

  • Wow, that's great ... Really jealous now :)
  • I eat these for dinner a lot with two small kids and eating late at night. I don't feel hungry later and am loosing weight. If you want a different choice try Kashi since they have different grains and things. They aren't loadeded with carbs ... I wish :) some of the leane cuisine are also made with potato or sweet potato…
  • Do the sports thing above, but ... If it is hard to fit in enough with your schedule tell her that you need her help since you are finding it hard to stay on track after three years and need her (and you other daughters too) to start walking/ jogging with you. Even have them pick hacking places out if you have good places…
  • Above comment is probably the most true, but ... I try to workout in the morning since someone told me a long time ago that since it increases your metabolism it will help you burn off your cals better during the day. Two other things that help me, if I do it in the morning I am more likely to stick with my diet since I…
  • A little late on this, but completed a week ago! Now going to gradually build up my speed and really burn some fat!
  • I just finished it ... The pounds seem to just melt off if you stick with it. A warning, about halfway through you will get really tired for a week or two, but take some vitamins and keep going. Now I run and have more energy than before, but body has to adjust.
  • FYI to everyone if they are interested there is a 100 pound plus group on here you can join just to chat with others with the same goal.
  • Ok, so it sounds like I just need to relax and just run my slow 35 mins for the next few weeks or go a little longer if I feel like it, then start slowly adding in speed. I use a treadmill, so I probably need to figure out how the training programs work and start using these at the slow speed too until I can tell that the…
    in Run Faster Comment by jessimom July 2012
  • I don't do cheat days, though I have occasional wth days :) ... I am trying to loose weight but I want this to be for good, so I don't stress if I give into a craving occasionally ... But like last weeks paid for it since I gained a pound. This is what helps me not do everyday as a wth day ;)
  • P.s. if you are having bad side effects from it ask to switch to extended release form ... Still cheap but it helps a lot of people out
  • It is known to help people loose weight, but not on it's own. You have to be watching your diet (not just calories but eating like a diabetic). You also have to exercise. All three things help regulate the blood sugar spikes that you get with insulin resistance which causes your body to store energy as fat ... I know that…
  • Did do to above message ... Much rather enjoy a nice glass of wine while my husband chows down on ice cream or cookie dough ... He actually makes low cal cookie dough to just eat!
  • I take Metformin and this seems to have been the key for me, that and even though I do not have diabetes I eat like a diabetic (e.g pair carbs with protein and fat). I work at a hospital and one of my pals is a dietician and they said PCOS Diet = diabetic's diet.
  • Yes, do it! I am half way through and was really out of shape since I couldn't do anything but walk a little while pregnant due to heart stuff ... Started after I recovered fully from my c section. If one day or week is too much, just stay with the one below it for a while ... You can still walk afterwards to get a full…
  • Found sugar fee ( not calorie free :() jolly ranchers and lifesavers today ... I can have a few and not feel like I am spiking my blood sugar and therefore messing with my metabolism ... Yeah sf food!
  • I have PCOS too :( ... Finally got the official diagnosis after nothing went back to normal with my first child (boy). My GYN said after I had my daughter that I may just need to relax about the weight loss since I am a working mom with little time and have PCOS .... Just made me determined to prove him wrong ... I told…
  • Sort of being funny, but I did spend 45mins dashing around, lifting my son up and down off the floor and holding his arms to keep him on the gymnastic bars last night ... I broke out in a sweat from it .... Not nearly as much as c25k does, but still ;)
  • Appetite suppressants usually are stimulants, usually not so great on the heart ... There are other types that decrease fat intake, but if u have thyroid issue the med that you take for that should help you loose with diet and exercise
  • Is supposed to be ok to have when u are pregnant and been in Europe for a really long time ... Just don't overdo it ... Coming from a very paranoid mom that was really careful with everything she ate while pregnant a few months ago Personally prefer Splenda ... Just two sugar molecules joined together with chlorine…
    in Zevia Comment by jessimom June 2012
  • Hah! Very motivational comment about eating 1500 calls per meal ;)
  • I just plan three meals and kind just snack on my lunch when I get hungry in the morning and then bf I go home in afternoon to keep me going when I get home with the kids .... I tend to get too stressed if I overplan meals and then get distracted at work or home and miss them ... I think this has not helped me in the past…
  • Begining fourth week ... Feel great now but even though I could do the runs I was really tired first two weeks and a bit cranky ... Just run through it bc now I feel like stress is getting better too
  • Wow ... Was feeling great, but only one day behind you ... Hope I can do next week ... Feels great so far
  • I'm in ... Been doing it for almost 4 weeks and loving it now ... Actually felt like I was more stressed in begining but now finally got rid of all the built up stress stuff and it is relaxing me now ... Keep at it I can't believe that I can run for 3 min intervals now and KNOW I will make it through the whole program :)
  • Just getting started on calorie counting, but have been running now for almost a month. I just had my second baby a few months ago and never lost the first baby's weight since they are only 18 months apart ... So pregnant for three years ;) and scars about starting to jog again. So I looked around for something to help me…