Low Carb-ers Challenge to Choose Change!



  • reisingmel
    reisingmel Posts: 50 Member
    Monday weigh in! I was both psyched and terrified to this as my weight has been going haywire all week, but for today it's 158 lbs (one under my goal!) and I'll proudly take that, unless I'm 164 again tomorrow, then I'll cry :sad: lol. I hope everyone stuck to it and did even better then me :happy:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Monday checkin' in..no loss, no gain.
  • Weigh - in for me...............

    203.2 for Monday.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Morning ladies. Sorry for my MIA status the past few days - one of my little four legged babies got hit by a car Saturday morning. She died instantly, so there was no pain, but she was just a baby (11 months old) and she was my little toddlers best friend. He keeps walking around the house carrying her chewies (Annie used to chase him around the house, playfully trying to get them back, which my son thought was hilarious). :cry: :brokenheart:

    So for my check-in:
    LW: 212.6
    CW: 211.2
    Lbs Lost: 1.4

    .4lbs under my goal which I couldn't be happier about!! :bigsmile: Congratulations to all you ladies who lost!!

    Next Week's Goal: 1.2lbs, putting my at my goal weight for the month!
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    allenhm - So sorry to hear the sad news.

    Resalyn, Christin08, ClassiC, reisingmel, allenhm - GREAT NEWS! Very Inspiring to read of your weight losses...I can see the smiles from here!!!

    No change for me, I'm not surprised. Hope to do better this week with a goal of 2 lbs.
  • bamababy
    bamababy Posts: 20
    Monday weigh in....204.4. Can't remember last weeks weight and looked back though and couldn't find sassy's chart so I will be waiting to see what it was when sassy puts it up....hope everyone met their goals:smile:
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    Ok so I was weighed my self in the middle of the week and I was down 2.8lbs then I got on the scale this morning and nearly screamed!
    My weigh in for this week is 210.4! :happy:
    I was like... WOW... My goal was only 2lbs but wow I cant remember if I was at 216 or 218 but now I am at 210.4. I think maybe it was because I was alone and I could weigh myself undressed.lol.

    Good luck every one and I hope this is a great weigh in for every one<3

    I really wanted to put a picture of my boys in my signiture but it wouldnt work so if any one wants to see any pictures of my family I just put them into my pictures onto my profile.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hannah - I'm so sorry bout your furbaby - that is soo soo hard, my thoughts are with you!:brokenheart:
  • Ok Here I am…for awhile. Internet acted up all weekend. Got on yesterday FINALLY and replied to one email and then POOF I was gone again. So, hopefully it’s working now…going down the line catching up with postings!!

    Scrunch…Glad to see you here!! Let’s get it girl! I always do better when you’re here!!

    JKLM….got your name change on our chart – thanks! Hope the medical tests go well. That’s always a worry and, like you, I spend time researching away like I’m a doctor or something!! Thinking about you – and hoping all is well.

    Mommyof2boys --- awww I can feel your pain about sending your 2 yr old away for school. I remember crying and crying. And, guess what….I STILL cry and cry and worry and worry…and my boys are 17 and 20!!! Once you have ‘em it just doesn’t stop! First day in school, then high school, then driving, then first day on the job…OMG it drives me crazy still!

    ClassiC--- congrats on the size 12’s!! Can’t wait to see it myself! YEA for you on the inches gone!!

    Ivylysse – Welcome to the group!

    Bamababy --- Glad to see you’re still alive and kicking after a week with the boys….!! Oh yeah wait…you have a couple days left. You’ll make it!

    Hannah…I’m so sorry to hear about the accident. I have 2 dogs so I know how upsetting that must be. I’m thinking about you!!

    Resalyn, Christin, MEL, Hannah, BamaBABY, Mommyof2boys…. WOOHOOO for YOU! You met your goal this week!

    I’m waiting for several more to update today’s weight, then I’ll get our chart posted. Also…I’ll go back thru the postings since I was MIA awhile to make sure I haven’t missed anything. Be back soon….already running behind today, but I’ll be back later with my own news….
  • hambone
    hambone Posts: 152

    Just a quick check in... I have asked Miss Joy to put me on hold as my son is having some medical issues and I am not focused on me right at the moment.

    Bama, when Miss Joy is working on the chart, it is not viewable. For some reason it removes it from previous posts.

    Hopefully after lunch, she will have it posted to where all can see it again.

    Good luck ladies and I will be back soon.

    Have a great day.

    Hannah, sorry to hear about your 4 legged baby.
  • hambone
    hambone Posts: 152
    Hi Miss Joy, we posted about the same time....:laugh:
  • cmstief
    cmstief Posts: 59
    no loss no gain for me!
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    I forgot to put that my goal for this week is 2lbs again.
  • BAMABABY....you lost 3.2...you're good to go!!! I'll finish the chart soon as I can. Waiting for Kevin to get out of shower and take himself to work so I can get in there and dress. Running behind due to my park walk/run this morning...more on that later......LOL LOL!!! Too funny!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272

    Sorry I'm a bit late checking in this morning. Had to move my computer downstairs because of router probs and when baby is up I can't make it downstairs!

    Congrats to everyone with losses this week!! That's awesome!! And to everyone who stayed the same, next week you'll probably have a HUGE loss!! Keep up the great work!!

    My weigh in this morning was 163.6. I think my start weight was 167. I haven't had the scale move in months, so it's a good motivator!! I'm going out of town for a couple of days starting tomorrow, so I'm gonna have to really be careful!! UGH!! lol!

    My goal for next week is 1lb (Just in case the traveling backfires!!) Hahah!!

    Anyways, hope everyone has and awesome day!!!
  • bamababy
    bamababy Posts: 20
    Thanks Sassy. I couldn't remember what it was last week. I am going to really go out there and put goal of 3 this week. I am not doing this the way I did 2 years ago....I haven't felt yucky at all like I did when I did it before. Keeping my cals a little higher, with the low carbs.

    As I said yesterday I think, my company should be gone tomorrow and i will be able to post more often. Accountability is the KEY to loosing from my experience and Sassy is a GREAT ring leader!!!!
  • Don't forget to give me your goal for this week!!!! :bigsmile:

    Waiting for the following weigh-ins:


    crl0421 (where have you been missy?)




    Slimisgd (you back from that mini-vacation yet?)

  • Bama....yeah you are so right about posting. I didn't post this weekend due to internet issues...and I didn't do so hot! LOL Was down to 192 on Friday and up to 193.6 today! BLAH! :bigsmile:
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    My goal for next week is 5 lbs... I am gonna go big this week, see if I can manage to beat my goal again :)

    Does everyone stick to mainly protein or do you eat things that are healthy for you but have carbs like tomatoes? I miss tomatoes so much! But I am not willing to give them 8 of my 20 carbs I am allowing myself even though i usually only eat 13 or so carbs. So what do you all do? What is a basic day for you?

    P.S. Great Job this week EVERYONE!!!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Resalyn goal for this week is 3 lbs....
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