Low Carb-ers Challenge to Choose Change!



  • Firedragon….Welcome!! You’re not alone with your health issues – I’m in the same boat and my sugar levels and blood work always improves when I am following the low carb lifestyle! What is your GOAL Weight for this week (losing 2 lbs or whatever)….I’m just updating our chart for the group! Thanks…..

    I’ll be back in a few minutes…updating our chart and reading thru the new postings!
  • WOW! Awesome b'day presents!!!! Have fun with all that. And, thanks again for your helpful information!! I will be getting bloodwork done again soon too, and I KNOW it's improved because I feel SO much better!! :wink:
  • Got it! Kay, what's your goal for this week so I can update my little chart! :wink:
  • OK Scrunch.....get your butt back in gear! Sassy is watching you!!! :wink: I gained 1.5 over the weekend, but had SO much fun. I'll take it right back off! Come on and bite the bullet, weigh in and let's get this thing started!!!

  • Thanks, Lean! Is there a goal for this week I can list for you on our chart?? Let me know! :wink:
  • RESALYN.....glad to see you over here! The food diary database on this site is GREAT! I love this entire site!! The Blog area is cool, too. Got you on our chart...do you have a Goal for this week that I can list?? :tongue:
  • slimisgd
    slimisgd Posts: 24
    My goal for the week is 2.2 lbs!
  • WEEK #1 mimichoosechanges2-1.jpg

    OK…..Here we are….Kicking off WEEK ONE!!! Is everybody ready to CHOOSE CHANGES….and lose some extra pounds?? If you haven’t already done so, go jump on the scale…..and post your Start Weight (SW)! Remember….you are more than just a number on the scale, but we need to know where we’re starting so we can watch the fat melt away, and the tickers slide down!!

    Also --- please post your GOAL for this week!

    Here’s my info:
    SW/195.2 GW/190.0

    One more thing --- let us know what positive CHOICES you will make TODAY to help you see the CHANGE you want to see this week.

    My Choices for today (and everyday this week) will include drinking 100oz of water, eating on plan, and using the food diary and exercise dairy to track everything! I will also be blogging!

    I encourage you all to use the food & exercise diary and blog area, if you’re not already. These are great tools, which have really helped me with my success so far. You can make it all private if you choose, or open it up to your friends list, or let the world see --- you’ll be proud of yourself so this is okay too!

    Oh yeah…I also encourage you all to take your measurements today! The scale isn’t the only thing to rely on…the way our clothes fit…and the inches melting off are important! So…grab a measuring tape and get those measurements recorded somewhere. You will see inches melt, especially if you’re exercising!!

    I’ll be popping in and out to check for weigh-ins, and once I get the chart completely updated, I will post it for everyone to make sure their stats are correct!

    Be Positive…and have a great day!! :wink:

  • :blushing: I havent been able to weigh myself because my scale is broken (UGGH , Guess i broke it with my fat butt LOL j/k) but getting another one today I will also be purhasing a tape measure. I need lots of support ladies so please help me out!!!! Friday I weighed 212 pounds so I will set my goal this week to 209pounds!!! I CAN DO IT with the help of you all that is.

    I have a question i read a post here and I have also been hearing from co-workers that it is good to have a FREE-DAY : where you eat what you want to confuse the body! Has anyone ever did this? Is it true? I also wanted to know if you eat a food with that has fiber and carbs is it true you can take the away carb grams depending on how much fiber is in the food?

    Thank -you so much have a wonderful day:bigsmile:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Thanks, Lean! Is there a goal for this week I can list for you on our chart?? Let me know! :wink:

    Put me down for 2 pounds on the chart for my weekly goal.
  • sl8on
    sl8on Posts: 22
    Sassy, thank you!! I am weighing in at 176 lbs. I've been doing the carb fo about fours years now and have lost 70 + lbs. It's hard to find anyone else that was also doing the low carb. So thank you!
  • Lioness....got it....thanks! :smile:
  • slimisgd
    slimisgd Posts: 24
    Sassy!! Ha..just love calling you that!! Anyway! I would like my goal to be 2.7 for this week, not the 2.2 I noted earlier. If I do that this week, and next, then I will be in the 150s!!!

