Low Carb-ers Challenge to Choose Change!



  • ASDFJKL --- Congrats on putting yourself FIRST and not the donut!!! Thanks for the weigh-in...got you updated! :wink:

    Andrea --- Get right back up on the wagon! Restart now….don’t wait! You’ll be glad you did when you weigh-in on Monday! :happy:

    Sl8on --- Don’t get frustrated!! Just eat on plan, drink that water, and exercise….you will go the right way with all of this! :bigsmile:

    Well, it's a rainy day here, and I've got to get going to the dermatologist -- having some little moles removed from my face today. Should be fun, huh? :noway: After, I'll head to the store for more chicken and shrimp, so I'll check in with you ladies later. Have a great day! :flowerforyou:

    QUESTION of the DAY: What will you do to make yourself proud of YOU today?? :smooched:
  • HELP!!! My ticker wont show!!! I try everyday what am i doing wrong?
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Magnificent - Your MFP ticker or is it a tickerfactory one? Are you using the [url] code or a different one?

    Asdfjkl - Horray for willpower! I'm also glad I'm not the only one who has an MFP mantra when they feel tempted. :tongue:

    SI8on - Aww, it's gonna happen unfortunately. Just don't let it get you down. If you keep doing what you should be doing - you'll get there!! :flowerforyou:

    Sassy - Good luck at the dermatologist! I'm not sure how they remove moles, but I'm quite sure I don't want to know. :tongue: It doesn't sound like a day at the beach either way. :frown:

    As for me - I have goals today and they are: Do actual income-bringing work as opposed to just mommy and grad student work & not to obsess over MFP (particularly this thread!) Wish me luck! :drinker: :bigsmile:[/url]
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    :laugh: :laugh:
    I'm here to TRY to post our Chart for WEEK ONE! Not everyone has come in today with a weigh-in, but they are all welcome---I can always update the chart! If I made a mistake in your entry, or unintentionally left you off....please let me know....I have been known to make mistakes....:wink:


    too fabulous!!!:flowerforyou:

    hope everyone is staying on track!!! i've been having computer issues but ok for now :laugh:
    Missed my am workout yesterday but did some cardio after my boot camp class to make up (a bit) lol... stuck with my food plan tho so woohoo!! on a good track today, worked out this am and water intake is going great so far!! lol.... weighed on my scale when i woke up and was down a lb... hmm...not gonna dwell on that, it'll likely come back before going away for good by the end of the week.... ahh mini pleasures:wink:

    Thought for today: "If u believe u can, u probably can. If u believe u wont, you most assuredly wont. Belief is the ignition switch that gets u off the launching pad" - Denis Waitley

    I believe in all of us & that we can achieve our goals for this week and beyond:flowerforyou: Keep up the great work!!


  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Wow, we have a large group among us!!!

    I enjoyed a big cup of coffee with coconut oil for breakfast this morning. Was not hungry for food and the fat from the coconut oil helps to keep me full...............

    I enjoyed a cup of fage yogurt with a drop of stevia and a handful of organic, locally grown blueberries. I went and put them in my car because I would have eaten the entire pint because they are so darned good.

    Trying to get back to drinking 100 oz or more of water per day. I felt so much better when I carried my water container around with me every where I went, I need to stop caring who is looking at me.

    Did 20 minutes of Pilates this morning and took the puppies on a power walk.

    It is raining off and on here, so I won't be able to get a bike ride in this afternoon. :angry:
  • wow its raining there!!! It is so hot here. I woke up early to go to the gym where i nearly sweat to death!!!! uggh ..............i think they have there air conditioner set at 99 or something :noway: but, i managed to get a very good work out ! I then went swimming for a half an hour so , i think i did good on the exercise today. Now.................if i could just get in all my water I will be good. I ate a plum for breakfast and i not sure what to eat for lunch but that a&w shake Idea sounds great :drinker: just need to get the whey powder!!!!
  • hambone
    hambone Posts: 152
    Good afternoon ladies,
    Wow, I had a lot of posts to read... THANKS
    Just wanted to drop by and I will try to check in when I get home as I do not have time to respond to everyone right at the moment..

    Stay on TRACK!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • crl0421
    crl0421 Posts: 13
    send the rain to TX!!! We need it bad!!!

    Looks like everyone is off to a good start this morning. As for me, I'm on day 2 of the fruit flush. Not bad. The fruit is such a nice change of pace though and refreshing.

    Trying to stay away from the scales until Thursday. I know the lady I got this from she weighed everyday and had great losses but it makes me nervous. We will see.

    Very bored at work today. Oh and on top of that one of our very sweet salesmen brought us donuts this morning. I've had to walk by them things everytime I go to the bathroom, which is often. UGH!!! Taking what is left to the kids. They will love that.

    Need to finish up here so I can leave early, woo hooo!!!
  • slimisgd
    slimisgd Posts: 24

    What is the name of the flush you are on?

