Low Carb-ers Challenge to Choose Change!



  • BamaBaby --- I have a chart....just waiting for a few more weigh-in from those who came in on Saturday and said they would be joining. Will post chart tonight even if they don't get here to weigh...I can add them later. We have 20 right now! A good group...and we're all on a mission! :wink:
  • Lioness, thanks !!! So you have done ok with the subtraction of carbs for fiber, This is good cause I see all sorts of stuff out there like low carb wraps and low carb bread but, how many carbs should we eat is it 40 to 50 ? I get so confused!!! Can you tell me what you eat in a normal week? I get so tired of salads. I seen that plums have 8 carbs only so is that ok to eat? I really am trying an i need to lose weight so badly so all info. on this whole carb thing would be terrific!!! I thank you so much for helping me!!! I am so happy to have people to help support and inform me on this stuff!!!
  • Hannah....if you need help gettin' your monthly goal ticker, let me know....we can do it thru the private mail here so we won't bother all the other girls...back and forth....LOL!
  • Ms. Sassy believe me I know how you feel cause i smell or look at a carb and my body plumps up :noway: it is so crazy!!!! I live in california and it is 106 degress where i live so when I go outside I think i lose a pound from sweating LOL...............that is a plus i think :wink: anyhow i am making slushies they are delicious. I but ice,water , and crystal light in the blender and walla......a yummy slush. Anyone else have any low carb yummy stuff to make i need all the creative help i can get!!!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Ms. Sassy believe me I know how you feel cause i smell or look at a carb and my body plumps up :noway: it is so crazy!!!! I live in california and it is 106 degress where i live so when I go outside I think i lose a pound from sweating LOL...............that is a plus i think :wink: anyhow i am making slushies they are delicious. I but ice,water , and crystal light in the blender and walla......a yummy slush. Anyone else have any low carb yummy stuff to make i need all the creative help i can get!!!

    Oh great idea! I'm a SoCal girl, and we've hit the really hot months, so I just avoid the outside altogether. :indifferent: But I LOVE Crystal Lite so I will definately be giving this a try! Thanks so much! :drinker:

    I make cheese 'chips' as a low carb snack, normally out of Parmesan and a little garlic. Just make about five or six 1Tbsp piles of shredded Parmesan (or other hard cheese) on glass bakeware, silicone or other similar surface and pop them in the oven at 350 for about 8 minutes til they start to get brown around the edges. I like dry, crunchy snacks and those are typically not carb friendly, so it really satisfies my 'muchie' craving with 0 carbs!

    And Sassy, thanks, I got it workin! :bigsmile:
  • The Slushies sound good!

    Hannah....your quote "A year from now, you may wish you had started today - Robert Schuller" I LOVE IT....and boy do I ever wish I had started a year ago!!!! :bigsmile:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Ok, got my tickerfactory ticker on here - much prefer that to the custom ones. It's cool to be able to use your own picture, but they are so BIG - I feel like it was taking up too much space in my siggy line!!!!

    I started using the food diary here today instead of fitday - and it was so much nicer! I'm still getting used to it, but the database is huge!!!! I don't want to put stuff in two different sites, but man, I know I"m going to miss my fitday - I'm so used to using it, been using it for years.....
  • Resalyn...and everybody....I just read here that only MFP tickers are allowed, so I deleted my ticker factory ticker. Wonder if anyone else uses ticker factory here? Maybe I'll browse some threads, because I do like them...but afraid to use it if it's against the rules. :sad: :sad:
  • slimisgd
    slimisgd Posts: 24
    Ms. Sassy believe me I know how you feel cause i smell or look at a carb and my body plumps up :noway: it is so crazy!!!! I live in california and it is 106 degress where i live so when I go outside I think i lose a pound from sweating LOL...............that is a plus i think :wink: anyhow i am making slushies they are delicious. I but ice,water , and crystal light in the blender and walla......a yummy slush. Anyone else have any low carb yummy stuff to make i need all the creative help i can get!!!

    Oh great idea! I'm a SoCal girl, and we've hit the really hot months, so I just avoid the outside altogether. :indifferent: But I LOVE Crystal Lite so I will definately be giving this a try! Thanks so much! :drinker:

    I make cheese 'chips' as a low carb snack, normally out of Parmesan and a little garlic. Just make about five or six 1Tbsp piles of shredded Parmesan (or other hard cheese) on glass bakeware, silicone or other similar surface and pop them in the oven at 350 for about 8 minutes til they start to get brown around the edges. I like dry, crunchy snacks and those are typically not carb friendly, so it really satisfies my 'muchie' craving with 0 carbs!

