Low Carb-ers Challenge to Choose Change!



  • RES --- your shake sounds good -- very good choice in making your own!!

    Everybody....listen up.....PLEASE ...... I am down to 192.8 today. That's no good. Last Friday I was 192.0. I am STILL, and have been all week, trying to recover from my pretty small cheat over last weekend. NOT WORTH IT! PLEASE ..... use me as an example.....plan plan plan for this weekend....stick to your guns....don't give in....I could easily have met my JULY goal this morning had I not went off plan last weekend. If sucks! Just say NO! think of me if you start to cave in at some point during this weekend...Just Say NO! :drinker:

    OK That's my sermon for the day! :wink:

    Finished the Primal Blueprint last night, and today will be making my food lists and workout schedules (glad to see they don't push HEAVY workouts). It was awesome information --- I didn't just read it --- I have studied it! Now, time to get to store, make sure I have ALL I need and time to get strictly with it. Very excited. I KNOW this is going to improve my health drastically!! I will be recording my measurements once again/and weight....and kicking off August in a big way!!
  • MARY and DAMAZZA --- since it's almost weigh-in day to start a new week.....just report your weight on Monday and your goals for that week. I'll be here lookin' for you on Monday morning!!! :flowerforyou:
  • slimisgd
    slimisgd Posts: 24
    Welcome Mary and D!!

    For the rest of you...let me apologize for not being on much this week. It has been extremely busy at work. Additionally, as many of you know,I am working on my doctoral degree, and the research and assignments have been kicking my tail!!

    Anyway...I have logged my foods, but not on here, on my personal journal. I am now sitting at 163.4. It's a loss, but on yesterday the scale didn't move. This morning, it's down .2. Anyway...I'm a true believer in the low carb way of eating. Although I have not met my goal, I know that with dedication and the awesome support and motivation from this forum....it's just a matter of time!

    Sassy!! Glad to see you found a wonderful home to spearhead such an awesome forum!! You are working wonders for all involved :wink: . You keep this forum going, and do what you do best. BTW... the book you are reading (Primal Blueprint), send the ISBN#, so I can order it!! Also, have been meaning to get on the website, but have been soooo busy.

    Eventually, something will give, and I'll be back to my normal self, but in the meantime....it's work, study, workout, work on research assignment, play on FB for 15-30 minutes (stress reliever), cook, clean, and chase after my ninth grade son!!

    Much love to all of you, and I wish you all a wonderful weight loss weekend!!! :flowerforyou:

    Sassy....I'll hit you later in the hood:laugh:
  • SLIM ---- LOL!!!! Yeah...see you there! :laugh: The Book---I couldn't find it on Amazon. Had to order it from Marksdailyapple.com. Got here very quickly, because I paid extra for the FAST shipping. Glad I did. I loved chapter 2....discussing the caveman life as compared to our hectic lives today. Very interesting. This is for me! It's low carb....higher healthy fats....NO grains of any kind (not even whole grains)...the occassional sweet potato or wild rice is okay. It discusses supplements, exercise...and so much more. Keep it up Slim....you'll see the 150's before ya know it!! Boy...are really are working hard too with school and all. Don't know how you do it. I've often thought of going back to school since kids are grown and I no longer work, but I always feel too 'old'. What does that really matter? After all, I'll be over 50 soon with or without a degree. :bigsmile:
  • Just a note regarding the FOOD diary here, macronutrients, setting personal percentages/goals, etc. After paying very close attention to nearly the last chapter of the book, I have FINALLY figured it all out! The formula, I mean. I think I have mine set right on this site now. I was SO confused. Now I finally understand why they say eat your exercise calories or at least half of them. I'm already given a deficit in my settings....I don't need more of a deficit. Got it! Boy was I thick skulled on that. Thanks to the way the book explains it all....and the clear formulas provided....I got it! :bigsmile:
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272
    Good Morning everyone!!

    I haven't been online since Wednesday night because we just got finished a 24 hour power outage in our area!! Yeeessh!! LOL

    So........in saying that... I cheated last nite.. Not because I wanted to, but because I couldn't cook and there was one restaurant that was operating on generator power and they were only serving pizza... BLECH!! I had a couple of slices, but am I paying for it this morning. My tummy feels bloated and I'm feeling pretty gassy.. UGH!! Back on track today!! I doubt I'll see a loss on Monday now, but there's always next week!!

    I can't stay long right now because I'm at work, but will check back later tonite!!

    Have a great day!!
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    Good Morning every one <3


    I was thinking about the diet I went on after I had my 1st son... its called ab diet for wemon and I lost so much weight on it... and I was able to stay on it really long because once a week you got one cheat meal so you could have what you were craving and then jump right back on... just food for thought
  • Mommyof2boys....I read about that LONG ago (the abs diet for women) but have forgotten what it is. BET I even have the book in my Ebay pile in the basement.....:laugh: Is it low carb as well??
  • Beachcomer
    Beachcomer Posts: 122 Member
    Sassy n Mommy- I have The Abs Diet book, so if you need reference, just ask.

    ALL- My neice has been on a free similar site Sparkpeople which in her description was similar to MFP. I thought it would be nice to run with her so I got set up on it last night. Thank God for MFP. Every move you made you had to scroll away from advertising. Much more difficult to enter, save, and pull up foods. The site was way to busy. KISS keep it simple st____.
    Any way Thanks to all for being here
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    Mommyof2boys....I read about that LONG ago (the abs diet for women) but have forgotten what it is. BET I even have the book in my Ebay pile in the basement.....:laugh: Is it low carb as well??

