Low Carb-ers Challenge to Choose Change!



  • bamababy
    bamababy Posts: 20
    Hey Here I am! Sassy, you have a big group already!!!! Let's get busy!!!!
    I am Bamababy,SAHM of 3. Former low carber gone wild! I lost 70+ lbs a couple of years ago and it must have really missed me because I let it come back! BUT only for a visit. It is leaving as we "type"
    SO, I am now ready to say goodbye to my big visitor "again" but forever!
  • Sorry…I disappeared for almost 24 hours! Lots of posts to go thru and gotta get our chart ready to go for tomorrow morning! Psyched!!

    KAY….glad you made it over here! I know you’ll do your magic on everybody here just like you did on me!! For those of you who don’t know…I “met” Kay back in May and I was just one big ‘cheat”! She has supported me and somehow kicked my butt in gear and I was able to drop about 25 lbs in two months. So…everybody listen to Kay!

    HANNAH…a few of us were doing Monday weigh-ins when we were at another low carb site, and it worked well. Made us really ‘think’ about those weekend cheats! I’m glad you’re so excited --- I have no doubt we will be seeing our tickers moving DOWN! Thanks for posting the info for us! I find the only way I can lose is the low carb way, like you, the insulin problem. I also feel MUCH better when eating this way – way more energy.

    CHRISTY….so you and me have sons about the same age, with mine being 17 and 20. Keeps things interesting around my house – that’s for sure!

    MAGNIFICENT….Welcome!! Got you on the chart!

    SLIMMINGMOM…Welcome, and I got you on the chart too. We’ll help you out on the low carb deal! We’re very use to it by now! I also have a Wii with the Active and FIT. I haven’t done it in quite awhile because I started going to the Y, and also Slim in 6 program. I do love the Wii FIT step though!! Fun!

    CRISTINA…Welcome…you’re also on the chart!

    ClassiC…..Welcome to you too!! Boy…lots of new people since last time I logged on! I just jointed MFP last week when Kay found it and I love it!! The food diary and Blog area is awesome!

    CARRIE….thanks for posting the low carb info! Saved me some time! I really like the EAS ready to drink shakes…chocolate fudge is good…haven’t been able to find the caramel ones yet in our little town.

    Oh look…BAMABABY made it here!! Now I’m happy!! I like that – former low carber gone wild. Too funny!

    Ladies…Bamababy and I “met” at another website over 2 years ago! I “saw” her lose all that weight…whoosh it was gone! So watch out….she’s on a mission again…and she’ll get it done!

    Where is SCRUNCH?? I also “met” Scrunch over 2 years ago on that other website, and she should be joining us. She’s busy a lot, but she’ll be here eventually. We can’t have any fun at all without her…so I’ll make sure I round her up!

    RESALYN should be joining us soon too!

    HAMBONE is another really cool lady we knew at the other site for over 2 years, but she has decided not to join us right away…she has lots going on right now. We’re hoping she’ll join us at some point.

    OK….I have the chart updated and we have 12 members at the moment, when Scrunch gets here we’ll have 13, and Resalyn will make 14. That’s an awesome group….great support….positive motivation!!

    Everybody be sure to be here to check in tomorrow morning so we can get this party started!!
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    I'd like to join this group, too! I need to learn more about carbs, but I can tell you for sure that I crave them! I don't feel good after eating them...so sluggish and they go straight to my stomach area!!!
    My high weight is 223.
    Started MFP in June at 214
    Current weight is 201
    Thanks for getting us all together!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Evening ladies! And wow - that was quite a post Sassy.

    Hello and welcome Asdfjkl - I'm sure you'll find nothing but help and support here. :flowerforyou:

    Just wanted to let everyone know I might be the last to weigh in tomorrow because I'm on Pacific time. If you don't see me, I haven't forgotten, I'm just still in bed. :blushing: :laugh:

    See you all tomorrow! :bigsmile:
  • slimisgd
    slimisgd Posts: 24
    Hi Ladies!!

    Real excited about tomorrow!!! Can hardly wait! Joy was so nice to say that I helped her, but the truth of the matter is...well, I just shared information that I received from others or came across in reading!! I believe in the power of reciprocity!! As you ladies will soon learn, I am a very honest person and really see excuses as worthless tools that build worthless monuments!! We are all here for a reason....to lose weight and build relationships in the process. For me the best way to build a meaningful relationship that is worth anything, is through honesty!!! The best way to lose weight is to be honest, about what you are eating, not eating, doing, not doing, if you're cheating, or not cheating.

    I totally agree and believe that we are more than a number on a scale! We are women who have something positive to contribute to society and to each other. The key to any success is ensuring that we "embrace common sense with uncommon levels of discipline and persistence." We must be "results-focused"!!!

    With that noted, I would like to share a link that someone shared with me. I think it will answer some questions about what to expect as you begin to undergo ketosis and why you will feel the way you do. Furthermore, I think that knowledge is power, and since I believe in the power of reciprocity, here's the link:



    Well ladies...until tomorrow!!! Have a wonderful day 1!!!!

  • Hannah --- yeah I had to post a long one. That’s what I get for staying away for 24 hours…I had a lot to reply to! :laugh: We’ll wait for you to wake up and weigh-in! :wink:

    Asdfjkl …. Welcome!!:flowerforyou:

    Kay --- thanks for the info. I’ll have something to read while waiting up for the kids tonight! :yawn:

    You all will see how supportive Kay is….she’s full of knowledge, but also full of just good common sense ‘tools’ as you read in her last post.

    I’m really excited to get started tomorrow!! For now, going to update my Blog.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I am joining in too.

    I am researching the "calcium leeching thing" because my bones are actually stronger on a density test since low carbing over the past few years.............and I have done low carb off and on.
  • slimisgd
    slimisgd Posts: 24
    LeanLioness...I am NOT surprised to see you here! I have read a couple of blogs where people have asked questions about Low Carb WOE, and there you are offering support and providing answers!!! So glad I you decided to join. I am certain that you have a wealth of knowledge about Low Carb eating to share with us!!!

  • LeanLioness....WELCOME! And, I'm also glad you're here to help us out! I've read a lot of your postings and you're full of knowledge too! Just clicked on your link regarding your blood work....great results!
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I like to join the group. I'm 45 yrs old. I'm always overweight most of my life. It does not bother me
    until now.. my doctor wants me to take high blood pressure pills. I had to go to emergency (not b/c of high blood pressure) once and I was so scared that I thought I have some awful sickness. I decided to get in shape since I used to tell myself.. I can do any physical activies for a skinny person.. there is no reason for me to lose weight. Well there is a reason now. Now I have to take high blood pressure pills, high risk of become diabetes 2. I'm going to lose weight .. no BUT about it.

    Here is my diet plan: do give me suggestion if you think I should change since i'm a newbie at low carb.

    Diet: Eat 5,6 meals a day, 30 gr of carb, 4 meals with heathy fat (olive oil, nut,etcs). I'm not go to put limit on the calorie input for now. One free meal a week..where I can eat whatever I want.
    Workout: 2xweight lifting, 3 x HIIT cardio workout, 3 x slow intensity work out.

    question: I don't know if I should go to keto stage or not. I heard that if you are in it.. and you eat lots of carbos.. you will gain back the weight overnight just for .1meal, 1 weak movement. I rather lose weight in a slower rate and keep it off.
    Current weight 188 lbs
    Target weight:140lbs.
    Mini target: 180 lbs by the end of august.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    LeanLioness...I am NOT surprised to see you here! I have read a couple of blogs where people have asked questions about Low Carb WOE, and there you are offering support and providing answers!!! So glad I you decided to join. I am certain that you have a wealth of knowledge about Low Carb eating to share with us!!!


    Ok, I swear on the Low Carb lifestyle!!! I have been off and on a LC eating plan for the past 6 years. When I am on LC, I no longer have to take high blood pressure meds, diabetes, depression and bi-polar meds, I AM MEDICATION FREE!!!

    I have done so much research about the science behind it and I have so many low carb books. I have every book that Dr Atkins has published, The South Beach Diet Book, Protein Power, Sugar Busters, The Zone, The Curves Diet (it has a carb sensitive half of the book), The Carbohydrate Addicts, Neander Thin, The Paleo Diet.................

    Protein is the fundamental building block of all of these plans. These plans focus on eating animal sources for protein, and plant resources in their most natural form................

    My only qualm about this website, is you will tend to be judged for eating a low carb plan, but my cholesterol and my weight are going down together.................

    And actually, my endocrinologist says that a cholesterol reading of around 200 is the healthiest. My naturopathic Dr and natural pharmacist say the same thing...................

    I will be more than happy to contribute anything I know in helping everyone to succeed.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    LeanLioness....WELCOME! And, I'm also glad you're here to help us out! I've read a lot of your postings and you're full of knowledge too! Just clicked on your link regarding your blood work....great results!


    I am going for blood work again on Friday (my birthday), so when it comes back, I will be posting it again.................