    And Sassy, thanks, I got it workin! :bigsmile:

    I love protein floats!! I use Diet A&W rootbeer, one scoop of 100% whey protein (vanilla) and 1/2 cup of ice.....Blend...and waalaa!!! A Rootbeer Float!!! My FAVORITE treat!!!
  • slimisgd
    slimisgd Posts: 24
    Resalyn...and everybody....I just read here that only MFP tickers are allowed, so I deleted my ticker factory ticker. Wonder if anyone else uses ticker factory here? Maybe I'll browse some threads, because I do like them...but afraid to use it if it's against the rules. :sad: :sad:

    Wonder if we can add a link to another site for our other ticker???? Don;t know how to do it, but it's a thought!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Resalyn...and everybody....I just read here that only MFP tickers are allowed, so I deleted my ticker factory ticker. Wonder if anyone else uses ticker factory here? Maybe I'll browse some threads, because I do like them...but afraid to use it if it's against the rules. :sad: :sad:

    I've seen them used quite a bit! Normally not for weight loss, but for stuff like pregnancy & smoking. If Mike asks me to take it down I certainly will, but I think that might be an overlooked rule. :bigsmile:
  • If you go to settings to make your ticker....it states there ONLY MFP tickers, and also says NO links. So I just don't know...but I really like my ticker factory ticker. But, that's okay....I REALLY LOVE this MFP food diary and exercise diary and BLOG...it's awesome....so I can live with the ticker I have. :tongue:
  • Who's Mike? The one in charge? Well....Hannah....you've been here longer than a few of us, so if you say it's okay...maybe it's okay.....it would be cool to use for not smoking and stuff...NOT that I even smoke...but I like Tickers! :laugh:

    EDIT: Nevermind...I see who Mike is...just read the rules...and nothing there about tickers....So??? :smooched:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Mike = big boss, MFP god, site owner & maintainer. Really sweet guy, very helpful. :bigsmile:

    I just know a lot of long term members that have been using other tickers. We should all be fine. If we aren't, well... you gals can all say it was my evil influence that put you up to it. :wink: :laugh:

    So I have a low carb question. I'm having a really hard time getting all my calories in, especially when I exercise because I burn anywhere from 400 - 600 calories. What are some high calorie but low carb food? Veggies don't work because I have to eat so darn many of them, and I'm eatting soooo much meat. So any snack ideas?

    700 calories left for the day and I've already planned my dinner! Eeep!

    *I'd also like to ad that I'M NOT HUNGRY. Not in the least tiny little bit. Its amazing what happens when you cut out carbs, because I always struggled to stay under my calorie limit before when I could eat pretty much anything...
  • Hannah .... I have the same problem. I think cheese is higher calorie no carb food????? Lioness can help...and Kay too probably. I don't think I can or will eat my exercise calories....actually I'm a little confused on that particular subject so if anyone has any hints on what this does or doesn't do for you...let me know! Thanks! :smile:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I really need to go do something else, I think I'm addicted to MFP today. :laugh: :tongue:

    This is a great link on eating exercise calories Sassy - one of the most comprehensive I've seen, written by our resident nutrition guru Banks. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/10589-for-those-confused-or-questioning-eating-your-exercise-calo
  • HANNAH.....here's a little something for you.....:laugh:

  • why do you have to eat all of your calories? I asked my Dr. about that and he said dont eat if your not hungry!!! He said main rule was to stay on low carb and your sure to lose!!!
  • Allen and Slim those are both really good ideas!!!! I cant wait to try them. I LOVE FOOD and I want to get very creative and these idea's seem to be DELICOUS!!! yummy cant wait!!!:love:
  • crl0421
    crl0421 Posts: 13
    Good evening ladies!!!

    Hannah--- don't eat if your not hungry. If you are then at something. Cheese is a good alternative but can slow some down. Thankgoodness it doesn't me. I love cheese. The parm. chips, as I call them, are my favorite. I also like to do it with mozzerella cheese as well. I could do it any kind of cheese.

    Everyone is so active here, I love it!!!! Day one of the fruit flush diet sucks by the way!!! I had a hard time getting all my shakes down. 40 ounces??? 8 oz at a time. Not sure why, though. If I do shakes all day I can usually get 3 down at 11 ounces each. BUT then came dinner time....3-6 cups of salad with olive oil and lemon or lime dressing. NOT GOOD!!! I'm from the south, I like my ranch!!!! I choked 3 cups down and some chicken. So it's on to 2 days of fruit and a salad at night. Everything is ready for work. Fruit will be a breeze. I have to set my alarm on my phone to remember to eat. lol

    I'm out for tonight. I'm tired. Talk to everyone in the morning. Hambone ( love the name)!!!!!
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