Low Carb-ers Challenge to Choose Change!



  • Hi everybody! I'm still waiting for a few weigh-ins!!! I've talked to one of our girls who was unable to weigh in today, but will report early in the AM. I've texted the other one....and expect her in tomorrow AM also. So, please give me until tomorrow to post the chart!! Sorry about that...but it's a big step by step process to get the thing posted here, so I'll just post it tomorrow if nobody minds!! THANKS! :flowerforyou:

    For whatever reason, I'm just worn out and tired and sneezy tonight, so I'm headed off to sleep on the couch til my kids come home tonight. I'll be here as early as I can tomorrow morning to get this thing done for ya'll!!

    Oh, and this week....I won't cheat over the weekend! Urghhhhh! I was easily meeting my 5 lb goal and just blew it over the weekend. I was having internet withdrawals without service and was just plain MAD! LOL Anyway....WON'T happen again. I gotta get out of these 190's!!!

    Have a great night! :wink:
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    SassySouthernGirl - you do WHATEVER you need to do. By the way, I'd LOVE to be in the 190's! Yes, I would!!! :laugh:
    So, you just sleep soundly on that couch (reminds me of times past, now that I've got 25 & 26 year olds) and that chart will get done when it gets done, right? :wink:
    Cheating over the weekend is the main reason I hate and NEED to do Monday weigh-ins. Thanks for this thread and thanks for keeping it so positive. You're doing a great job! :flowerforyou:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    LEO - WELCOME BACK!! :flowerforyou:

    Sounds like pretty much everyone is having a super weigh in day - that's wonderful! I just thought I'd check in and catch up on the posts from this evening, and catch up my food diary for the day. I stayed right where I want to be. I had a small helping of soft serve on Sunday, and it woke the carbmonster - I've been keeping him at bay all day, eating more protein than usual, but so far on track.

    I'll talk to y'all tomorrow!
  • Beachcomer
    Beachcomer Posts: 122 Member

    This week park a little further, you know, where there are lots of spaces, a further distance from the store, or work. Walk the extra distance briskly with your abs tightened.
    I'm in... Any other takers?

    We all can WIN at this!!!
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    Beach- I always do that any ways because I hate having to drive up and down looking for a place to park I dont mind the walking unless... my kids are screaming lol. Another one is try not to slouch it really helps your back and your abs... Thats what my dr told me. Well my OB but she is a health nut. lol.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! I feel the love on this thread anyway!!!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • slimisgd
    slimisgd Posts: 24
    Back from my mini vac and brought some weight back with me :grumble: . My weigh in for today is 166.0. Gotta get to work. I will try to post later today, but I'm not sure if I will be able to. I have major assignments due next week, and I'm trying to get a handle on them now before they become uncontrollably overwhelming.

  • Beachcomer
    Beachcomer Posts: 122 Member
    Not slouching when you walk is a good tip. I do that but at times forget and it's good to be reminded. Many times it's the little things that make the difference. WHEN ONE IS RUNNING THROUGH THE FOREST, THEY DON'T TRIP OVER THE REDWOODS, THEY MAY GET TRIPPED UP BY THE BRUSH, TWIGS, AND VINES ON THE GROUND.( All the little things)

    EVERYONE, Don't wait till Thurs or Friday, start today
    Good luck and God bless
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Beachcomer - That sentence is a powerful visual concept for me!!! All of those little things interfere with me keeping focused. Thank you so much for posting this! :flowerforyou:

    Count me in on your challenge to "walk the extra distance briskly with your abs tightened." It's got to make a difference. Emphasis on Briskly and Abs Tightened!!!
    Now all I have to do is FIND my abs...:blushing:
  • I'm in on the walking in the parking lot challenge! Thanks!

    We should actually post a little challenge like that daily!! :bigsmile:

    I'm going over the chart now. If someone hasn'st posted....I can just change it later because it's already TUESDAY! Need to get it posted. I'll be back in a few.....:wink:
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    Good Morning All <3
    I wont be posting much today because I am going on a picknick with my husbands family=] We are going to play in the river. The stanislaus river is so clean you can see right through it even in the deepest parts. I love it. I am thinking I will ge quite a work out playing in the river with all the kids. <3

    I hope every one has a wonderful day and I will be back on tonight to see the chart
    <3 Andrea
  • Here's our FIRST WEEK's chart.....if anybody sees that I have gotten something wrong, please let me know. If you didn't weigh-in and want back in, just let me know and I'll get you started again!! Also...I will be posting another chart in a little while to kick off our SECOND WEEK (showing this week's weight as your start weight, etc.) SO....check yourself out on this chart and if there are mistakes, let me know so this week's chart will start out accurate! THANKS! :flowerforyou:

  • drumrollplease.jpg

    Looks like MAGNIFICENT MAMA is this week's BIGGEST LOSER with a 7 lb loss!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You're a star for the week!!!

  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member

    Looks like MAGNIFICENT MAMA is this week's BIGGEST LOSER with a 7 lb loss!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You're a star for the week!!!


    Wooo Hooo, MagnificentMama!!!

    Congratulations on that.
  • Beachcomer
    Beachcomer Posts: 122 Member
    Way to go duddette!!!!!! Magnificent Mama Great Job!!!!
    Don't let up this week.
    In the words of Dorey " Just keep swimmin,swimmin, swimmin"
  • Beachcomer
    Beachcomer Posts: 122 Member

    Looks like MAGNIFICENT MAMA is this week's BIGGEST LOSER with a 7 lb loss!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You're a star for the week!!!

  • slimisgd
    slimisgd Posts: 24
    Sassy....here I go with the red again!!! :explode: :mad:

    I'm on a mission now....goal for this week is 3lbs. Do you need that?
  • slimisgd
    slimisgd Posts: 24
    Magnificent Mama!!! Way to go!!!

    I was so distraught over me being the only one to gain, that I forgot to CONGRATULATE you!!! Good going!!!
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    MagnificentMama!!! - You're OUR GIRL!!! You ROCK!!! Wow!!!

    star.gifstar.gifstar.gifstar.gifstar.gif [img]SassySouthernGirl - Another great chart! Thank you! :flowerforyou: And I love your little star guy, so happy...so twirly happy![/img]
  • hambone
    hambone Posts: 152
    Wooohoooo, look at you losers LOSE.... WAY TO GO GIRLS!!!
    Congrats to everyone, whether you maintained or loss, great results!

    Slim, you actually did quite well for you to have been on a mini vacation, now suck it up and drop those pounds cause we expect to see less of you next MONDAY!!!! NO RED.

    Welcome back Leo!!! So glad to have you back as you have so much knowledge to share with us and we welcome all the help we can get!!!! Hope we can encourage you also.

    Later girls
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