frefrebelle Member


  • Agree with the above - I suggest Cold Turkey on sugar, all refined sugar! It's a b*tch and takes about 3 weeks to really work, but you start to feel better after a few days and the cravings/compulsive eating really do go. Good luck with it all :) Ps must admit that I am still struggling post Holday season myself, after…
  • These look good, I will try them out this week - think my husband will enjoy, my son will need the maple syrup to convince him :) Also, thanks for the intro to the recipe site, there're some tasty looking dishes on there.
  • I just finished watching all 4 seasons of Prison Break whilst working out - got a story line to keep you engaged, simple enough to follow even if you are sweating profusely and out of breath, enough action to get you motivated (it seems when they were having a punch up I managed to push harder as well) and there are enough…
  • As I sit here unable to resist all of the Christmas chocolate around me I am thinking I had better join this challenge, otherwise I won't lose the next 20 pounds and worse, may not fit my beautiful new Christmas/NYE dress!!! I am starting at the lower end of the time goal, but I don't want to not manage to fit it in and…
  • You look fantastic - well done! Good luck with the rest, you can do it :) Feel free to friend me if you would like, I'm 50ish pounds downa nd have about 25/30 to g...which will take me a long time, I'm going very slow.
  • Phenomenal! You look absolutely great, well done! Enviable arms too :)
  • That's great - well done!!!
  • Hiya, I know what you mean! Though my achievements haven't been as amazing as your - well done on that btw :) - I have lost 50 pounds and need to lose another 20ish. But I cannot see it at all! I have been joking about body dysmorphia (thinks that's how you spell it), but I don't even see it when I look at before and…
  • Nothing 'semi' about that success story - that is wholly amazing! Well done you - you are inspiring and I wish you lots of luck with the last 29 pounds :)
  • Ps I am now also thinner than I was during my college days, so double wrong :)
  • Wrong! I know this because my horrendously slender and perfect looking mum is the same size as she always has been, 110 pounds - barring a couple if years at the height of her dancing career when she was thinner. Trying living up to that, ho hum...
  • Thanks for posting this topic! I am two runs away from finishing c25k and have signed myself up for the "Santa run", a charity 5k on 9 Dec...and am panicking! My husband, who is one of those irritating skinny healthy guys who runs 3 times a week for FUN, is going to go running outside with me to get me prepared, because…
  • Great to read all these posts from other short girls - very inspiring all of you! I'm 5ft and 1/2inch - (pre-mfp) SW 196.5 (mfp) SW 178 CW 150.1 UGW 126 I have lots of mini GWs in between, like another 5 pounds before Christmas, to have lost 25kilos, to lose a whole Jakob (my son) etc I chose my goal because it puts me…
  • Wearing my new (UK) size 12 jeans and winter coat...zipped up and everything! Am down from a (UK) size 18/20...yay me :)
  • Holy Sunday Challenge, Batgirl! I'm in, my Pilates and errands should get me to at least 500.
  • That's not a small thing, it's a very brave thing! to actually put yourself in a situation you know is going to be a struggle and going for it anyway. I have never been able to run, or do much at all, but I did week 5 day 2 this morning - I am no where near fit yet and certainly not a runner, but every session it gets…
  • I am NOT a morning person...or for that matter a gym person, but after barely seeing my son in the evenings and not getting to spend any time with my husband, I bit the bullet and started going in the mornings before work - much to the amusement of everyone who knows me. It is hellish and I can't say that I enjoy it, but…
  • Oh, now I get it...I had no idea who this chap was, but now I've seen the photos, I totally understand the crushing happening!!! Ps love the group idea, but have just committed to running training - have fun girls :)
  • Hi everyone, Thanks for the post - I'm looking forward to losing a whole heap of weight with you chaps and making some friends along the way! Freya x Ps mfp wouldn't let me add everyone, as I was doing it too quickly....anyone who I haven't 'friended' yet, give me ten mins and I will then add you. Pps or feel free to add…
  • I am so glad this got posted, I thought it was just me - I have spent the last 4 months moaning about having wrinkles and spots! Will try the tips on here now. Thanks everyone and good luck :)
  • Hiya LucyBzz Me too! I am way over, double the amount and that's pretty much thanks to two apples and milk. Like you I am not going to remove all dairy from diet, nor fruit, for much the same reasons as you. Anyone with a sensible answers please clue me in as well! Freya :)
  • So it turns out I am Samoan - and surprisingly there actually two Countries in the world where I am thinner than average. My ultimate goal will make me Malaysian, that doesn't sound too bad - very good food and maybe some clothes to fit my height :) F. ps not having seen this thread, I posted the article as well and can't…
  • I used to walk a lot, but since my desk job it's waned, so stopped considering it exercise. I have recently started wearing a pedometer out of curiosity, it does a rough estimate of calories burned and anything above 200, which I have worked out is my average walking kcal for the day, I add. Not sure if that helps, or is…
  • I'm taking back that summer feeling....even if it does nothing but rain here! And with that summer feeling; smiling at the gym and smiling whilst eating salads and smiling whilst ignoring naughty foods. Thanks Monkeynumber1 - this is an excellent post, an excellent idea and just what I needed. I think TIBTs are going to…
  • Hiya, I'm London based and log my food and exercise every day - happy to be a cheerleader and also would welcome any support in return. If you or any others in the same boat want to 'friend' me, please do. Good luck!! F :)
  • Hiya, Am new to all of this and haven't ventured on the forum before. I am very serious about the new lifestyle I am joining and would also love some extra support - I log my food and exercise daily and very honestly. I am not good every day, but as this is a 'rest of my life' sort of thing I have to be realistic with…