Am I losing weight too quickly?

I just started using last week and I'm already down 3.8lbs. I'm very happy with that, but I know it's better to lose the weight slow so that it will be permenant. If I'm trying to lose about 20lbs, is 3.8lbs in the first week too much? Have other people started out losing quick and then having it sort of level off?


  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I'm no professional by any means, but I would think that if you are sticking to the calories MFP has given you and you're eating them all, then you should be just fine. But, if you're going under the recommended calories, it could backfire later. I lost 4 pounds the first week when I started on this website, and then it kind of leveled off a little, but I have a lot more than 20 pounds to lose..
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I just started using last week and I'm already down 3.8lbs. I'm very happy with that, but I know it's better to lose the weight slow so that it will be permenant. If I'm trying to lose about 20lbs, is 3.8lbs in the first week too much? Have other people started out losing quick and then having it sort of level off?

    I lost weight pretty fast in the beginning but it does slow down
  • babiegurl47
    i am still on my first week here and have lost almost 5 lbs. i was shocked but im sure it wont continue like that. i think you drop fast the first week bc you get your body moving again after not doing much and it sheds the lbs fast at first.
  • itsmenatalie
    itsmenatalie Posts: 190 Member
    You also tend to lose water weight in the beginning which levels off, so it's probably normal. As the others said, just make sure you're not eating below your recommended calories because eating too little can really mess up your metabolism.
  • Rubes
    Rubes Posts: 28 Member
    Hi and welcome!

    You might have lost all that weight because:

    A) you weighed yourself at different points in the day. Everybody has weight fluctuations during the day. It is best to weigh yourself at the same time every time. I always weigh in on Sundays before breakfast.

    B) you might have lost a lot of water weight. Soda and salty food (as well as your "time of the month" if you are a woman) can cause water retention. If you cut all of that stuff out this week, your body is just adjusting.

    This might be gross but....
    C) you might have flushed out the good old colon! :blushing: If you switched over to eating a lot more fiber and found yourself on the pot a lot more this week, you might have lost some weight you were carrying around that was not in fat (to put it delicately!)

    I think you are probably fine and congratz! This websight really works! I tried for years to loose weight using various programs. This is the only one that I can stick with and I have seen some great results!
  • akivi73
    Thanks for all the replies! I'm following the right amount of calories and it sounds like I'm not the only one who has seen this happen, so it must be OK! :happy: :happy:
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    At the beginning it can be pretty quick. I lost 9 pounds in my first two weeks. Then it starts to level off
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    i've lost up to 5lbs in a week but it's only due to eating healthy and working out alot if your doing everything the right way then i won't worry about it but if your starving your self or not working out and just eating less then it's just water weight and could come back so make sure you you do everything the healthy way!!!
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    If you came on here and followed the plan it is probably enough of a shock to your body that it lost that much weight in the 1st week. It will most likely slow down and be at the normal pace after a few weeks. It is just your body adjusting to everything.