Low Carb-ers Challenge to Choose Change!



  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    Goodmorning starshines the earth says hello! <3 lol I love that!
    So sad Lioness left us even though I dont post that often she did have wonderful information.

    Magnificent- My sister drinks that fuze stuff but she gets it no carb some how. She let me tast it and they taste pretty good at 1st but the do have an after taste.

    I finially got my husband to agree to go on a low carb diet and I am exstatic!!! I wont be so tempted but I am going to have to search recipes so he can still have snack food because he is a junk food junkie. I am also already down 2.8 lbs and I feel wonderful! I am about to go clean my house and do a work out video... Then work with my 2 year old on his shapes and maybe his colors or his alphabet. I want to teach him as much as I can before I send him off to school... that will be the day I ball my eyes out and my heart will slightly break. lol. But that is 2 yrs away. So I wont think about it.

    I went on a diet before called the abs diet for wemon and it was amazing I lost so much weight and stuff and the food tasted great but I wanted to try this low carb stuff... I know when I eat carbs I feel lethargic.

    So heres to a wonderful day everyone!
    <3<3<3 Andrea! XD
  • LadyLioness
    I am back.........................

    Add me as a friend. They didn't even notify me that my account was deactivated. I didn't deactivate it.
  • LadyLioness
    Do you see me posting??
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member

    magnificent- got them at a supermarket in the chocolate/baking/granola aisle - wasnt near the "diet" stuff (and i dont live in the states so its HIGHLY likely you will be able to find them where u are!:happy: ) so far, its them and peanut butter/cottage cheese/splenda that has helped my sweet tooth cravings! woot! o, and protein shakes i make - mixed one scoop, pb, reddi whip in the can, water. not as filling as i'd like but gives me energy to make it thru after work workouts! :glasses:

    yay mommyof2!! thats great on ur loss and ur hubby getting on the plan! i'm trying to convince my fam to do the same lol...not as easy. check out the "cook yourself thin" page

    http://www.mylifetime.com/on-tv/shows/cook-yourself-thin there's bound to be stuff on there u can make substitiutions on and get the carbs down:happy: :happy: not to mention that the atkins website has some great recipes on it too! www.atkins.com :flowerforyou:

    so only 1lb down this week.... which puts me back to where i was supposed to have started at 180lbs, so no bright side there! :noway: :ohwell: guess, no gain so thats good.........ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! :grumble:
    well, hopefully by cutting to 20-30g of carbs since friday will show a good sign next weigh in:embarassed:

    fit into an old pair of size 12 jeans yesterday!! which was a shock! :laugh: havent worn them in about 3 yrs so they had that new jean feel... LOL!!!!!!!!!!! so that's my accomplishment this week i suppose - one piece closer to leaving 14 behind for good!!!! :laugh: small victories!

    thought for today - "Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable."
    - Coco Chanel

    ready for monday- not quite. lol....... but thankful for another week on the thread! ttys!:flowerforyou:
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    me again.....:blushing:

    quick question everyone- i love pb! is there anything low carb other than fruit, celery (eww), ww toast and cottage cheese i can pair it with ????? i'd like to keep it as a snack this week but kind of tired of the same ole! lol.... i'd like to not resort to eating it alone or using my sugar free chocolate bar with it hahhahaha
    i know i'm taking out a few popular options there.... sorry!

    thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    classic- my dr told me to try eating Pb with carrots... its sounds gross to me but I might try it when I get the money to go grocery shopping and get them.
    <3 Andrea
  • LadyLioness
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    classic- my dr told me to try eating Pb with carrots... its sounds gross to me but I might try it when I get the money to go grocery shopping and get them.
    <3 Andrea

    LOL! it sure does:huh: :noway: LOL!! but i might try too!! hey, it's a healthy treat so worth a try lol..thanks!:flowerforyou:
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Magnificentmama – we’re always working to stay on that wagon, aren’t we? I’m going to try the nutritionist’s idea of walking for 10 minutes after eating. It can’t hurt! And I’ll give that FUZE SLENDERIZE drink a try, too. Thanks!

    Scrunchkins – I tend to get frustrated and depressed, too! And that always distracts me from sticking to exercising and logging my food on MFP. Hope the weekend continues to be good for you.

