you ever been to a party like that within your circle of friends? How do you think your family would react? If you were going to your friend's goodbye BBQ and they had the same thing, how would you feel?
  • Local farmer markets and butchers are a great place to find cheep and fresh food. You can get locally grown and in season fruit/veg on the cheep and save a ton! We also do a lot of bulk buying and freezing/storing the extras. It takes longer but it saves a bunch of money. Homemade chili, soups and stews are a great way to…
  • Allergies?
  • I found that after I switched my diet to mostly clean foods-foods that haven't been processed and don't have a bunch of artificial junk added- my acne cleared up. I still get pimples sometimes but it is much better than before. It turns out that it wasn't what was going on my face but what I put into my body that cleared…
    in Adult Acne Comment by Rubes April 2010
  • And Stang49 makes some great sweet potato fries!!! :-) The hubby and I made them last week and they are on the menu for this week too!
  • Don't worry! I am doing the same program! I was stuck on week four for about a month before I finally broke through. I think of the C25K more as a step program and less of a week by week program. When you are done with one week and can do it, go on to the next. Take your time and listen to your body.
  • It takes 20 minutes for your brain to get the message from your tummy that you are full. Drink a bunch of water before you eat to help get the message to your brain faster.
  • I haven't joined a gym....I don't really like them and I am trying to save as much money as possible to get a house! I have lost 17lbs and have spent probably under $125 for equipment, DVDs, clothing, and shoes since this summer. I have a 6in step that I use all the time in the apartment. It is great because you can do a…
  • The EXACT SAME THING happened to me last fall. I stopped taking the pill in early 2009 and started using myfitnesspal in the summer of 2009. My periods went all over the place and I was often late or early. I had a few freak outs because my husband and I want to wait a while before having kids. I was also under a lot of…
  • I had a HUGE problem with that! Now I keep snacks in my desk to help me from overeating at dinner or caving into fast food!
  • Hi and welcome! You might have lost all that weight because: A) you weighed yourself at different points in the day. Everybody has weight fluctuations during the day. It is best to weigh yourself at the same time every time. I always weigh in on Sundays before breakfast. B) you might have lost a lot of water weight. Soda…
  • Hi! It was really hard for me to start drinking 8 a day. I had to use the bathroom all the time too and it felt like my tummy couldn't hold all of the water sometimes. After about 2-3 weeks my body adjusted and I am using the bathroom like normal. I also noticed that my skin started to look much healthier! When I began my…