Lifestyle change...anyone for mutual support?

Hello All,

I started my lifestyle change in early march and have for the last couple of months embraced the mfp food logging and exercise, and am now trying to embrace the social and support aspect as well.

I have lost about 30 pounds, have another 40ish to go, I'm based in London. Eat clean* (mostly...) and exercise 3/4 times a week. I have a very supportive husband and supportive 11 year old son...when he's not being a pre-teen nightmare :)

I am on the site daily and as you will see from open food diary I am brutally honest about what I have eaten, no point otherwise, right?

I have started wobbling a bit recently, but as of a few days ago I am fully back on the wagon.

I would be very grateful for support and am also a happy cheerleader if one is needed!

Good luck to all who read this :)


*This is a new term for, not one used in the UK much, I take it to mean eating actual foods with real ingredients, as few as possible processed foods, little junk food - in other words a sensible diet.


  • Laura1667
    Laura1667 Posts: 12 Member
    Great job losing 30 lbs! I have also started a lifestyle change and started eating "clean". It has helped me to get off my plateau and start losing again. Well, that and crossfit. I live in Texas, but have been to London on several occasions in the past and love your city! I am starting to learn more about the social part of this website and am finding it surprisingly helpful. Please add me as a friend and we can support each other!

    Laura (small town Texas)
  • MDS369
    MDS369 Posts: 36 Member
    Congrats on your journey & success thus far! Couldn't agree more re eat clean ... Feel free to add me so we can do this together:)
  • auntycaca
    auntycaca Posts: 2
    Well done Freyabi!! I have just joined this week and think I can do well with this app / site. You are absolutely right about being honest with your food diary, at the end of the day the only person you cheat is yourself!!! I have made my food diary public; hope it helps. Can't wait to be able to say I have lost 30lbs.

    I'll friend request you just now, and look forward to some mutual support :)

    Auntycaca (just outside Glasgow)
  • angelbaby52102
    angelbaby52102 Posts: 42 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend as well.. I am always looking for some friends on here to help motivate eachother :)
  • tlnurse
    tlnurse Posts: 229 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend as well! We can all use each other's support! Look forward to "losing" together!:flowerforyou:
  • happychic1966
    happychic1966 Posts: 1 Member
    That's awesome Freyabl! Feel free to add me as a friend as well. I am always ready to help motivate one another. :-)
    Hi! My name is Kelly and I live in Arkansas. I love my fitness. The weight loss was been so easy for me to do and largely in part to MFP. I started making life style changes in my diet and exercise about 4 months ago. I started gradually I lost about 20 pounds first before I actually started exercising. I have lost a total of 84 lbs and I lost 20 lbs before I started using MFP, then 64 lbs since using MFP. I am over halfway in my weight loss goal of ( + or -)130 lbs. I have a great support system outside of MFP but always welcome positive and support . I am determination to lose the weight and change my life style. I also set many goals for myself along the way. Along with MDP I created fitness goals, weight goals, with rewards for my reached goals. I hiked a 4 mile mountains with water falls about 1 month ago as my first fitness goal. I am hiking my 2nd mountain tomorrow. Then at another 10-15 lbs I am going to do a zip line here in AR. My final fitness goal is going to Arizona and do the Grand Canyon. a I also rewarded myself with a dinner of my favorite food after I reached a weight goal. My 1st one was my favorite Mexican Restaurant. My 2nd one will be a fish dinner after the next 4 lbs of weight loss. I even had clothing goals. 1st on was to get into my favorite crop pants I had in my closet and hadn't worn in several years, and 2nd was a jean skirt I bought. Well both have been obtained and done. Now I have to go buy me a new outfit to work on losing weight to get into. LOL
    Anyways! Welcome to MFP and look forward to support and help motivate.
  • frefrebelle
    frefrebelle Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for the post - I'm looking forward to losing a whole heap of weight with you chaps and making some friends along the way!

    Freya x

    Ps mfp wouldn't let me add everyone, as I was doing it too quickly....anyone who I haven't 'friended' yet, give me ten mins and I will then add you.

    Pps or feel free to add me :)
  • Congradulations on your progress. I hope to have good reports in the near future! I have made changes recently. My eating habbits, portions and such, however change, and variety are struggles. We, my husband and I are trying to eat healthy. I started a work out schedule of sorts one week ago. I found this site this week as I was wanting to see what my calorie intake was. This is an awesome tool MFP!! I look forward to hearing about your progress, good luck!