    ClassiC – You’re carb count is great!!! I like protein smoothies because they make me feel like I’m getting an energy boost and I don’t get so hungry later. I’m going to try that sorbee sugar free milk chocolate bar, too. Thanks! WOW - size 12 - WOW!

    Shagybear33 – My first 3 days were hard, too. Congrats on sticking with it. You’re on your way!!!

    Resalyn – I’m amazed at the amount of work you did!!! You earned that steak.

    Mommyof2boys – Sounds like you’re in a good spot, with your husband joining you. Your little one must be adorable. Congratulations on the 2.8 loss!!!
  • Ivylysse
    Ivylysse Posts: 5
    I would like to join this group. I just started the South Beach Diet TODAY. I'm terrified to weigh myself tomorrow but I will.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Tmrw is weigh in day! My scale said I was down another half pound - BUT , sometimes indescretions like going over my caloric allottment on Saturday can take a couple days to show on the scale. I did break down today and had a small soft serve from a Tastee Freeze - Hubby and I went on a road trip today through some touristy towns along the Mississippi River - ate in a little bistro type place - where I had a TO DIE FOR Chef salad. Man, it was so big, I couldn't eat it all!

    Even with the soft serve, I"m still way under on my calories today - and right on track for my carb intake.

    Tomorrow, I start my Couch to 5K walking/running program - bright and early at 5:15 a.m.! I'm looking forward to it, and am rarin to go. Well, I got lots of transcription to do this evening, so I better get busy - This looks like a GREAT group - and I think I'll have to try that brownie recipe - I haven't had brownies in so long I forgot what they taste like! What were the nutritional stats on them? How many "real" carbs - not net carbs????
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    I would like to join this group. I just started the South Beach Diet TODAY. I'm terrified to weigh myself tomorrow but I will.
    Ivylysse - welcome! Glad you're joining us. I'm terrified to weigh myself tomorrow, too! :laugh:
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    hey again folksies!!

    so someone was telling me about taking prenatal vitamins when on low cal/carb diets..... anyone ever heard of that? like getting in nutrients you're missing? lol...i duno..... thought i'd ask:blushing:
  • bamababy
    bamababy Posts: 20
    Good Sunday evening. I hope everyone is ready for weigh in tomorrow. I am sorry I haven't posted much this week. I have had nephews all week and will have them couple of more days. They take up a lot of time. Will do better this week:wink:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    hey again folksies!!

    so someone was telling me about taking prenatal vitamins when on low cal/carb diets..... anyone ever heard of that? like getting in nutrients you're missing? lol...i duno..... thought i'd ask:blushing:

    A prenatal vitamin wouldn't hurt you - just give you some extra folic acid. Sometimes the generic ones are cheaper than the other multivitamins - I'd ask your doctor the next time you go in for a checkup.....
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    I cant get my pictures on to my signiture I think I am doing it right but its not showing up... gahhh... ='[
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    I am about to cry I wanted to put a picture of my boys in my signiture but it wont let me... ='[
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Drum Roll Please...................... Monday, July 27, 2009 - Weigh in Day -

    I was at........................ 260.4! OMG, I haven't seen a number like that on the scale in years. I have less than 7 pounds to go to get where I was when I got married five years ago.......

    Will have to post more later, gotta get ready for work!
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    Happy Monday Weigh in day!!!

    I am checking in at 207!!! Thats 2 more than my goal for the week WOO HOO! Good Job everyone!
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    Happy Monday all!! :flowerforyou:

    Great job Christin09!! :flowerforyou: keep up the good work!

    Sassy - i'm now 180lbs (where i was actually supposed to start lol) so 1lb under my goal!! :grumble:

    BUT good news!! I was up bright and early this am and after receiving the not so pleasant weight on my scale, i measured lol.... i lost 6.5 inches all over from neck to calves, mainly in my problem areas (hips, waist, thighs) so i eagerly rushed off to do an hour HIIT/cardio on the bike at the gym (12miles) - a big accomplishment for me:blushing:

    Keep up the good work all! Even if we dont see the exact results we want in the exact time we want, it'll happen we just have to keep at it so this week i encourage us all to make a goal of posting at least once a day, keeping our water up & kicking butt at workouts!! :drinker:

    have a good one:flowerforyou: