Low Carb-ers Challenge to Choose Change!



  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I have 5 pair of Nike running shoes and 2 pair of Saucony running shoes..............

    I am going to start out on the Elliptical machine first and foremost. That is what gets me going good!!!
  • Just read and now looking at my shoes...LOL! They are Nike ....says AIR on the sides and Walking on the top of the tongue thing....white with pink nike logo if that matters. Maybe I should go shopping! :bigsmile:
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272

    I just started back low carbing today!!!

    Would love to join your group!!

    I am currently at 167lbs and would like to get to 150lbs. I am 5'5" and work part-time. I am a mom of two boys 5 and 1 1/2.

    I am currently doing the Slim in 6 DVD's (week 4) and run a few times a week (anywhere from 5-10K).

    My weight has been at a standstill for some time now and thought I would go back to low carbing. Since NOT doing low carb, I've been feeling bloated and having some digestive probs, so I'm hoping this will help get my body feeling good again!!
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    uggg I feel like crap today... I wish all that rain would come to California. Its so hot I cant even walk out side with out nearly having a heat stroke... I was up all night cleaning because the apartments I live in were up for some type of inspection to upgade and fix things...So I was shampooing my carpets and scrubbing my walls and dusting. I am so tired I keep nodding off. I found out that my PG&E bill was $200!!! So we cant use our AC and because its so hot my husband and boys are still in bed. Some thing about the heat makes my family not have any energy... or eat... I dont know how but none of them can eat when its hot they just puke it back up.... We definatly need to move out of California...lol. So hopefully tomorrow I can feel good enough to work out...

    Lean- I cant believe they did that to you! Some people need to be better educated on stuff like diabetes especially if they work with food. My sister is a diabetic and some one we knew went into diabetic acoma and died... that made my sister straighten up real fast she didnt know how little it takes to send you into that position.
  • SHAGYBEAR......let me know what your goal is for our Monday weigh-in and I'll add it to the chart we have going. I've added your weight, but need your Monday goal. Thanks!

    Busy Busy...i'll be back later! :bigsmile:
  • Beachcomer
    Beachcomer Posts: 122 Member
    I enjoy and believe in much of the words I've been reading on this thread. I would like to join the group. My starting weight was 291 on July5th and today was 285. My diary is public so feel free to view. Looking foward to losing together.
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272

    Would like my goal for Monday to be 155... LOL, kiddin!!

    My goal for Monday is 166 !

    Thanks bunches!!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Anybody ever had a really successful day and then didn't feel like doing anything because you wanted to bask in your happiness?! Well its happening to me now! Everything today worked out great, I have money coming in, low-carb eating is becoming a breeze, exercise is so much fun, my house is clean, my dog is shaved (she sheds really bad). After this perfect, wonderful day, I just want to be a bum. :laugh:

    It would be fine, except I have a paper to write that's due tonight at 9pm. Rawr. Just ranting, no encouragement needed because I'm being a whiny brat and that big fat potential '0' is prompting enough to go do it. :wink: :tongue:
  • slimisgd
    slimisgd Posts: 24
    Welcome Stromy and Shagy....and a SPECIAL WELCOME TO OUR FIRST MALE MEMBER.....BEACHCOMER!!! Wow ladies.....we have a man in the house!!! This is really a great turnout for the challenge. It has been extremely informational. Sorry I have been out a bit, and I'm going on a mini vacation tomorrow until Sunday, so I'll be out a little longer.

    Carrie...you asked about the rain....IT HIT US HARD on last Saturday! We really needed it though. I know when I went up to hill country in May, the lakes were down by like 14 ft because of the drought. I'm sure it's gotten worse since then. Sorry to hear it's that hot, but I live in the Houston area, so it's hot and HUMID. I went to Dallas about a month ago to visit my old college friends and it was 104, but it was bearable because it wasn't humid. My friends were complaining, and I was like...it's not that bad....low humidity is great! Anyway...hopefully it picks up for you, weatherwise!

    Lean.....gotta hate when that happens!! It happened to us about a week ago when we went through a drive thru at Chic-Fil-A. I went right back through and told them I needed "DIET". It is especially rough when you are diabetic. CLUELESS is right!

    Mel....gotta admit that the cravings go away as soon as you get up and drink water or go to workout. I usually go to sleep if it gets THAT bad! If I'm at work, I go drink one 12oz glass of water. Not sipping, but drinking it....usually works for me! Just get past the initial detox stage and it gets easier!!

    Anyway....I hope to catch up with you all soon...I will try to stay updated while I'm gone. If not, Sassy and I communicate daily....She'll help keep me in line.....hopefully when I get back, I won't be EVICTED from my new cyber home!!

    Life is rough when ur gone for a while....people think they can just throw you out on the cyber streets without any warning!!
  • cmstief
    cmstief Posts: 59
    crl- your so right about shoes! they are SO important and they make all the difference! i love my mizunos they are the greatest! and superfeet inserts do the trick!

    anyways i was doing really good today with my food and everything and i even ran 8 miles but then I came home and ice cream and peanut butter bars with chocolate chips. god i'm totally a sugarholic! and i have such a hard time controlling myself!! it's like i either need to totally take it out of my life or there will be no hope for me!!! it's just so good! but god i hate feeling guilty! i'm tired of it! sooooooo TIRED of it ladies!!!!!
  • slimisgd
    slimisgd Posts: 24
    crl- your so right about shoes! they are SO important and they make all the difference! i love my mizunos they are the greatest! and superfeet inserts do the trick!

    anyways i was doing really good today with my food and everything and i even ran 8 miles but then I came home and ice cream and peanut butter bars with chocolate chips. god i'm totally a sugarholic! and i have such a hard time controlling myself!! it's like i either need to totally take it out of my life or there will be no hope for me!!! it's just so good! but god i hate feeling guilty! i'm tired of it! sooooooo TIRED of it ladies!!!!!

    8 miles is awesome!!! Throw the temptations AWAY...put them in the trash and on the curbside! You'll thank yourself when you reach goal!
  • Shakes
    Shakes Posts: 54
    Sounds like a nice forum. Iwish i could catch up....but there are alot of pages to readlol :drinker:
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    I had a pretty bad rant earlier but all is better now... I got out of the house and it did the trick! lol. Me and the hubby took the kids to the park andI feel so much better! I am going to have to wait until I get paid on the 6th to buy some fresh fruit and veggies and stuff so I dont fall back on my husbands poptarts and cereal. Some one said something about a 3 day fruit thing... how does that work???
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Slim - have fun on your mini vacation! So jealous. :devil:

    Mommyof2boys - Aww, that sounds so nice. I have got to find a park close to where I live to take my toddler. Though I'm not sure he would care yet, he's more fascinated by the big tall leafy things called 'trees' to play on any of the jungle gym equipment. :ohwell:

    cmstief - I'm completely with Slim, just get rid of the temptations - then you won't be able to do that. Congrats on your 8 miles though - that's awesome!

    Off to bed now ladies (and now gentleman - welcome!). Big day tomorrow and I'm so sleepy, looking at the little yawning emoticon just made me yawn. :yawn: :laugh:
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    Hey everyone!


    Does anyone have any advice on exactly how many carbs i should be eating on a 1200 cal diet? hmmm....havent quite made it all the way to no carb yet lol,...but not sure if i'm still eating too many - should i be aiming for lower than 20 p/day? :embarassed:

    thanks!!! :happy:
  • Mommyof2, i am also in California and dang it your right it is super duper hot!!! If it makes you feel any better my electric bill for just one month (this last month) is 325.00 , so yours is a deal compared to my heafty bill although 200 is alot also :sad: I have tried to walk at night and boy It does make you wanna faint!!! I got the LESLIE SAMSONE walk at home video's and I am gona do those here in my house with a fan on. When i went to Marshalls the other day i seen two of her "Walk at Home" DVD's in a package together for 4.99 so that was a great deal !!!:bigsmile: Anyhow stay strong and focused we cAN DO IT!!!!
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Hey everyone!


    Does anyone have any advice on exactly how many carbs i should be eating on a 1200 cal diet? hmmm....havent quite made it all the way to no carb yet lol,...but not sure if i'm still eating too many - should i be aiming for lower than 20 p/day? :embarassed:

    thanks!!! :happy:

    Well, you shouldn't be doing No carb, unless you are going to do the caveman diet or ZerCarb (which is protein only eating)..............

    If you are incorporating nuts, seeds, veggies, fruit into your eating, then you are eating healthy carbs........

    I would suggest counting carbs OR calories, but not both. You will drive yourself insane..............

    Instead, eat a generous portion of protein coupled with green leafy veggies, steamed veggies, etc.......after a few days see how you feel. Drink lots of water to detox your body...............

    Add in berries and some higher carb veggies, see how you feel...................
    Add in nuts and yogurt (fage total is my favorite)
    Add in melons, squash, sweet potato, apples, peanut butter.................

    When you add in foods, gauge how you feel after eating them. Does a particular food set off sweet cravings? Does a particular food make you feel bloated or tired? If the answer is Yes to one or more of these questions, it is possible that you have an intolerance to that food...............

    That is what I like about the structuredness of Atkins. You take out everything except for fat, protein (which is the basic building block) and couple it with green leafy veggies..............

    Then slowly start adding foods back in, that is called climbing the carb ladder.

    I recently found out that I have an intolerance to broccoli. :( It makes me swell up in my hands, feet and ankles. I love broccoli. My naturopath told me to remove it from my eating plan for 9 months and then reintroduce it. He told me with any food allergy, removing it for 9 months and then slowly reintroduce it should allow me to eat it again.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hey, Ladies - one more day til Friday and PAYDAY! WOOT!

    I looked at my Nikes last night and they say "running" on them, just like Sassy's - so I guess they'll be okay to start out the couch to 5 K next week. I need to get my Mp3 player charged up and loaded up with some podcasts so I'm ready to go on Monday. DH is off for two weeks (plant shutdown) starting on Monday, so he's gonna get my workout room finally set up. We moved in here in April, and the basement is still a disaster - so that's his project for his time off - among other things, LOL!

    LEANLIONESS - I personally tend to watch both carbs and calories - and the only way I keep sane is to log everything in my online food diary. I used fitday before I started here - and this database is so much bigger! I have hardly had to put in any custom foods at all!!! It's wonderful!

    I keep my cals around 1300-1400 a day, and my carbs 20-30 a day, and that seems to be working for me, at least at the moment...... I change it up now and then, up either the carbs or the calories to keep my body guessing.....
  • Lioness.....thanks for posting the good information. I totally agree with it --- it just makes sense! I try to keep my carbs 20 or below, but there are many days I go over by eating healthy veggies, almonds, and strawberries.

    Resalyn....my shoes say 'walking'....but I can go shopping for running shoes! Have you found any good podcasts for the music and timing yet? If so....send the links my way. I think I'm going to give this a try....don't know how it'll turn out....but I at least want to try it! Also....will you be using the instructions on the coolrunning site?? If I decide to do it, I want to do it along with you!

    I've been getting some emails here from people asking me to post another chart showing the updates of the new people who joined after Monday...so I'm working on that now. Once I post it...if your info needs corrections just let me know. Normally I will be posting this chart only after our Monday weigh-ins because it takes a little time to do all I need to do to get the link to post it! :wink:
  • Beachcomer
    Beachcomer Posts: 122 Member
    Morning, Great job on that water. I never heard of that coconut oil in your coffee. Can you tell me more.
    Keep Losing
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