    My goal is to eat on plan and drink my water!! Also I intend to workout and try to keep my diary updated. In my workouts, I will go for lighter weights and more reps!! Somethings gotta give!!
  • Sl8on....what can I list as your goal for the week?? Let me know...thanks! And, welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • sl8on
    sl8on Posts: 22
    :flowerforyou: Put me down for 2 lbs goal weight to lose this week.:ohwell:
  • Yeah Kay...don't you just love it...."Sassy"....LOL! That's so me....:tongue: Ok, I got your goal for the week...and don't worry....those 150's are coming up on you fast. I'm lookin' for the 180's by the end of this month...and I'm on a mission so watch out! :explode:
  • MAGNIFICENT....I've heard of having a free day here and there for a carb up as they say....but everytime I try it I gain! LOL Did it over this weekend because I was out at a Blues in the Park Concert....gained 1.5 lbs. Oh well....I'm strictly back at it now though. Maybe Lioness has some info...she's good on this topic...and KAY...she has a lot of research also. I can look at a carb and gain! :explode: As far as the subtraction for fiber....I do believe Atkins does that (Lioness will know for sure), and I've done well doing that in the past. Right now I am doing strict straight low carbs without subtraction, but I may play around with that in the future once I lose some.
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    WEEK #1 mimichoosechanges2-1.jpg

    OK…..Here we are….Kicking off WEEK ONE!!! Is everybody ready to CHOOSE CHANGES….and lose some extra pounds?? If you haven’t already done so, go jump on the scale…..and post your Start Weight (SW)! Remember….you are more than just a number on the scale, but we need to know where we’re starting so we can watch the fat melt away, and the tickers slide down!!

    Also --- please post your GOAL for this week!

    Here’s my info:
    SW/195.2 GW/190.0

    One more thing --- let us know what positive CHOICES you will make TODAY to help you see the CHANGE you want to see this week.

    My Choices for today (and everyday this week) will include drinking 100oz of water, eating on plan, and using the food diary and exercise dairy to track everything! I will also be blogging!

    I encourage you all to use the food & exercise diary and blog area, if you’re not already. These are great tools, which have really helped me with my success so far. You can make it all private if you choose, or open it up to your friends list, or let the world see --- you’ll be proud of yourself so this is okay too!

    Oh yeah…I also encourage you all to take your measurements today! The scale isn’t the only thing to rely on…the way our clothes fit…and the inches melting off are important! So…grab a measuring tape and get those measurements recorded somewhere. You will see inches melt, especially if you’re exercising!!

    I’ll be popping in and out to check for weigh-ins, and once I get the chart completely updated, I will post it for everyone to make sure their stats are correct!

    Be Positive…and have a great day!! :wink:



    Great to see everyone getting going:flowerforyou:

    Well i weighed this am and the scale is showing a gain to 181lbs from 180 :grumble: LOL!.....well..... my goal for the week remains 2lbs so getting down to 178 regardless! I've measured and all as well!

    Workout started with free weights this am and continues with a boot camp class and HIIT on treadmill 2nite! :happy:
    Water goal: 20 glasses a day (160oz)
    Have my meals planned out thru thursday so hoping to stick with it! I'm finding that sugar free gum is a great way to keep up energy so far.... (mind over matter might be helping with that too lol)

    Thought for today: "Action places you on a forward path...Always remember that for those who persist, today's dreams are transformed into tomorrow's successes"

    Keep up the good work guys! :flowerforyou:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    MAGNIFICENT....I've heard of having a free day here and there for a carb up as they say....but everytime I try it I gain! LOL Did it over this weekend because I was out at a Blues in the Park Concert....gained 1.5 lbs. Oh well....I'm strictly back at it now though. Maybe Lioness has some info...she's good on this topic...and KAY...she has a lot of research also. I can look at a carb and gain! :explode: As far as the subtraction for fiber....I do believe Atkins does that (Lioness will know for sure), and I've done well doing that in the past. Right now I am doing strict straight low carbs without subtraction, but I may play around with that in the future once I lose some.

    Carbs and Fiber...................Some plans subtract fiber for "net carbs", some plans don't.

    Atkins 72 is very strict and does NOT subtract fiber...........
    Atkins 2002 DOES subtract for fiber.......... (this is the plan that I do as it allows me to eat a little more)

    Do what is comfortable for you and what you can live with and be satisfied........some people don't like to have to add the carbs, then subtract fiber.............
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    OKAY! Am I late? Yes? Darn. :angry:

    Anyway - good morning ladies! Hope you're all having lovely days - Lioness awesome toy surprises! Now I wish it was my birthday again. :laugh:

    I am in a great mood today because you know what? MY SCALE MOVED. Holy cow, I thought I would faint because I've never lost weight in just 1 week. Now, in comparison to most of the 'weekly numbers' on here, it is rather pathetic, but for me its fantastic. I am vibrating with happiness. :bigsmile:


    Last week: 213.4lbs
    This week: 212.6lbs
    Weight Lost: .8lbs
    Next Week's Goal: 211.6 (1lb)

    Mt goals for today are to STOP EATING POWDERED SUGAR. It has been the bane of my existence this week because DH brought home a 4lb container of fresh strawberries on Tuesday and I love strawberries, and I love them with a sprinkling of powdered sugar. Rawr. So, the thing I am promising today is that I will not eat any powdered sugar. And I don't think its cheating that all the strawberries are mostly bad now anyway.... :embarassed: :tongue:
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