

  • I just wuv my little kitties! :love: But my two year old male cat Spaz (I blame my husband for that name) is not so little! Poor guy, ever since we took his manhood away..... He's just not the same lap realy hurts when he's walking all over you! Then there is my little girl, Chloe who will turn 1 tomorrow! I have…
  • Yea! I am so excited! I love having a goal...something to look forward to. Talk about motivation! :happy: I have been looking forward to Eclipse anyway, this is just the icing on the cake! (Except no icing and cake for me! LOL) I am sooooo ready to be fit for the summer b/c it comes and goes before you know it! So...lets…
  • I work at a private Christian school...they decided long before I started working here that they shoud take Friday's off. But I'm not complaining. As crazy as my work week is, I love having Friday to sleep in. I wanted to thank you all so much! It has been so encouraging to me to know I can still lost weight, even if I'm…
  • It sounds like we have some of the same problems! I myself am a very picky eater. My taste lies in pre-packaged meals, sugary cereal, chocolate and bread! LOL. But I have learned to take new steps. It wasn't easy. But by the support of mostly this community I have made some progress. My goal is to be 135 because I'm 5'6".…
  • You guys are so awesome! Thank you SOOO much for all these ideas. They are very helpful and sound very tasty! I even think my husband will eat them...(pickiest eater in the world!) And I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who eats this way!
  • Keep it up girl! Kick butt and don't stop kicking! It is so good to hear how motivated you are to do this! It really encourages me to do the same!
  • Wow, what a struggle you have. I am overweight as well, even though all my friends tell me I'm not. I was recently in a wedding myself, and saw the pictures. Isn't it amazing how different you look in the mirror and in pictures? And your not the only one with a weakness for ice cream! Even though I don't, I could eat it…
  • Hi! You are off to the right start, I myself have had to find the self-will to lose this weight! I wish you the best of luck on your journey!
  • You are worth it! Remember that. You have made a great start! Don't give up! When you get down and don't feel like doing it anymore, just come to us, that's what were here for. I'm new here too and I'm loving it! Good luck!