AlexD3 Member


  • I just started the Keto Lifestyle this week, and this is day 3 for me. I'm trying to stay below 25 carbs per day. The confusing part is deciding to stay under 25 carbs/day or 25 net/carbs per day. Right now, I'm trying to be disciplined and stay below 25 carbs/day.
    in Low carb Comment by AlexD3 August 2017
  • Thank you. I had the same question.
  • Nice cite. It was helpful. I talked it over with my doc and she said the same thing. All is normal for this medication.
  • Good information. I was concerned with the small jump in weight, when I am supposed to be losing weight. Thanks.
  • I've used this website for the past 6 months. It is very helpful. It works for me when I take the time to log my food. When I fail to log my food, I can see the negative results. The mobile application is very helpful as well. Good luck with your progress.
  • Good program that takes a high level of dedication.
    in What is P90X? Comment by AlexD3 May 2011
  • I could not figure that one out either. I keep all my exercises ( to include weight circuit training) tracked under the cardiovascular area. I wear a heart monitor that gives me a pretty good idea of how many calories I'm burning and log that information over the default values. My numbers are more conservative (lower).…
  • I see that you have many responses. I'll add one. I like ginger snaps - try Shasha Co. - Spelt Ginger Snaps. I purchased them at whole foods. This is a pretty good snack. 15 cookies equals one serving.
  • Mollie - I agree with you. I think that this new lifestyle (which includes eating) is a journey and sometimes on a journey we fall down. The important thing is not to stay down. Get right back up and try again. I am checking in for the last time this month. I am happy to report that I have exceeded my goal by 4 lbs. My…
  • It's great to read about all your successes and struggles. Weighed in today and was happy to see the scale going in the right direction. I had a giant chocolate bar yesterday (yes, I ate it all). Nonetheless, I lost 1.3 pounds this week and I am 0.7 lbs away from monthly goal of 10 lbs. Giving up the chips has really…
  • Dropped one more pound this week. I am down 8 on my way to October's goal of 10 lbs lost for the month. I have finished my second week using this program I have leveled off a bit and I am enjoying controlling my food intake. I've been pretty successful exercising every week day and some weekend days.
  • I hope you are successful. I've found this website very helpful, especially the Droid application.
  • Same experience as everyone else. I thought that it might be water weight. I'm not sure.
  • I did my interval training this morning on the treadmill. Run 5 minutes - walk 2 minutes and repeat for approximately 30 minutes. I am trying to build up my endurance in running. It is a great way to burn calories.
  • I did my interval training this morning on the treadmill. Run 5 minutes - walk 2 minutes and repeat for approximately 30 minutes. I am trying to build up my endurance in running. It is a great way to burn calories.
  • Just had my first bad day (where I go over my caloric allowance) yesterday. Back in the swing this morning and had a great workout. First week was good. I kept the commitment in not eating tortilla chips (which means no salsa). :laugh: :laugh:
  • I hate it when that happens. However, I've found that it is usually water weight that I put on. Love those cheat days & hate the morning scale after...
  • I hadn't looked at from that view. That sounds pretty exciting and attainable. Thanks!
  • I'm new to the program and would like to join in on your challenge. If you approve, then my goal is 10 lbs for October. I will cut out the tortilla chips (excess carbs) from my diet choices. Also, I will be adding in weight resistance this month. ~Alex