    No... its not low carb... but its like.... alot of protein, whole wheats, friut, and instead of hamburger you would use turkey burger and instead of french fries you would use sweet potato... Its supposed to be using certant foods that help you work on your abs the books also give you special exercises to do so you are using all the foods benefits... I really liked the diet I went from being 240 out of the hospital after having Timothy to 197 when I found out I was preggy with my Alex. Then like a rocket I shot right back up to getting out of the hospital at 240 again. lol. It took me 11 months to loose that much and with low carb I am loosing weight faster I just thought because of sooo much slip ups that the one cheat meal a week was pretty smart. So you know you can have it and then dont feel guilty when you do have it and know that you are not blowing your diet. <3 I know its all psychological. lol. But it works.
  • Beachcomer --- I've used sparkpeople long ago and didn't care for it. This site is just AWESOME. Love it! The Food Database is just amazing -- has EVERYTHING! Several times while cooking, I've joted down the nutrients from food labels thinking there was NO way it could be in the database here (my local grocery store brands, etc.) and lo and behold....it is THERE! I love it here!! :bigsmile:

    Thanks for the info on the Abs Diet -- no I remember!! :wink: Thinking I'll stick totally to this Primal Blueprint. I've been doing it pretty closely anyway, but have learned so much and will begin (as of today) to follow it 100%! It's great! Again...thanks to Hannah for posting to let us know about it.

    Where is Hannah anyway??? :huh:

    Boys and Girls....we MUST post more this weekend than we did last! That goes for ME too!!! We must be successful and show some awesome results on our Monday weigh in!!! Who's with me on this???? PLAN FOCUS and STAY DETERMINED!!!
  • Just a thought.....Since it's the beginning of a new month......Would any of you be interested in establishing a goal for the MONTH of AUGUST....if so, speak up and I'll add a column to our chart. I was just thinkin' of it because tomorrow (Aug 1) I plan to create a new ticker to show my August goal. :bigsmile:
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    I want to be 200 by the end of august. :smile:

    and I wasnt suggesting abs diet I was just thinking the cheating one meal a weak is a good psychological trick to get your cravings out of the way and still feel like you are doing good and not feel like you totally blew your diet.

    Its all part of the plan... more or less. -Special Agent Oso... lol I watch way too much play house disney. hahaha
  • Mommyof2boys....where is MARY???
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Just a note regarding the FOOD diary here, macronutrients, setting personal percentages/goals, etc. After paying very close attention to nearly the last chapter of the book, I have FINALLY figured it all out! The formula, I mean. I think I have mine set right on this site now. I was SO confused. Now I finally understand why they say eat your exercise calories or at least half of them. I'm already given a deficit in my settings....I don't need more of a deficit. Got it! Boy was I thick skulled on that. Thanks to the way the book explains it all....and the clear formulas provided....I got it! :bigsmile:

    How do you have your percentages set? I have mine set to 1500 calories.

    60% fat
    30% protein
    10% carbs

    Trying to figure out how to get that much fat in per day.
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    She called me this morning and told me she was busy. I wil call her in a little bit and remind her to get on here.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hi, Ladies!

    Mommyof2boys - that diet sounds a little bit like Body for Life by Bill Phillips - he advocates a free day each week where you eat what you want. His philosophy is that maybe the first couple times, you'll go way overboard and binge - and you'll remind yourself how terrible you feel afterwards - and then subsequent free days you'll indulge, but in moderation. It's almost like it's a training session getting you ready for maintenance.

    The problem with going off plan when you're low-carbing is that you can completely kick yourself out of ketosis - and it takes 3-5 days to get back into it. Some ppl I know do what's called "cycling" - one week on one WOE, another day on a different WOE - to keep their bodies guessing. Whatever works for a person, I guess.

    Me personally, I've realized I"m a carbaholic - I just can't stop when I start eating those carbs. I mean, pasta, bread, rice, sweets - when I try to eat them in moderation, I just go overboard every darn time. LC is the way for me to keep my eating under control....
  • LEO: There was this long formula of sorts in the Primal Blueprint book, and I worked and worked with it last night, specifically for my stats, and I finally got it figured out and working. I'm in a hurry to get to the store right now, but if you'd like, later I'll post this 'formula' example the book gives. I tihnk if I log in my coconut oil...making sure to log in everything exactly as I use then I will come real close to meeting my fat goal.

    MOMMYof2BOYS: As long as Mary pops on by Monday morning with a weigh in and a goal for the week....then can add her to chart. Let her know we're glad to have her!

    RES: I'm right there with ya! Perfect example to what you just said....ME! cheated just a little tiny bit last weekend...and STILL making up for it. Just now gettin' back into Ketosis...and I'm still 0.8 up from where I was last friday. Bad carbs just wreck my whole system. Thinking it's all about the insulin deal...just like Primal Blueprint states.

    OK...next week's exercise schedule and food list made....kicking off Primal Blueprint in FULL SWING tomorrow....heading to the store now to set myself up to become a true CAVEMAN!!! :bigsmile:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I am trying to have a goal of 185 by the end of August.

    I am going to start exercising more as work seems to be winding down.

    I probably won't be on much on the weekends due to that is the only time me and hubby get to spend together, so I don't get online much on the weekends.

    Probably for the best anyway to keep me out of the hot seat on line. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    OK so is the whole deal of the low carb diet to stay under 20g of carbs for the day? For example if I had a flat out flat bread with 6 net carbs and am still at 19g of carbs at the end of the day is that still good or did I kick my body out of ketosis?

    I had to have that flat out wrap today cause something was gonna give, it was either a cinnamon powdered sugar donut (some rep brought them into the office today and it never gets to me!) or the flat out, I know I made the better choice between the two I am just worried if I pushed my body out of ketosis.

    Good job everyone by the way!

    Sassy: my goal for august will be 180
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