    I bought this pre-cut and washed salad yesterday, it is organic. It is called Organic Girl.............It was the best tasting lettuce (romaine) I have ever eaten in my life....................
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I like to join the group. I'm 45 yrs old. I'm always overweight most of my life. It does not bother me
    until now.. my doctor wants me to take high blood pressure pills. I had to go to emergency (not b/c of high blood pressure) once and I was so scared that I thought I have some awful sickness. I decided to get in shape since I used to tell myself.. I can do any physical activies for a skinny person.. there is no reason for me to lose weight. Well there is a reason now. Now I have to take high blood pressure pills, high risk of become diabetes 2. I'm going to lose weight .. no BUT about it.

    Here is my diet plan: do give me suggestion if you think I should change since i'm a newbie at low carb.

    Diet: Eat 5,6 meals a day, 30 gr of carb, 4 meals with heathy fat (olive oil, nut,etcs). I'm not go to put limit on the calorie input for now. One free meal a week..where I can eat whatever I want.
    Workout: 2xweight lifting, 3 x HIIT cardio workout, 3 x slow intensity work out.

    question: I don't know if I should go to keto stage or not. I heard that if you are in it.. and you eat lots of carbos.. you will gain back the weight overnight just for .1meal, 1 weak movement. I rather lose weight in a slower rate and keep it off.
    Current weight 188 lbs
    Target weight:140lbs.
    Mini target: 180 lbs by the end of august.

    Hi and welcome...........

    The beauty of low carb, is that you don't have to count calories...............

    Because you should be getting your meals from natural sources, proteins (chicken, beef, pork, etc) and plant sources (veggies and some fruit), healthy fats (coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, seeds, etc.....) your calories will naturally fall with in range...............

    Low Carb is a lifestyle change, it is not a "diet" you can go on and go off without gaining back the weight, as with any other "diet"..............however you lose the weight, whether it is low carb, low calorie, low fat, etc..................you have to be able to keep up eating that way forever to keep the weight off.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Ok, I am brimming with Energy!!!

    I got a blackberry storm and a new digital camera for my birthday and I am like a kid on Christmas Day.

    Anyway, I am looking for a utility that can help me count carbs electronically as I carry my phone with me anywhere and every where................
  • reisingmel
    reisingmel Posts: 50 Member
    This is Mel, checking in!

    This morning's weight is 160 lbs and by the end of the week I want to be 159 lbs (ambitious I know, but I haven't been below 160 in FOREVER!)
  • slimisgd
    slimisgd Posts: 24
    Good morning ladies!!

    Here with my official weigh in: 164.4lbs.

  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    Checking in!

    I weighed 211 this morning and hope to be 209 by next Monday!
  • My, my, my...........we have sure been busy around here. I'm finally checking in, but didn't weigh in this morning. Actually didn't t realize we were starting this today. But I'm on board.......as always. Joy seems to think I should do everything she does........she can be so controlling......LOL. She knows I NEED her assistance.............and she is VERY good at helping......:smile:

    I had a 'not so good' weekend and am extremely scared to even walk near the scale. It would probably blow up on my way there. So I am waiting until next week. Need to get myself focused mentally again. I have a tendency to go WAY off track when things don't go well. My brain always wants to over think things and the rest of me follows by over-indulging.

    That's it for me right now. Need to get going, but I promise I'll be back to annoy you all..........especially that Joy lady.......hehe

    By the way.......great introduction to the this new thread. Very motivational - as always........:flowerforyou:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Weighing in, 209.0 this morning!!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member

    LOL! Happy Monday, Ladies!

    Name is Resalyn, and I'm a 39 yo female from Iowa. Been doing low fat/low carb for a while now, have had great success but have gone MIA and off plan many times. I am married, have a 13 yo daughter, and a very supportive hubby who does this WOE w/ me most of the time. He tends to go off it on weekends though, which is sometimes hard for me!

    I have a lot of weight to lose :sad: but don't we all? I have tried so many different "diets" over the years.... many of them multiple times. I have had the most success with LC/LF - so that's what I'm gonna stick with. Watched Waterboy last night, and in my best imitation of Bobby's mama - "Carbs are of the DEVIL!"

    My weigh in for today is 265.2 - not as low as my Saturday weigh in, many factors contributing, but the bottom line is that slight scale fluctuations are a way of life. Intellectually I know this. I"m still getting used to this site - need to start entering my food here instead of Fitday, which will take some time. I still have to upload a pic and also get a ticker done for this site too. I'll get to all that eventually!

    Lots of posts to read - looking forward to getting to know all of you!
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