mccindy72 Member


  • If you aren't losing weight, you're eating too much. You might want to recheck your calorie deficit, and be sure you are weighing all your solids and measuring all your liquids. Be very honest with your logging.
  • Buy a food scale. Plan out your meals, weigh your solid foods and measure caloric liquids. Log everything. Being mindful of what you are eating, seeing your portions and what the actual sizes are that equal the calories you should be eating is very helpful. If feeling full without bingeing is an issue, find foods that work…
  • Don't use singular events as reasons to lose weight and get into shape. You should be doing this for your own self worth and your health. Whatever shape you are in for your event is the shape you are in, and no one has the right to judge you for that. Being that it is several months away, if you start now, you can only be…
  • Don't focus on numbers on the scale, but on what you are seeing and feeling. Weight loss is never linear, but will have stops and starts as things like hormonal fluctuations, changes in diet, and exercises can cause your body to retain water and your weight to appear to plateau. as long as you are happy with the changes…
  • It's not a race. Trying to rush sets you up for failure when you aren't able to sustain the deficit, or get discouraged by the lack of loss. what's the rush? You've got the rest of your life to lose the weight and maintain the weight. If you lose it too fast you will lose lean muscle, and have sagging skin. If you take…
  • One problem with workouts like the elliptical and the treadmill is that they become rote and routine, and we can feel like we aren't getting the best possible workout. I tried to change things up on my elliptical to keep things challenging. One thing that really worked for me was interval training. Some ellipticals come…
  • Although it's probably the protein and small amount of fat in the milk that are giving her the feeling of satiety so that she is sleeping comfortably through the night.
  • There are a lot of arguments regarding when people should exercise, when people should eat, etc. But the real question is: what works for you? If the time you exercise works for you, keep it up. Unless you are having trouble sleeping or find yourself not wanting to work out at that time, then you're fine. Same goes for…
  • I think also that people tend to make assumptions about other people without knowing anything about them. How does one person know if another has eaten at a deficit or restricted calories? Everyone has been through something difficult, here.
  • Buy a food scale. Weigh all of your solid foods, measure all caloric liquids. Log them. Stick to a calorie deficit. As mentioned above, you will need to pay attention to macro nutrients (carbs/fats/proteins) and adjust them. You're looking to maintain muscle mass as you lose fat, so you're going to want to eat a higher…
  • Eesh, yes. I missed that. Misread the weight as 154. I thought she was closer to goal weight.
  • If you like the cereal, and it's working, just figure out a way to make room for it in your calorie deficit. Otherwise if there's something else you'd rather have, figure out the calories for that snack and make the room for that. The timing doesn't matter. As long as you are under your calorie goal for the day, you will…
  • Switch out some foods for others that will leave you feeling full longer. Satiety is important, because it leads to success. You will stick to your calorie deficit if you don't feel like you're starving. many people feel fuller longer when eating more protein and fats. Try: nuts, nut butters, eggs, avocado, lean meats…
  • Also, remember that it is natural for women to have a small belly. Even the most fit woman will have a small curve to her belly when standing natural and relaxed. Don't expect perfection from yourself, because there is no such thing as a perfectly flat belly.
  • You can't spot lose weight, and can't 'tone' one particular area. Each body loses weight in its own particular way, and all you can do is patiently lose the weight. As far as how you want your body to look as you lose the weight, start a lifting program. As you lose the fat, and increase the weights, you will develop and…
  • Eating more calories isn't the answer, nor is eating many small meals. If you find yourself struggling with not feeling full after meals and snacking between them, work on finding foods that do leave you feeling fuller longer. What works for most people is a combination of fat and protein. Try a breakfast of meat and egg,…
  • Pretty challenging to find even takeout that doesn't have any veggies included in it, unless it's specifically ordered that way. A lot of people really don't understand just how many different foods qualify as vegetables.
  • Some days I just have 5 desserts. For realz. You can check my diary.
  • Having a craving doesn't mean you are addicted to something, it just means you have a taste for it. In some cases, it can mean a deficiency of some mineral can be possible, but you'd need to see a doctor to determine that.
  • It's a journey, not a race, so don't expect to lose it all in a short amount of time. Keep working and be patient. Remember that once you get to goal, you're not done. Weight loss and then maintenance is a life long journey. You make sustainable changes and when things don't seem to be working, make adjustments. Don't give…
  • I will second the chart being a helpful tool. Take notes on it, because it's information that should be referred back to more than once. Some of the ideas in this thread are not as helpful as others - if you are not losing weight, eating more is not the answer. Just be patient and use the food scale, logging your calorie…
  • You might want to move this out of the Chit-Chat section. The people who will know how to help you don't often wander in to this area.
  • There was a lot more to my post than just the question about her response.
  • I hope you're just being sarcastic. i think there are so many different perceptions of 'bad' and 'good'. You asked about if someone's child died saving other children in an orphanage... my personal perception would not be that my child's death was 'bad' in that instance. Every single person on earth dies, and that would be…
  • I miss Cheetos. A favorite of mine; but sadly, there are no good gluten-free Cheeto alternatives, and I can no longer eat gluten due to Celiac disease. Cheetos aren't bad. They aren't satiating alone, but a 160 calorie snack isn't meant to be satiating; it's just a pleasing taste of something you enjoy.