Dalker Member


  • I can emphasise! Just moved in with my boyfriend and he is forever bringing cakes and junk food home. I'm having to try learn willpower all over again!
  • I was wondering this the other day too. Blended fruit and protein with a shot of rum?
  • 5'0, eat 1500 in the week and relax a little at the weekend, eat out and drink wine. I'm maintaining/slowly losing and my body composition appears to be changing from the better. I'm stronger than I've ever been I love food. :)
  • Pull ups. I didn't dare attempt these, then I did, and now I can do a few and improving. I think a lot of bodyweight exercises look hard because there no easy option. Like not everyone can squat twice their bodyweight, but there's always a level you can go to from unweighted up to whatever level of weight you can manage.…
  • Use dumbbells or the fixed weight bars. You'll be amazed at how fast you improve and the bar will quickly become your warmup :)
  • Same here, 1200 calories made me dizzy and tired and grumpy. I'd add calories in bit by bit and see how you feel. I increased my intake by 100 every week til I found what worked for me. I do adjust my intake depending on how I feel, I've been feeling really tired out by the end of the week and I've been binging at the…
  • If you are vomiting frequently stick to fluids. Once it starts to settle go for bland foods. My rule: Always go for the foods that are going to be the least unpleasant if they come back up.
  • Not quite sure if I understood what you meant but if you are gonna lift on consecutive days then I'd alternate upper body/lower body or such so you are resting body parts. I couldn't fit in full body days with rest days in between due to shift work so I do upper days then lower days. I'm doing 5/3/1 which is a day each for…
  • Think about how you are landing when you run. I had bad shin splints from heel striking and then ankle problems from over compensating and running right on my toes. I don't know enough to tell you exactly how to land but do some reading and use your running sections on the c25k to be mindful about your form. Oh and some…
  • Prefer reversing into empty space on way in than out into traffic/pedestrians on way out.
  • Take all your own food in don't buy and avoid the vending machines :) I log everything I eat on nights as the day I started if that makes sense but others log midnight to midnight, work out what works best for you. Little and often works best for me and I have my big meal before I start work and a light snack on my break.…
  • I'm in the same boat, I ate far too much over the weekend. Going back to my usual calories. Don't try to starve yourself to make up for it, it'll only make it harder to stick to it. If I eat too much I immediately gain pounds and inches and I'm bloated but it's mostly water and it will disappear quick enough. Getting back…
  • I love this feeling.
  • Some frozen berries, and a splash of maple syrup. Pop it in the microwave for 40s and it makes a nice hot fruit sauce. The hot cold contrast is really nice.
  • I stopped having my post alcohol bedtime snack - let's face it, it was usually junk food or tonnes of carbs. I learnt the hard way that I do need to eat before bed as I had the worst hangover ever the next day, complete with the shakes. I managed to get a bit of food down me and felt much better, think it was blood sugar…
  • Is this genuinely used pre surgery? I would have thought that being starved for three days would make recovery harder? I understand that weight reduction reduces the risks of surgery but surely a quick '10 pounds' of water weight would make little difference? Any health care professionals know?
  • I like to have an hour for breakfast, shower, make-up, teeth etc. I'm scruffy and I don't dry my hair just scrape it back and go. I can manage the above in 30-40 mins depending on how many times I hit snooze.
  • Just kinda winged it based on what I'd read online and on youtube. I still don't know whether I'm doing anything properly. Usually end up developing minor pain somewhere, then refining my technique. I'm sure this isn't the best way to go about it but it has been my only option until recently. The gym I joined recently runs…
  • Correct me if I'm wrong but this evidence suggests that resistance training spikes blood pressure. Is there actually any evidence to suggest that it is implicated in causing damage to heart leading to clinical illness?
  • No one actually ever told me I needed to and it never occurred to me since the 'women's area' of the gym is set up with little dumbbells and I very much doubt I ever saw a picture of a fit woman in a magazine using anything but the tiniest dumbbells.
  • Frozen veg is now the only way I can eat veg without ending up chucking loads of mouldy stuff away every week. I use the canned stuff too and frozen/canned fruit too (although a lot of the canned stuff does have added sugar so be careful).
  • I try have protein at every meal and have plenty of options for protein snacks to top up on. Things like greek yoghurt, protein ice cream, protein powder, meat/cheese. Milk (in the form of lattes or hot choc for me) helps. Protein shakes are an option but I can no longer stomach them unless blended with plenty of fruit so…
  • I'm 5'0. Everyone else looks tall.
  • I stopped stronglifts after I started to stall out. I could have probably kept going a little longer but I was starting to get bored of the routine and this was affecting my commitment. I took a break shortly after as I got injured and then just never quite managed to make it back. I think it would have benefited me to…
  • I kinda get what OP was saying. I went through a phase where I felt like my thighs were getting bulkier, because they are relatively big in comparison to skinny calves and although I had lost weight on my upper body my thighs remain larger. Add to this some increased muscle definition in the thighs and it gives the…
  • Tried for the first time the other day. I was disappointed as I had no pain or discomfort and didn't feel like I was doing anything. Anyway I decided to give it another go yesterday and I must have figured out what I was doing wrong as I nearly cried!
  • It's also really nice to see what other people are squatting in terms of %bodyweight. I'm always beating myself up cause my lifts are tiny but I'm only little (5'0) so I shouldn't expect miracles :)
  • Started with the bar which was 40% and got up to bodyweight after stronglifts. Then I fell off the wagon for a while. Now on 45 kg which is 90%. So close but it's starting to feel hard! I'm doing 5/3/1 now and the total volume of squats is less so I'm probably nowhere near doing 5x5 for bodyweight. It's nice to make…
  • 13" at 5'0. I think they look far too small as I have short legs and big thighs. Can't wear leggings or skinny jeans because the dramatic taper looks weird. Straight leg jeans help balance it out.
  • Had cake for lunch, I was fine until the pizza appeared....