

  • Hi all!!! Quick check in. Today's weight 163.6 Weekly goal 3 lbs. August goal 10 lbs putting me at 153.6 by the end of August (fingers crossed...novenas being said.....anything that can make it happen!) :wink:
  • Welcome Mary and D!! For the rest of you...let me apologize for not being on much this week. It has been extremely busy at work. Additionally, as many of you know,I am working on my doctoral degree, and the research and assignments have been kicking my tail!! Anyway...I have logged my foods, but not on here, on my personal…
  • Magnificent Mama!!! Way to go!!! I was so distraught over me being the only one to gain, that I forgot to CONGRATULATE you!!! Good going!!!
  • I go with the red again!!! :explode: :mad: I'm on a mission now....goal for this week is 3lbs. Do you need that?
  • Back from my mini vac and brought some weight back with me :grumble: . My weigh in for today is 166.0. Gotta get to work. I will try to post later today, but I'm not sure if I will be able to. I have major assignments due next week, and I'm trying to get a handle on them now before they become uncontrollably overwhelming.…
  • 8 miles is awesome!!! Throw the temptations AWAY...put them in the trash and on the curbside! You'll thank yourself when you reach goal!
  • Welcome Stromy and Shagy....and a SPECIAL WELCOME TO OUR FIRST MALE MEMBER.....BEACHCOMER!!! Wow ladies.....we have a man in the house!!! This is really a great turnout for the challenge. It has been extremely informational. Sorry I have been out a bit, and I'm going on a mini vacation tomorrow until Sunday, so I'll be out…
  • Carrie, What is the name of the flush you are on? Kay
  • Wow Res!!!! I was hyperventilating right there with you!! I read $700, took a huge gasped (choked a little from taking such a huge gasp) and gasped some more. Then I laughed because I was rading it really fast and was wondering....I wonder if Res was verbally telling us the story, would she be speaking as fast as I'm…
  • Wonder if we can add a link to another site for our other ticker???? Don;t know how to do it, but it's a thought!
  • I love protein floats!! I use Diet A&W rootbeer, one scoop of 100% whey protein (vanilla) and 1/2 cup of ice.....Blend...and waalaa!!! A Rootbeer Float!!! My FAVORITE treat!!!
  • will do fine!! 160s are within reach!! :wink:
  • My motivational quote and thought for today is: "It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. Do not mistake activity for achievement." Know that the weight will come off. Focus on your goal! I have always said, "Slow and steady is the way to go." You are making progress (activity) it's…
  • Sassy!! Ha..just love calling you that!! Anyway! I would like my goal to be 2.7 for this week, not the 2.2 I noted earlier. If I do that this week, and next, then I will be in the 150s!!! My goal is to eat on plan and drink my water!! Also I intend to workout and try to keep my diary updated. In my workouts, I will go for…
  • My goal for the week is 2.2 lbs!
  • Good morning ladies!! Here with my official weigh in: 164.4lbs. Kay
  • LeanLioness...I am NOT surprised to see you here! I have read a couple of blogs where people have asked questions about Low Carb WOE, and there you are offering support and providing answers!!! So glad I you decided to join. I am certain that you have a wealth of knowledge about Low Carb eating to share with us!!! Kay
  • Hi Ladies!! Real excited about tomorrow!!! Can hardly wait! Joy was so nice to say that I helped her, but the truth of the matter is...well, I just shared information that I received from others or came across in reading!! I believe in the power of reciprocity!! As you ladies will soon learn, I am a very honest person and…
  • Sassy...finally made it! A quick introduction for those of you who do not know me. My name is Kathy, but all my friends call me Kay! I am 38 years old and a mother of 1 (if you count DH, then we'll say 2):smile: . I started my weightloss journey weighing 247lbs. and currently sit at 163.8 (as of today). Normally, I would…
  • When you find out....can you let me no because I'm new too!!!
    in Hello Comment by slimisgd July 2009
  • I know it is really hard. I am a low carb eater as well, and know the struggle all too well. Do you take protein supplements - like shakes? What are you eating? I try to stick with chicken, fish, egg whites, and eggs. When I want a "treat", I'll eat a few (about 12) almonds (3 carbs). I eat celery and cucumbers, canadian…