  • Hey there everybody!!! Glad everyone is checkin' in and doing well today!! Got back from the dermatologist with a HUGE 'thing' on my face where they removed the mole....LMBO....looks like some kind of creature bit me and apparently will be this way for a couple of weeks then it will disappear. What FUN! Glad I don't have any 'fun' planned for 2 weeks!!

    On plan today and feelin' good!!! I'll check ya'll later.............:wink:
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    How do you ladies feel about diet pop? Worth it or not?
  • crl0421
    crl0421 Posts: 13
    It's a 3 day Fruit Flush is all I know. Someone posted it on the other place. I'm failing bad though. I'm sick of fruit and its only day 2. UGH!!! I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I'm not sure if I can make it another day. I need meat and veggies. I need to finish it out tonight and get on the scales. I don't want to eat something and then blow up. I will try again another time. It's PMS time for me so I'm lucky I haven't chewed my arm off. Not sure what to do. I'm HUNGRY!!!!!!

    Christin--- I have diet pop every now and then. Usually as a treat. I love diet rite tangerine and coke zero.
    I don't have any problems with it but some do. I wouldn't count it as any of your water, like you can tea.
  • Christin....I was addicted to diet pepsi YEARS ago, but finally broke my habit and glad I did. Now I drink water and the ocassional glass of unsweetened tea.

    Carrie....keep me posted on the fruit flush....sorry to hear it's giving you a hard time. I did it months and months ago and it was tough for me...stuck exactly to is....and lost only 2 lbs. I won't be doing it again -- I do much better strictly watching my carbs!!

    Has anybody ever noticed how good a nice bubble bath feels after working out?? I just spent time on ME...workng out, bubbles, Victoria's Secret Dream Angels Heavenly lotions, and brand new SMALLER Pajamas..... I am feelin' GOOD! It is SO worth it to stay on track and to begin feelin' better about yourself!! So glad I've gotten to this place, and look forward to going much farther!

    Oh, and has anyone ever noticed how much easier it is to get out of the darn bath tub after losing 25 lbs? That ALONE is worth sticking to plan!!! Check on ya'll later...............:wink:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Okay folks, I ran across (or was directed to by a close friend) this website today:


    Its promotes something called the 'Primal Lifestyle' and I haven't read everything yet because there is no much info so I won't say I agree with it all, but so far it looks awesome! He promotes 'primal eating' and 'primal movement' meaning eating and exercising the way the arguably fittest people in our history did - cavemen! It promotes clean, healthy eating with very little carb intake and has some great recipes!

    I'm off to go look at the recipe section some more!
  • HANNAH....thanks! You gave me something to read and keep me busy while waiting up for my kids to get home tonight!! Always lookin' for something to keep my mind of worrying about those two!! :bigsmile:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Quite welcome Sassy! I think the guy is pretty funny so far.

    Okay, I am having a really weird issue. I exercise daily (Dance Dance Revolution) for an hour. It involves a lot of jumping around very fast and I always get nauseous during/after. :sick: I've been taking ginger pills before I exercise every day for the past week to get it to go away. This never happened before I went low carb, doing the exact same amount of exercise.

    Am I not getting an essential nutrient or is it normal to get a little queasy? Help! I'm running out of ginger! :laugh:
  • bamababy
    bamababy Posts: 20
    just checking in....hope everyone is having a good day!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    HANNAH - The queasiness is a side effect of getting into ketosis - do a google search on "induction flu" - and you'll find plenty of info on it. It can last 3-5 days or so, and should go away once your body gets all those nasty carb molecules flushed outta your system!

    Oh, and someone asked about diet pop - Many of my low-carb friends have had problems with stalls if they drink any diet pop with aspartame or equal - but most don't have that problem if they go with a pop made with SPLENDA - like any of the Diet Rites and also I think Coke Zero uses Splenda - does anyone know for sure???

    Me, I have about one Diet Pepsi a week - the rest of the time it's all Diet Rite.....

    Lots of good posts today! I need to check out that web site on the primal eating - I think that guy wrote a book too - hope to have more time to surf later on! Still have to get through some other things before bed tonight.... Y'all have a great evening!
  • Hannah....Res is right about the queasy gettin' into ketosis feeling....but once it passes you feel very energetic and great! Just don't cheat....because then you have to go back thru the queasy gettin' into ketosis feelin' again....:noway:

    Another good day for me...right on plan with food, water, exercise....and I encourage you ALL to TAKE SOME TIME FOR YOURSELF.....PAMPER YOURSELF.....you deserve it!!!

  • Hey ladies.....I just noticed I'm getting some VOTES and Comments on my BLOG! I love that!! Never thought I would get a vote on my blog!! WOW! Yeah, I know.....the smallest of things make me happy....I'm such a child! :tongue:
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